
  • 网络Equity transfer;Share Transfer;transfer of shares;trade sale;share deal
  1. 然后介绍了国外关于股权转让的相关规定。

    Secondly , it introduces relative provisions about share transfer abroad .

  2. 第二股权转让的表决制度问题。

    The second part is about voting system in share transfer .

  3. 本文的主要写作目的和动机就是试图利用事件分析等方法,计算和分析股权转让过程中目标企业股东所获得的累积非正常收益(CAR)来发现这些特殊性。

    The aim of this paper is to find those differences by calculating and analyzing cumulative abnormal returns with event study .

  4. 随着中国加入WTO以后,外资大量进入中国市场,国有股权转让的速度更是加快了步伐。

    With the China 's entry into WTO , the foreign capital floods into China and accelerates this transaction .

  5. twitter还能与每个买方单独商定股权转让价格,这使该公司能够牢牢把握住自身的估值水平。

    Twitter is able to agree a price with each buyer individually , giving it tight control of its valuation .

  6. 第三部分中国上市公司MBO的现状分析:通过对上市公司股权转让价格、管理层控股份额和MBO前后企业绩效的比较分析目前MBO在我国实施的状·况。

    The third part is the status of Chinese listed companies ' MBO , which analyzes the prize of the state-owned assets , the control degree of the management and the performance of the firms .

  7. 十几年的发展历史过程中,AFD几经风云,经过两次股权转让,而今成为国际行业内知名的日本旭硝子集团在华的玻璃产业的全资子公司。

    In the past ten years of development , AFD experienced twice equity transfer and finally becomes a wholly subsidiary of AGC , the most famous group in the glass industry .

  8. 本文分析了MBO的发展现状和制度环境,结合契约理论和财务管理理论,着重分析了股权转让的定价,提出了综合考虑历史收益和未来成长性的复合定价模型。

    The paper analyses development 's current situation , institutional environment of MBO . Combining contract theory and financial management theory , author analyses the pricing of stock right transfer emphatically and puts forward a compound pricing model that considers synthetically historical earnings and future growth .

  9. 国有股权转让法律问题研究

    Study on the Juristical Problems of State-owned Stock Rights ' Transference

  10. 关于瑕疵股权转让合同的效力认定,首先介绍了常见学说,并且对各种学说进行了简要的分析。

    Firstly , the common doctrine is introduced and analysis briefly .

  11. 国家有关法规对股权转让信息披露内容进行了规范。

    State has proposed several regulations to standardize the information disclosure .

  12. 首先,分析股权转让制度的定义及其价值。

    First , the definition of equity and value transfer system .

  13. 管理层收购中国有股权转让价格的辩析

    The Debate of the Transfer Price of State-Owned Stock in MBO

  14. 第一,对股权转让的有关概念进行了梳理。

    Firstly , the relevant definitions of share transfer are clarified .

  15. 非上市股份公司股权转让问题研究

    To Confer the Negotiation of the Shares of the Non-listed Company

  16. 国有股权转让引发国际化并购重组热潮

    The Transfer of State-owned Shares Appeals to International M & A

  17. 公允价值在国有股权转让定价中的应用

    Application of Fair Value in the Transfer of State-owned Enterprise Equity

  18. 第二章股权转让之探析。

    The chapter two is about the relevant issues of share transfer .

  19. 谈股权转让过程中资产评估结果的会计处理

    The Accounting Treatment on Property Assessment in the Process of Equity Transfer

  20. 国有股权转让既具有一般股权转让的特征,同时又具有由于国有股性质所引起的系列特征。

    State-owned stock transferring owns the same characteristics as general stock transferring ;

  21. 新《公司法》中有限责任公司股权转让制度的再完善

    Perfection of limited liability company shares transfering system 's perfection

  22. 《公司法》第三章就有限责任公司的股权转让所作的规定存在着一些问题。

    There are some problems about the transfer of shares of company ltd.

  23. 第三章股权转让具体制度分析。

    The chapter three is about detailed system analysis of share transfer .

  24. 首先,分析违反股东优先购买权条款而订立的股权转让合同的效力,结论为此类合同是相对无效合同。

    The contract which violated the shareholders preemptive right terms is ineffective .

  25. 第四,股权转让登记制度。

    The fourth part is about share transfer registration system .

  26. 国有股权转让会计处理及信息披露问题研究

    Research on Accounting and Disclosure Problems in State-owned Stock Transferring

  27. 投资者主要通过股权转让活动获取投资回报。

    Investors mainly obtain investment repayment through the stock right transfer activity .

  28. 合法有效的股权转让合同需要当事人忠实履行,方能达到股权转让的目的。

    The intention of share transfer requires parties to perform the contract loyally .

  29. 第一,股权转让的限制。

    The first part is about share transfer restrictions .

  30. 着重介绍了瑕疵股权转让的法律效力问题。

    Focuses on the validity of the defective equity transfer of the legal .