
  • 网络industry brand
  1. 结果表明,使用BP神经网络评价白酒行业品牌竞争力是一种有效且可行的方法。

    The results show that , using the BP neural network evaluation liquor industry brand competition is a kind of method is feasible and effective .

  2. 据国际品牌实验室(WBL)评估,长虹品牌的无形资产价值高达330.73亿元,是中国家电行业品牌价值快速提升的典范。

    World brand lab ( WBL ) assess that CHANGHONG invisible asset amount to thirty three billion Yuan .

  3. 本文在解读HIROSE模型基础上,运用HIROSE模型对我国电子行业品牌价值进行了实证研究。

    In the end , we use the HIROSE model to give an empirical analysis on Chinese electron industry .

  4. 2008年以来,金融行业品牌价值上升了7%。

    Since 2008 , the financial sector has risen 7 per cent .

  5. 专注埋头办事,打造行业品牌,脱手天然非凡!

    Focus on hard services , building industry brands , extraordinary natural shot !

  6. “交天下朋友,创行业品牌”是我们不变的宗旨。

    Our changeless purpose is " Cross-world friends , a brand industry " .

  7. 北京服装行业品牌发展对策研究

    Countermeasures of Brand Development of Beijing Apparel Industry

  8. 工程机械行业品牌务实(一)

    The construction machinery brand ( 1 )

  9. 探索一种适合汽车行业品牌管理的全新品牌结构划分。

    A novel name brand strategy is explored , which is suitable for name brand management in auto enterprise .

  10. 而本文意通过对高技术行业品牌管理的探讨,尝试着提出品牌管理的框架,并辅以案例浅析。

    While this paper intended for high-tech industry through management of brands , try to put brand management framework , supported by case analysis .

  11. 早期的房地产市场面临着消费者空前高涨的购房需要,卖方市场极大地抑制了房地产产品质量和行业品牌的提升。

    Early real estate market is facing unprecedented housing needs of consumers , the market greatly suppressed the real estate product quality and brand promotion .

  12. 但是,保健酒作为保健食品的一个分支,自然也受到保健品行业品牌泛滥、概念无中生有、信誉透支等不良印象的影响。

    But , as an offset of health care food industry , tonic wine industry is influenced by bad impression , such as falsehood advertisement , credit standing et.

  13. 运用生命表可以计算品牌的死亡概率和品牌群体寿命的预期,对行业品牌群体进行寿命分析,探索品牌种群生存演化规律。

    Through the life analysis of mortality rate in different brand age , brands group life can be anticipated in order to explorate survival evolution rules of brands group .

  14. 但这行业品牌意识不够先进、品牌营销方式不够多样化,所以营销策略同质化严重。

    However , as the brand awareness of this industry is not advanced and the modes of brand marketing are not diversified enough , brand strategies fall into serious homogenization .

  15. 服务属性是衡量服务行业品牌服务质量高低的维度,尚未有学者从服务属性的视角出发,分析服务属性对连锁服务企业的品牌内涵传递与满意度水平是否存在影响作用。

    Service attributes are the dimensions for measuring the level of service quality . There are no researches studying on whether the service attributes affect brand connotation and satisfaction or not .

  16. 从品牌的产生,品牌价值的挖掘,到品牌战略的选择等等方面深入的论述了制药行业品牌战略的问题。

    The brand strategy of pharmacy enterprises is discussed from the birth of the brand , the excavating of value of the brand , and the choice of the brand strategy .

  17. 而乔氏作为唯一受邀参展的台球行业品牌企业,在当天也成为观展者参与度最高的大项之一。

    And Joe 's as the only invited participants of the billiards industry brands , in the view show the day of participation has become the highest one of the big items .

  18. 本文从北京服装行业品牌发展现状着手,分析了北京服装品牌发展中的不足,从多个层面提出了促进北京服装行业品牌发展的相关对策。

    Based on the analysis of the present state of Beijing clothing brand , the shortage of Beijing apparel industry 's development was put forward . Finally , several countermeasures of promoting brand competence were given .

  19. 借助对网络媒体特点、网络口碑效应和媒体传播纵深度的分析,证明网络媒体是快速消费品行业品牌发展的优化平台。

    With the analysis of the network media characteristics , the word-of-mouth network effect of the Internet and the comprehensive communication of media , it proves that the network media is the most optimized platform of the FMCG brand .

  20. 探讨得出手机行业品牌形象的构成要素及其构成要素与顾客满意和顾客忠诚的影响关系。本文通过实证证明了,手机行业品牌形象的三个维度和顾客满意、顾客忠诚具有显著的正相关关系。

    Explore the mobile phone brand image elements and its impact on customer loyalty is found through empirical study , it shows there is a significant positive correlation between the various dimensions of the mobile phone brand image and customer loyalty .

  21. 利用城市竞争力理论、差异化理论等城市品牌塑造理论,针对平顶山市实际,提出三大行业品牌化(工业品牌、文化品牌、旅游品牌),构建平顶山城市品牌。

    This paper uses city brand mold theory and difference-rization theory , aiming at Pingdingshan City 's reality , to propose the brand-rization of three big industries ( industry brand , culture brand and tourism brand ), in order to construct the Pingdingshan City 's own city brand .

  22. 作为国际知名的企业,相信INNOVA德诺将在跻身中国壁纸行业第一品牌的道路上走得更踏实长远。

    As an international well-known company , INNOVA believe China will be among the first brands wallpaper industries go more down the road to long-term .

  23. 麦当劳不会成为MontgomeryWards,他指的是那家现已破产的美国百货连锁公司,但它可能成为西尔斯(Sears),失去作为本行业顶级品牌的无可争辩的地位。

    McDonald 's won 't become a Montgomery Wards , he said , referring to the now-defunct US department store chain . But it could become a Sears , losing its undisputed position as the top brand in its category .

  24. 本文运用log-log市场反应函数,对国内彩电行业中品牌市场份额对品牌价格弹性的影响进行了实证研究。

    Based on the data of TV category , the present study focus - es on the impact of brand market share on brand price elasticity . Log - log market response model is adopted in the study .

  25. 对氧化铁行业创品牌之争的思考

    Thought about the Brand Competition in the Ferric Oxide Field

  26. 我国装载机行业自主品牌发展之路

    The Developing Road of Chinese Wheel - Loader Industry

  27. 提升行业区域品牌促进产业集群发展

    To promote reputation of regional brands and to further development of cluster economies

  28. 而且在家具行业,品牌也不是很明显。

    Still , in the furniture world , brands are not as obvious .

  29. 我们为各行业的品牌生产商及零售商提供创新的扣件方案。

    We offer innovative fastening solutions to manufacturers and retailers of all kinds .

  30. 着重分析中介行业的品牌建设。

    And this article wills emphatically analysis the brand construction of the intermediary profession .