
  1. 指出在中国加入WTO后,完善股票发行方式的终极目标是实现股市资源的市场化选择,而要实现这个终极目标必须经过阶段性目标的积累。

    Choosing the stock resources through market after entering into WTO is the final aim to perfect the way of IPO , which must be accumulated stage by stage .

  2. 股票发行方式的市场化;

    Coming into the market listing in series with stock-issuance .

  3. 为进一步完善股票发行方式,我国试行向二级市场投资者配售新股,首次实现了一、二级市场联动发行,是向一、二级市场最终并轨迈出的重要一步。

    China tests the issuance way of new stocks that it allots and sells to investors in second market so as to further perfect stocks issuance way .

  4. 接着,从发行监管体制、发行审核程序、股票发行方式三个方面介绍了我国发行管理制度的变迁。

    Them , the transformation of Chinese stock issuance control system is introduced from three aspects : the supervision system , the admission system and the methods of issuance .

  5. 对华尔街处理股票发行方式的批评主要集中于两个问题:一是确定股票价格的方法,二是某些投资者似乎在配售股票时总能得到实惠。

    The criticism centers on two issues : the way the price for the shares is set , and the fact that some investors appear to get favourable allocations .

  6. 中小企业板市场建设要解决的主要问题之一是确定科学、合理的股票发行定价方式。

    Choosing a scientific and appropriate pricing method of stock issuing is one of the problems in Medium-sized and small corporate markets .

  7. 确定我国创业板市场股票的发行与定价方式需要考虑两个关键因素,即我国创业板的功能定位和特点、我国主板市场及海外市场有关的经验和教训等。

    Two key factors must be considered to determine the ways of initial public offer ( IPO ) and pricing model in Chinese Second Board , i.e the functional aims characteristics of Second Board in China as well as experiences lessons of domestic Main Board and overseas stock markets , etc.

  8. 在我国,该计划在股票的来源,股票的发行对象,股票发行方式以及行权的法律后果等方面都存在着重重法律障碍。

    In our country , there are kinds of legal obstacles in stock sources targets ways and its legal effects and so on .

  9. 股票指数期货具有价格发现、套期保值和增加市场流动性等功能,股指期货的开设有助于促进股票发行方式的转变,培育和发展机构投资者以及完善与健全证券市场机制与功能。

    The Futures for stock market index have many functions such as price-finding , hedging and the increasing of market liquidity . Opening Futures for stock market index will be helpful to change the issue methods of the securities , develop institution investment and perfect the security market mechanism .