
  1. 罗伯特·W·塞登(RobertW.Seiden)是华尔街的一名赏金猎人。

    Robert W. Seiden is a Wall Street bounty hunter .

  2. 经济学家和赏金猎人(bountyhunter)之间似乎没有什么共同点。

    Economists and bounty hunters would appear to have little in common .

  3. 扮演另一位赏金猎人的克里斯托弗•瓦尔兹(ChristophWaltz)则获得了最佳男配角奖。

    Christoph Waltz , who plays a bounty hunter , won for best supporting actor .

  4. 杰米•福克斯(JamieFoxx)在片中出演一个奴隶出身的赏金猎人,为了救出妻子,他血洗美国南方的一个种植园。

    The film stars Jamie Foxx as a slave-turned-bounty hunter who lays waste to a Southern plantation to save his wife .

  5. 《人质危机》里,赏金猎人特遣队中有一个名叫Robonino的家伙。

    In " Hostage Crisis ," there was this bounty hunter special ops guy named Robonino .

  6. 他们的赏金猎人去寻找这些人。

    They have bounty hunters that go looking for these people .

  7. 你知道我当赏金猎人的真正原因吗?

    Do you know why I really became a bounty huntr ?

  8. 全洛杉矶地区最富传奇色彩的赏金猎人。

    The most legendary bounty huntr in all of Los angeles .

  9. 佩科斯河这边最厉害的赏金猎人。

    The best Dang bounty hunter this side of the pecos .

  10. 你必须追查这个赏金猎人,欧比旺。

    Track down this bounty hunter you must , obi-wan .

  11. 我将请赏金猎人去抓回被告。

    I will bring in a bounty huntr to recapture the defendant .

  12. 我雇了一个赏金猎人去追捕他

    I hired a bounty hunter to track him down ,

  13. 赏金猎人的疾风步攻击力和魔法消耗上升。

    Bounty Hunter wind Walk damage and mana cost improved .

  14. 我在这里从未看到过任何赏金猎人。

    There are no bounty hunters here that I am aware of .

  15. 和你们这些赏金猎人不合。

    And them bounty hunters don ` t get along .

  16. 我强烈感觉到这个赏金猎人。

    I have a strong feeling that this bounty hunter .

  17. 他的作品有《火车大劫案》和《赏金猎人》等。

    His works include The Great Train Robbery and The Bounty Killer etc.

  18. 多米诺,来见见你的《赏金猎人组》搭档。

    Domino , I wantyou to meet the co-hosts of bounty squad .

  19. 我来参加赏金猎人的讨论会。

    I 'm here for the bounty hunter seminar .

  20. 欧比旺大师很快就会找到那个赏金猎人的。

    It won 't take master Obi-Wan long to find this bounty hunter .

  21. 他是一个著名的赏金猎人。

    His reputation as a bounty hunter is well-known .

  22. 或是为他工作的赏金猎人。

    Or a bounty hunter who worked for him .

  23. 从此以后,冷酷的恶狼们既是赏金猎人,也是帝国正义的执行者。

    The ruthless Wolf are both bounty-hunters and executioners of the Emperor 's justice .

  24. 先生,你是一个赏金猎人吗?

    Are you a bounty hunter , sir ?

  25. 《被解救的姜戈》讲得是一个曾经是奴隶的赏金猎人为了解救妻子而大开杀戒的故事。

    The blood-drenched story of an American slave-turned-bounty hunter trying to free his wife ,

  26. 现在这个赏金猎人在哪儿?

    And where is this bounty hunter now ?

  27. 教你们如何变成一个赏金猎人。

    On how to become a bounty hunter .

  28. 一个叫强格。费特的赏金猎人。

    A bounty hunter called Jango fett .

  29. 赏金猎人都盯着我的脑袋。

    I had mercs on my neck .

  30. 汉?索罗有一段与众多赏金猎人在曼特尔兵站狭路相逢的历史。

    Han Solo has had a history of close run-ins with bounty hunters on Ord Mantell .