
ɡuì zhōu dà xué
  • Guizhou University
  1. 用科学发展观指导贵州大学职业教育实践

    The Scientific Development Outlook and Professional Education Practice of Guizhou University

  2. 贵州大学钾钙肥研究综合报告

    A Comprehensive Report on Research into Potassium-calcium Fertilizer in Guizhou University

  3. 基于蚁群算法的贵州大学车辆配送网络规划

    Vehicles Distribution Network Planning of Guizhou University Based on Ant Colony Algorithm

  4. 贵州大学的国家发明专利一种钾钙肥的生产方法是一种利用不溶性含钾岩石生产钾钙肥的新方法。

    " A producing potassium-Calcium fertilizer method " is an inventive patent .

  5. 来自贵州大学艺术学院,学习长笛演奏。

    From Art Institute of Guizhou university , studying flute .

  6. 贵州大学中文系本科毕业。

    He graduated from the Chinese Department of Guizhou University .

  7. 贵州大学开设瑜伽课程现状的调查研究

    A Survey of the Yoga Course Run in Guizhou University

  8. 高校校园规划与大学生行为发展之研究&以贵州大学(南区)学生活动区景观设计为例

    On Programming of campus and behavior development of undergraduates

  9. 贵州大学图书馆与本科教学工作评估

    Assessment of Guizhou University Library and Its Undergraduate Teaching

  10. 模式标本保存在贵州大学昆虫研究所。

    The type specimens are deposited in Institute of Entomology , Guizhou University .

  11. 立足学校科研教学,构建文献资源保障体系&贵州大学图书馆文献资源建设调研报告

    Based on University Teaching and Scientific Research , Constructing Literature Resource Guarantee System

  12. 来自贵州大学理工学院,爱好长笛演奏,喜欢计算机。

    From science engineering course institute of Guizhou university , like flute playing and PC.

  13. 贵州大学女生足球课快乐教学的实验研究

    Experimental research on " happy teaching " in football course for female university students

  14. 树立科学发展观实现贵州大学职业教育的跨越式发展

    Building Scientific Development Concept and Making Striding Development in Vocational Education of Guizhou University

  15. 贵州大学著者影响力评价&基于中国科学引文数据库

    Evaluation of the Author Influence in Guizhou University & Based on the Chinese Science Citation Database

  16. 贵州大学已经获得进入国家“211工程”建设行列。

    Guizhou University has been permitted to enter into the national list of " 211 Project " .

  17. 我们预期该系统的应用将为贵州大学即将推进的人事制度改革打下了一个良好的基础。

    The system is expected to lay a good foundation for reforming the personnel system of Guizhou University .

  18. 在研究中,来自贵州大学三年级的两个班分别作为实验组与控制组。

    In the study , two classes coming from the college are the experimental class and control class .

  19. 通过对贵州大学图书馆中文期刊回溯建库的实践,提出自己的见解及建议。

    To put practice to Chinese periodical bibliographic database in the library of Guizhou University , the some suggestions were given in this paper .

  20. 曾经在贵州大学学生论坛里面最畅销的一篇帖子名叫“鲁迅像背后的秘密”。

    A best-selling invitation card once named " the secret of the Luxun stone statue back " in the expensive state university the student the forum .

  21. 它根据当前高校人事工作模式和管理权限,对贵州大学传统的人事管理方式进行了整合和优化。

    It is based on the new mode of college personnel management , which integrating and optimizing the traditional approaches of personnel management in Guizhou University .

  22. 广枯灵是贵州大学精细化工研究开发中心研制的由恶霉灵和甲霜灵复配而成的杀菌剂。

    Guangkuling , a mixture of hymexazol and metalaxyl serving as active ingredients , is developed by Center for Research and Development of Fine Chemicals Guizhou University .

  23. 在这项实证研究中,我们在贵州大学英语专业本科三年级的班级中随意选取了两个班进行实验,一个班是实验班,另外一个班是对比班。

    In this empirical research , two classes were randomly selected for this experiment , one is the test group and the other is the controlled group .

  24. 贵州大学新校区建设规模越来越大,学校投入的人力、物力、财力也越来越多。

    Guizhou University , increasing the size of the new campus building , and schools to invest in the human , material and financial resources are more and more .

  25. 本文综合采用定量和定性的研究方法,旨在对以贵州大学为代表的非英语专业大学生的听力焦虑问题进行系统化的实证研究。

    This study attempted to investigate empirically and systematically the EFL listening anxiety among non-English major college students at Guizhou University by utilizing both the quantitative and qualitative research methods .

  26. 我们学校聘请的大多是上了年纪的代课老师,他们只有高中学历。贵州大学应用化学系22岁的学生吴冰峰(音译)表示。

    The people they hire for our schools are mostly senior high school graduates who work as substitute teachers , says Wu Bingfeng , a 22-year-old student of applied chemistry at Guizhou University .

  27. 论文中的一些设计思想被贵州大学现在的数字校园建设所采用,对贵州大学以后的数字校园建设起到了一定的促进作用。

    Some of the designs in the thesis have been adopted for the digital campus construction in Guizhou University , which will promote the construction of digital campus in this university to some extent .

  28. 首先从贵州大学一年级非英语专业本科生中挑选了二十名作为实验对象,然后将他们分成两组,实验组应用关注意义策略进行训练,控制组用注重语言形式的传统方法。

    This research chose twenty students out of the volunteers from first-year non-English majors . The students were divided into two groups and trained in different approaches-the traditional approach which mainly focuses on linguistic form and the " focusing-on-meaning " approach .

  29. 新系统能够方便系统管理人员对角色、资源、管理范围等权限要素进行准确的定义和分配,使得由多所学校组建而成的贵州大学的人力资源管理上了一个新的台阶。

    The new system can facilitate the definition and assignment of roles , resources , extent of authority and other management elements , and improve the human resources management of Guizhou University which is established by the merger of a number of schools .

  30. 据《北京青年报》报道,过去四年里,贵州大学经济学院副教授胡鸣,一直带着他那患有阿尔茨海默症的85岁母亲上课。

    Hu Ming , an associate professor with the School of Economics at Guizhou University , has been taking his 85-year-old mother , who has Alzheimer 's disease , to class with him for the last four years , Beijing Youth Daily reported .