
  • 网络guangxi normal university;GxNU;gxnu.edu.cn
  1. 广西师范大学越南留学生教育发展的回顾与展望

    A Review and Perspective on the Development of Vietnamese Students in Guangxi Normal University

  2. 标本保存于广西师范大学生物系标本室。提供广西该属已知10种的工蚁分种检索表。

    The specimens were deposited in the Department of Biology , Guangxi Normal University .

  3. 关于法学研究生课程设置和学位论文的思考&以广西师范大学法学院的教学实践为例

    Thinking on Curriculum Setting and Master 's Degree Thesis of Law Graduate Students

  4. 广西师范大学大学英语教学现状分析与对策探讨

    The Investigations on College English Teaching in Guangxi Teachers University and the Pedagogical Implications

  5. 研究标本保存于广西师范大学昆虫标本室。

    The specimens are deposited in the Insect Collection of Guangxi Normal University , Guilin .

  6. 《广西师范大学学报》1992~2001年论文统计与分析

    Statistical analysis of the papers published in Journal of Guangxi Normal University from 1992 to 2001

  7. 广西师范大学图书馆

    The Library of Guangxi Normal University

  8. 第三部分析高校教师绩效评价实施的理念和具体的实施过程,为广西师范大学的教师绩效评价尝试树立一个参照标准。

    In the third part , it analyzes implementation process of performance assessment of college teacher .

  9. 毕业至今工作于广西师范大学国际交流处,担任越南语翻译,兼任越南语教师。

    Working in the Office of International Exchanges since graduation as interpreter and in charge of filing .

  10. 高师大学生信息商调查分析&以广西师范大学为例

    Investigation and Analysis on IIQ of Students in Normal University & Taking the Guangxi Normal University as Example

  11. 本研究运用自编问卷对广西师范大学500名高职生应激生活事件进行调查研究。

    This investigation about stress was made by using questionnaires among 500 higher vocational students of Guangxi Normal University .

  12. 由于研究时间、精力的局限性,我们只选择广西师范大学的英语教师和非英语教师群体作为研究对象。

    Due to the limitation of time and energy , the research only selects Guangxi Normal University as a case study .

  13. 1998年获广西师范大学政法学院投资经济专业研究生学历。

    Holding a postgraduate diploma in investment & economy by School of Political Science and Law , GXNU ( 1998 ) .

  14. 本文通过对广西师范大学外语系英语专业学生进行对比实证研究的方式,调查了他们在口语交际中对交际策略的使用情况。

    This thesis reported a study ~ vliicli ~ vas based on the oral production of the English majors in Guangxi Normal University .

  15. 而本研究通过选用健康体适能各指标对广西师范大学普通大学生的健康水平展开研究。

    The research study the health level of the student of Guangxi Normal University through selecting some index of health related physical fitness .

  16. 本文为实验研究报告,以随机方法抽取广西师范大学外国语学院课程与教学论、英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学专业研究生作为研究对象样本。

    The participants of the research were selected by random sampling from the English postgraduates of College of Foreign Studies in Guangxi Normal University .

  17. 毕业于广西师范大学艺术系,最擅长人物,功底深厚。

    He graduated from Fine Arts Department of Guangxi Normal University , and most excel at figures painting with the solid foundation of basic techniques .

  18. 本文从大学生法律援助中心的特征入手,以广西师范大学法律援助中心为个案进行调查和分析。

    This article investigates and analyzes the Students ' Legal Aid Center Of GuangXi Normal University from the characteristics of Students ' Legal Aid Center .

  19. 现为广西师范大学国际文化教育学院汉语教师,主要从事对外汉语教学工作及汉语研究工作。

    Now on the faculty of College of International Culture and Education , Guangxi Normal University , teaching and researching in Chinese as a foreign language .

  20. 第五部分则结合当前广西师范大学的情况提出关于教师绩效评价体系的优化对策,从绩效评价设计的指导思想、标准、方法等几个方面来提出有针对性的优化策略。

    The last part of this paper proposes measures to optimize the performance assessment of college teacher from following aspects : guiding theory , standards , and methods .

  21. 调查了广西师范大学等10余所高等师范大学的学生对当今高师人才素质培养薄弱环节的评价状况。

    The research investigates the evaluation of the weaknesses in the nurturing of talents made by the college students coming from Guangxi Normal University and another ten normal universities .

  22. 第四部分以广西师范大学为个案,通过对该校教师评价现状进行调查与分析,指出其中在绩效评价尝试过程中存在的问题,并进一步探析这些问题的原因。

    In the forth part , taking the GuangXi Normal University for example , after the investigation and analysis of the performance assessment status of teachers , it points out the problems and reasons .

  23. 从需要分析理论出发,作者对本校(广西师范大学,民族边远地区中的一所重点院校)的大学英语教学现状作了一些问卷调查。

    Based on the theory of " Needs Analysis ", the author has made an investigation on College English teaching in Guangxi Teachers ' University ( one of the key universities in the remote areas ) .

  24. 与此同时,广西师范大学成人高等教育的发展速度不断加快,办学规模越来越大,急切需要借助计算机与网络来完成大量、烦琐的管理工作。

    Meanwhile with the rapid development of adult 's higher education and the increasingly larger scale of running school in GuangXi Normal University , computers and Internet network should be urgently demanded to manage numerous and complex work .

  25. 本文在通过对各种机房管理系统的比较,以及结合广西师范大学计算机机房的实际情况的基础上,主要介绍了公共机房自动计费和管理系统的设计与实现过程。

    This article through the comparison of some computer automated management system , and according to the situation of GuangXi Normal University , the analysis and design of the public computer room management and automatics cost reckoning system are introduced .

  26. 为进一步印证文化资本运作规律及其理论,以广西师范大学出版社为个案,从其历史沿革、发展现状、发展模式和运作方略对广西师范大学出版社文化资本运作进行透析。

    To further verify cultural capital theory and its operation laws , the author takes Guangxi Normal University Press as a case study to make a detailed examination on its reform in history , present status , development mode , and operation strategies based on cultural capital .

  27. 广西商务英语人才需求及培养现状调查&广西师范大学个案研究

    A Research on the Market Needs and Cultivating Situation of Business English Talents in Guangxi & A Case Study of Guangxi Normal University