
  • 网络international shipping center
  1. STCW公约的进一步修改、国际航运中心及国际航运人才市场的东移都对我国航海教育的发展带来了很大的挑战。

    Our shipping education faces enormous challenge in the condition of the further amendment of STCW and the eastward movement of the international shipping center and the international shipping worker market .

  2. 上海国际航运中心的竞争优势分析

    The Analysis on Competitive Advantage of International Shipping Center of Shanghai

  3. 在此基础上,建立了国际航运中心竞争优势的评价指标体系,并以此对比了周边国家和地区竞争比较激烈的港口情况,利用SWOT分析方法对上海国际航运中心的竞争优势进行了分析评价。

    In addition , an appraisal index system has been set up and been used to compare with the harbors in neighboring countries . Furthermore , the method of SWOT has been used to analyze and appraise the competitive advantage of the International Shipping Center of Shanghai .

  4. 关于东北亚国际航运中心竞争策略

    Discussion on Competition strategies of International shipping center in Northeast Asia

  5. 国际航运中心与内陆港互动发展研究

    Research on Interactive Development between International Shipping Center and Inland Port

  6. 上海国际航运中心建设目标和战略举措研究

    Advancing targets and strategic measures in constructing the Shanghai International Shipping Centre

  7. 振兴老工业基地建设东北亚国际航运中心

    Vitalizing traditional industrial base , building international shipping centre of Northeast Asia

  8. 金融服务于上海国际航运中心建设研究

    Study of Finance Service for Shanghai International Shipping Center Construction

  9. 本文选题的目的是将会展产业的发展作为促进大连东北亚国际航运中心建设的必要手段。

    Dalian is the international transportation center of North-eastern Asia .

  10. 稳定香港国际航运中心地位的策略研究

    The Strategy of Stabilizing the Status of Hong Kong International Shipping Center

  11. 中国北方国际航运中心选址研究

    Study on the Port Choice of North China Shipping Center

  12. 建立上海国际航运中心的研究

    Research on the Establishment of International Shipping Center in Shanghai

  13. 刍议上海国际航运中心建设中的口岸服务

    My Humble Opinion on Port Service in Shanghai International Shipping Center Construction

  14. 上海国际航运中心的地位与海商法的建设

    The Status of Shanghai International Shipping Center and Construction of Maritime Law

  15. 现代物流呼唤上海国际航运中心建设

    Modern Logistics Promote the Establishment of Shanghai International Center

  16. 上海建设国际航运中心的法律对策

    The Legal Countermeasures on Shanghai International Shipping Center Construction

  17. 灰色关联度法研究国际航运中心与金融中心关系

    Grey Relational Analysis on the Relationship between International Financial Center & Shipping Center

  18. 在论文的最后,对大连国际航运中心临港产业的发展进行了宏观上的战略规划,并提出了措施与建议。

    And finally the paper gives out a program ming and some suggestions .

  19. 加大上海国际航运中心在东北亚竞争力度的建议

    Suggestions on increasing competitive edge of Shanghai international shipping hub in Northeast Asia

  20. 青岛港建设北方国际航运中心战略及其实施对策

    Strategy of Building Qingdao Harbor into Northern International Shipping Center and the Solutions

  21. 上海国际航运中心的功能和作用开始发挥。

    The Shanghai International Shipping Center began to function and play its role .

  22. 当代国际航运中心发展的新趋势&兼析上海国际航运中心的规划建设

    New Development Trend of the International Shipping Center

  23. 大连东北亚重要国际航运中心的基本概念和功能定位

    The basic definition and function of Dalian 's significant shipping center in Northeast Asia

  24. 上海国际航运中心工作船码头沉桩定位方法分析

    The Positioning Method Analysis of the Work-boat Wharf Stake at Shanghai International Shipping Center

  25. 建设国际航运中心是国家赋予上海的战略使命。

    Construction of Shanghai International Shipping Center is a strategic mission of our country .

  26. 伦敦国际航运中心和英国航运业的动态演变规律研究

    Research on the dynamic evolution of London 's maritime center and UK shipping industry

  27. 张成寅:建设国际航运中心大连大有可为

    Dalian Is Well Worth Building International Shipping Center

  28. 建设环台湾海峡国际航运中心问题探讨

    The Studies on the Establishment of the International Shipping Center around the Taiwan Strait

  29. 港口腹地划分的两种新方法探讨&以大连国际航运中心为例

    Two New Methods for Partitioning Port Hinterland

  30. 青岛国际航运中心构想

    Some Thoughts on Qingdao International Shipping Center