
  • 网络International Brand;global brand;INTERBRAND
  1. 用开放的思想创COSCO国际品牌

    Using open-minded thought to set up the international brand of COSCO

  2. IBA国际品牌协会评审顾问;

    IBA international brand consultancy Accreditation Association ;

  3. 电源采用国际品牌的军工级电源,能效高,LED选国际品牌用高亮度芯片,硅胶封装。

    Main materials like LED choose high brightness chip with silicon packing , power supply use the world famous brands .

  4. 本土品牌VS国际品牌博弈中央电视台

    Native Brand VS International B (?) d Struggle in CCTV

  5. 美国的NBA作为全球化的职业篮球联盟,已经成为世界著名的国际品牌。

    NBA basketball league match is now a prominent world brand .

  6. 随着中国加入WTO,国际品牌加入中国市场竞争,一场品牌竞争的国际赛事正拉开序幕。

    After entering WTO , international brands enter our national market that brings about an international match of competition of brand .

  7. 近年来,美国零售商百思买(BestBuy)和家得宝(HOMEDEPOT)等大型国际品牌都被迫退出了中国市场。

    Big international brands such as US retailers Best Buy and Home Depot have been forced to abandon China in recent years .

  8. 更重要的是,克莱斯勒需要Jeep成为一个真真正正的国际品牌。

    More importantly , Chrysler needs jeep to become a truly global brand .

  9. 一份报告指出,随着源自中国的冒牌手机大量流入新兴市场,它们正在对诺基亚(nokia)等国际品牌构成越来越严重的威胁。

    Fake handsets from China are posing an increasing threat to multinational brands such as Nokia as they flood emerging markets , according to a report .

  10. 以国际品牌理念,打造温州制造产业,联合组建eaa现代化国际洋务工程。

    Set up Wenzhou manufacture industry with international brand idea , and associately build EAA modernization international Foreign-Business project .

  11. 联想与TCL都曾因收购知名国际品牌而获得国际声誉,并成为中国企业走出去战略中的先锋。

    Lenovo and TCL have won international fame as pioneers of corporate China 's efforts to go global by buying well-known international brands .

  12. 虽然联想在中国赫赫有名,但苹果和宝马(BMW)等更出名的国际品牌仍被中国人视为身份与地位的象征。

    Although Lenovo has a strong reputation and is widely respected in China , stronger global brands like apple ( AAPL ) and BMW are viewed as status symbols there .

  13. 据国际品牌实验室(WBL)评估,长虹品牌的无形资产价值高达330.73亿元,是中国家电行业品牌价值快速提升的典范。

    World brand lab ( WBL ) assess that CHANGHONG invisible asset amount to thirty three billion Yuan .

  14. 近几年国产沥青采用环烷基原油生产,其技术性能有了质的飞跃,达到了国际品牌水平,东海牌沥青应用于F1赛场就是最好的证明。

    Now technology properties of homemade asphalts with naphthene base crude oil , for example , DONGHAI sign asphalt used in F1 race field , have greatly raised and reached the level of overseas asphalt products with famous trademark .

  15. Forrester研究公司分析师萨拉•罗特曼•艾普斯表示,一个成功的国际品牌,其标准之一是确保在不同市场使用同样的品牌名。

    Part of owning a successful global brand often involves having one voice with which you speak to the customer , says Sarah Rotman EPPs , a Forrester Research Analyst .

  16. 现年47岁的费雷罗(PietroFerrero)运营着一个巨大的家族企业,生产一系列国际品牌,例如Nutella和FerreroRocher巧克力。

    Mr Ferrero , who was47 , ran a huge family firm that produces international brands such as Nutella and Ferrero Rocher chocolates .

  17. 如果你拥有一个国际品牌,那么在市场上就可以卖的贵一些,因为人们担心食品安全问题,荷兰拉博银行的乳品业分析师KevinBellamy说。

    If you have an international brand , then there 's a premium in the market , because food safety is a concern , said Kevin Bellamy , dairy analyst at Rabobank in the Netherlands .

  18. 而对于发展中国家的本土企业而言,以代工方式参与国际品牌企业所主导的全球价值链(GVC)分工体系,也成为进入国际市场的一个主要途径。

    However , for the native enterprises in developing countries , GVC division system led by participation into international brand enterprises through OEM / ODM has also been a key way entering into international market .

  19. 咨询集团艾睿铂(AlixPartners)上海主管罗曼(IvoNaumann)表示:“这些产品仍需要改进,才能真正与国际品牌平起平坐。”

    Ivo Naumann , head of AlixPartners in Shanghai , says : " The product still has to improve to be really on par with international brands . "

  20. 品牌口号:国际品牌,全球信赖。

    Brand slogan : International brands , the world 's trust .

  21. 论北京奥运赞助给予我国企业塑造国际品牌的历史契机

    Discussion on Historic Opportunity Beijing Olympic Games Sponsoring Bestowing Our Enterprise

  22. 澄海成广东创建区域国际品牌试点地区

    Chenghai became Guangdong experiment area to found the region international brand

  23. 另外,我们也提供所有的国际品牌的OEM/ODM服务。

    We also offer all kinds of OEM / ODM services .

  24. 国际品牌的本土化策略&语言学观点的检视

    Strategies of Localizing the International Brands & On a Linguistic Viewpoint

  25. 国际品牌动向绿色农产品原产地效应与品牌策略初探

    Analysis on Country of Origin Effect of Green Agri-food and Brand Strategy

  26. 从跨文化层面看国际品牌在中国的成功

    An Analysis of International Brands ' Success from Cross-cultural Perspective

  27. 一万宝路香烟或同等的国际品牌包装成本;

    Cost of a pack of Malboro cigarettes or equivalent international brand ;

  28. 金信诺这个品牌已逐步成为了国际品牌。

    The brand of Kingsignal has become an international brand .

  29. 国际品牌如何成功的进入中国体育用品通路

    How can international brands successfully enter the Chinese sporting goods marketing channel

  30. 许多国际品牌已经加快了进入北京市场。

    Many international brands have quickened their entry into the Beijing market .