
  • 网络Valuable Cargo;High-valued Cargo
  1. 过去霉臭难闻的场所现在出现了一排排堆满了贵重货物与高价商品的货栈。

    and in its frowsy stead were tiers of warehouses , crammed with rich goods and costly merchandise .

  2. 往昔堆积垃圾的污秽的荒地已经被吞没和消失了;过去霉臭难闻的场所现在出现了一排排堆满了贵重货物与高价商品的货栈。

    The miserable waste ground , where the refuse-matter had been heaped of yore , was swallowed up and gone ; and in its frowsy stead were tiers of warehouses , crammed with rich goods and costly merchandise .

  3. 于是,广藿香的芬芳渗透进了所有进入欧洲的布料里,成了这些贵重的异国货物的额外附属品。

    Upon receipt of the products in Europe , the scent of patchouli would have permeated the fabric , thus adding an additional layer of allure to the precious and exotic items .