
  • 网络International Tradition of Tax;International tax customs
  1. 分析涉外税法与国际税收惯例、WTO的一些规则及相互冲突等问题,并对中国涉外税法及适用进行相应的一些改革,这对于达到与国际税收惯例及WTO规则的协调很有必要。

    The paper analyzes these conflicts and proposes a reform on Chinese foreign tax law to coordinate a international tax convention and WTO regulations .

  2. 一国在尊重他国主权和遵守国际税收惯例的前提下,便可独立自主地行使征税权。

    If one country respects other countries ' state sovereignty and international taxation consuetude , it can perform right of taxation independently .

  3. 是我国税收适应社会主义市场经济发展,与国际税收惯例接轨的必然要求;

    It is the demand of join the track of the international tax revenue usual practice , and our country tax revenue adapts to the socialism market economy to develop .

  4. 通过本课程的学习,要求学生对国际税收基本知识、国际税收惯例和国际避税反避税等问题有比较系统的了解,并熟练掌握国际税收的实务操作。

    Through the study of this course , students are required to acquire the basic knowledge of international tax and master the practice of international tax .