
  1. 股东查阅权和质询权的界限

    The Bounds of the Consult Rights and Inquiry Rights of the Shareholders

  2. 此外,还可以通过签订保密协议来对股东查阅权进行限制。

    In addition , it can be limited by signing secrecy agreement .

  3. 因此,股东查阅权的行使就显得尤为重要。

    Therefore , the shareholders ' inspection rights is important .

  4. 股东查阅权研究

    Inspection Right of Books and Records by Shareholders

  5. 第三部分,股东查阅权行使的冲突和救济。

    The third part , the conflicts and remedies of the right of inspection .

  6. 最后,对股东查阅权的法律救济进行思考。

    Finally , this chapter reviews the legal remedies of shareholders ' inspection right .

  7. 第二部分,股东查阅权的内容。

    The second part , the contents of the right of inspection of the shareholders .

  8. 股东查阅权的客体,又称股东查阅权的范围。

    The object of shareholder inspection right is also called the scope of shareholder inspection right .

  9. 目的是对立法和司法在股东查阅权制度构建方面提出有益的建议。

    The aim is to put forward beneficial suggestions for inspection right in legislation and justice .

  10. 股东查阅权构成股东知情权的重要组成部分,在股东知情权体系中居于基础性地位。

    Shareholders ' inspection right constitutes an important and fundamental part of shareholders ' right to information .

  11. 股东查阅权行使机制的司法政策选择

    The Choice of Jurisdictional Policy on the Mechanism of Shareholders ' Inspection Right to Corporate Books and Records

  12. 这部分论述了我国股东查阅权制度现状及完善。

    This part discusses the present situation and how to perfect the shareholder inspection right of our country .

  13. 本文以股东查阅权的制度设计为核心,着重在以下几方面展开论述:第一部分:股东查阅权概述。

    This paper focuses on the following aspects : Chapter First , the outline of shareholders ' inspection right .

  14. 我国修订后的公司法完善了股东查阅权制度,但还是十分粗陋。

    China 's Company Law amended in 2005 perfected inspection right of books and records by shareholders but still very immature .

  15. 有限责任公司股东查阅权的特点是立法上明确、行使限制少、客体范围大。

    Clarity in legislation , less restrictions on the exercise , and wide scope of object are three features of the right .

  16. 这部分的主要目的是按照民事权利的一般结构来系统构建股东查阅权的实体内容。

    The writer aims to construct the substantial contents of the right of inspection following the general structure of civil rights in this part .

  17. 司法实践中,急需相关法律制度和司法解释来完善对股东查阅权的保护。

    In the practice of laws are in need of relative law system and judicial interpretation to perfect the protection of shareholder inspection right .

  18. 在正文中,第一部分列举案例,提出其中存在的问题,借此引申出对股东查阅权的研究。

    In the text , the first part puts forward the problems involved by listing cases , and comes out the shareholders ' inspection rights .

  19. 这部分主要目的是为正确理解查阅权建立理论基础。第二章,股东查阅权的主体。

    The main aim of this part is to establish theoretical base for correctly understanding shareholder inspection right . Part-2 , the subject of shareholder inspection right .

  20. 股东查阅权的客体是公司生成经营过程中生成的与公司财产和决策相关的信息。

    The objective of the right of inspection is the relevant information of the company properties and decisions which are produced during the operation of the company businesses .

  21. 股东查阅权作为股东知情权的下位概念,是股东知情权中的基础性权利。

    Shareholders ' inspection right , as a " lower " concept in shareholders ' right to information , is a fundamental right in shareholders ' right to information system .

  22. 笔者从有限责任公司的特点出发,从法理层面对有限责任公司股东查阅权的法律属性进行分析。

    From the characteristics of the limited liability company , from the legal level of the limited liability company shareholders the right to access to the legal attributes for analysis .

  23. 这部分主要目的是为股东查阅权制度的建构,现有立法和司法实践中的制度的解释和评判等建立法理基础。

    The main purpose of this part is to set up a jurisprudent basic to structure the institutions of the right of inspection and to interpret and criticize the existing institutions .

  24. 股东查阅权是股东请求查阅公司运行过程中生成的文件和记录的权利。

    The right of inspection of the shareholders is the right for the shareholders to claim for inspecting the records and files which are formed during the operation of the company businesses .

  25. 股东查阅权救济的程序化机制问题上,论文首先从理论角度论述了股东知情权诉讼的性质,将股东知情权诉讼定位为公法上的权利。

    For the process of providing remedies , this dissertation first theoretically analyzes the nature of the lawsuits on shareholders information right and defines such a right as a public law right .

  26. 其次,界定股东查阅权行使的范围,尤其着重于探讨股东是否有权查阅未明确列于法律的会计记录与文件,以及查阅范围是否包含原始凭证。

    Secondly , this chapter defines the scope of shareholders ' inspection right , and focuses on whether the shareholders are entitled to inspect unlisted financial books and records , and whether the original vouchers are included in inspection scope .

  27. 借鉴国外先进的公司立法,剖析查阅权的主体、行使查阅权的条件、查阅权的客体及查阅权的限制等,有助于进一步增强我国股东查阅权制度的可操作性。

    It is possible to make the inspection right of books and records by share - holders more practicable after drawing on the experiences of advanced company legislation in other countries in its subjects , conditions , objects and limitations .

  28. 所以,立法者在对股东查阅权制度进行设计时,总是努力追求股东与公司之间的利益平衡,在赋予股东查阅权的同时,又对其权利的行使进行适当的限制。

    Therefore , when design for shareholders ' inspection right , national legislators are always striving for the benefit balance between shareholders and their companies , giving shareholders the inspection right and appropriately restricting their enjoyments of right at the same time .

  29. 此部分针对我国有限公司股东查阅权制度的不足和实践中经常出现的问题,提出了具体的完善建议。

    In this part , aiming at the imperfect of legislation in China and the problems in the practice , the paper provides some concrete suggestions . The shareholders who have competitive identity or withdraw from the company should have subject qualification .

  30. 本文在结合国内外立法例与司法实践的基础上,对股东查阅权的性质进行界定,分析其理论基础和在公司治理结构中的意义,并针对国内立法现状提出完善建议。

    This paper is based on the study of domestic and overseas legislative pattern and juridical practice . It defined the boundary of the nature of shareholder inspection right , analyses the theory and the significance of shareholder inspection right in corporate governance .