
  • 网络Guizhou Normal University
  1. 贵州师范大学本科生职业兴趣倾向研究

    Research on the career interest tendency of students in Guizhou Normal University

  2. 2008年度贵州师范大学学生心理健康状况的调查研究

    Investigation into mental health state of Guizhou Normal University students in 2008

  3. 关于构建大学文化体育节的研究&以贵州师范大学校运会为例

    Study on building university culture and sports festival

  4. 贵州师范大学洞穴动物标本室标本名录及其分布

    Checklist of cave animal specimen room of Guizhou Normal University and characteristics of their locality

  5. 是贵州师范大学对教师学生信息形成高效化管理和规范化管理的具体举措。

    It is a specific measure carried out by GNU to efficiently manage and formalize the information about its teachers and students .

  6. 以贵州师范大学和贵州大学的学生为研究对象,研究了他们的心理健康状况,发现其心理问题主要表现在强迫、人际关系敏感、敌对、偏执和精神病性五个方面。

    Compulsive , interpersonal sensitivity , hostility , paranoid ideation and psychoticism are five major aspects for the college students ' mental problem .

  7. 本文对贵州师范大学1999年和2000年文科招收的本科生高考各科目成绩之间的相关性、英语与文科其它科目成绩之间的回归关系进行了统计分析。

    The simple and partial correlativity and regressive relationship among marks of English and other courses in the national College Entrance Examination of liberal art departments in Guizhou Normal University in 1999 and 2000 were studied .

  8. 通过对贵州师范大学化学实验废水的调查分析,参考现有实验废水处理的方法,提出用生物&生态处理法综合处理实验废水。

    Through a comprehensive investigation of waste water from laboratory of Guizhou Normal University , we borrow methods of treating waste water from laboratory , and put forward a systematic method with biological and ecological integrated treatment .

  9. 玛雅地处美洲中部的热带雨林气候区,火山、高原、盆地、峡谷、平原、茂密植被覆盖下的喀斯特瘠薄土层,构成了该地区人类生存的贵州师范大学硕士学位论文环境本底;

    Maya lies in the center of America , which is typical tropics rainy forest climate , the background of human living environment is composed of poor soil covered by volcano , plateau , basin , canyon , plain , and thick vegetation .