
  1. 庞建忠说:投资者和股票发行者需要相互适应。

    Investors and issuers need to adjust , he says .

  2. 股票发行者应该受到诱惑吗?

    Should issuers be tempted ?

  3. 这标志着股票发行者和投资者的重大转变,许多人更乐意通过私下而非公开交易购买公司股票。

    It marks a dramatic shift among issuers and investors , many of whom prefer to buy stakes in companies through private rather than public deals .

  4. 而随着全球投资者习惯于通过国内交易所进行交易,纽约和伦敦市场都面临着这样一种危险:新兴市场股票发行者更愿意离家近一些。

    As global investors become accustomed to trading through domestic exchanges , the danger for both is that emerging markets issuers prefer staying close to home .

  5. 二次上市可以由股票发行者进行,也可经自公开市场购买而持有此股票的集团发行。

    A secondary public offering can be either an issuer offering or an offering by a group that has purchased the issuer 's securities in the public markets .

  6. 香港最终希望完成一场变革:从一个让中国股票发行者与国际投资者会面的地方,变成一个让中国投资者与国际发行者会面的场所。

    Hong Kong , ultimately , wants to achieve a transformation : from being a place where Chinese issuers meet international investors , to one where Chinese investors meet international issuers .

  7. 1934年美国证券交易法对非雇员董事作了如下定义,目前不是股票发行者的雇员,除了作为董事以外不直接或者间接的获得报酬。

    The Securities Exchange Act of1934 defines a non-employee director as one who is not currently employed by the stock issuer , the person does not receive compensation directly or indirectly other than as a director .