
  • 网络Green Dam
  1. 美国驻北京官员正游说中国相关部门取消相关规定,即在中国境内销售的所有电脑都要预装互联网过滤软件绿坝(GreenDam)。

    US officials based in Beijing are lobbying Chinese counterparts to drop a requirement that computers sold in the country carry internet filtering software called Green Dam .

  2. SolidOak创办人米尔本表示,他曾收到一封匿名邮件,邮件称绿坝软件抄袭了SolidOak的代码。

    Solid Oak ` s Milburn said that he had received an anonymous email alerting the company that Green Dam was using Solid Oak code .

  3. 去年,在公众的强烈反对下,北京方面被迫放弃在每台新出售的个人电脑上安装绿坝(GreenDam)过滤软件的企图。谷歌与中国看来更有可能达成某种妥协。

    Last year a public backlash forced it to abandon attempts to install Green Dam filtering software in every new PC. Some kind of compromise looks more likely than not .

  4. 魔免盾-使绿坝的持续时间延长2秒。

    Anti-Magic Shell-Increases the duration of your Anti-Magic Shell by2 sec .

  5. 我们电脑的绿坝比五角大楼都严密。

    We have more security on these computers than the Pentagon .

  6. “绿坝”项目有各种各样的问题。

    There are all manner of problems with the Green Dam project .

  7. 这个截屏显示了在中国推广的绿坝内容过滤软件。

    This screen shot shows the Green Dam content filtering software distributed in China .

  8. 但上述规定的前景应该不会与绿坝一样。

    Still , the banking regulations are less likely to share the fate of Green Dam .

  9. 从绿坝事件看互联网治理的制度反思

    The event looks at the Internet government from " the green dam " the system reconsideration

  10. 他认为安装绿坝“对同性恋的网站基本上是毁灭性的”。

    " He believes that the installation of green dam " on the website of homosexuality is destructive .

  11. 制造商们认为该软件会损害电脑,而加州一家企业宣称绿坝大量抄袭其软件。

    Manufacturers argue the product could damage machines while a California company claims green dam is largely copied from its software .

  12. 电脑制造商如今面临相似的抉择:是否俯首听命,安装侵入性软件绿坝。

    PC makers now face a similar decision about whether to submit to demands to carry the invasive Green Dam software .

  13. 来自海外的软件测试也发现绿坝有诸多的安全隐患。

    Tests carried out on Green Dam outside China also showed that it left PCs open to many different security risks .

  14. 2009年,中国表示,所有进口到中国的电脑都必须预装名为绿坝-花季护航的过滤软件。

    In 2009 , China said all computers imported to the country must come with filtering software called Green Dam-Youth Escort preinstalled .

  15. 中国曾宣布在本国制造的新计算机需要安装一个叫绿坝花季护卫软件。

    China had announced that every new computer made in the country would be pre-installed with software known as Green Dam Youth Escort .

  16. 绿坝-花季护航是金惠堵截黄色图像和不良信息专家系统的市场产品名。

    Green Dam is the informal name given to the expert system from Jinhui Technologies which blocks pornographic images and other harmful information .

  17. 工业和信息化部在今年3月就绿坝进行的一轮磋商中表示,它得到了众多计算机厂商的支持。

    The MIIT said in a round of consultations on Green Dam in March that it had received broad support from PC makers .

  18. 工业和信息化部在今年3月就“绿坝”进行的一轮磋商中表示,它得到了“众多计算机厂商的支持”。

    The MIIT said in a round of consultations on Green Dam in March that it had received " broad support " from PC makers .

  19. 绿坝软件的开发商是中国金惠电脑系统开发公司,该公司依靠中国军队和安全部门。

    Green Dam is produced by Jinhui Computer System Engineering Co. , which has ties to China 's military and security ministry , the report said .

  20. 联想表示,该公司已经不在中国销售的每一台电脑中附送绿坝安装光盘,而且早在几个月前就停止了附送光盘的做法。

    Lenovo said it no longer shipped a Green Dam CD with every PC it sold in China and had not done so for several months .

  21. 密歇根大学的一个研究小组在分析了有大正公司发布的绿坝软件后,得出的结论显示这款软件存在安全隐患,可能使得个人电脑面临远程攻击的危险。

    A group of University of Michigan researchers analyzed Green Dam , developed by Dazheng , and concluded that it had security vulnerabilities and that it exposes the computer to remote attack .

  22. 凯利表示:我们不仅担心绿坝对贸易的潜在影响,也担心使用该软件可能引发的严重技术问题。

    We are concerned about Green Dam both in terms of its potential impact on trade and the serious technical issues raised by the use of the software , said the state department spokesman .

  23. 截至昨日,中国电子零售商的员工表示,他们还没有收到任何预装“绿坝”的电脑,而电脑制造商也不可能遵守今日最后期限的要求。

    As of yesterday , staff at Chinese electronics retailers said they had received no PCs fitted with Green Dam , and that there was no chance that PC makers would comply with today 's deadline .

  24. 在最后一刻收回成命,使电脑制造商可以免受罚款的威胁。北京上月下令电脑制造商开始预装本土开发的网络保姆软件“绿坝-花季护航”。

    The last-minute climbdown , which averts the threat of fines for computer makers , follows Beijing 's order to PC makers last month to start pre-installing Green Dam / Youth Escort - domestically developed net nanny software .

  25. 在所有个人电脑上预装绿坝的指令,让制造商陷入这样一种境地:被迫在自己生产的电脑上安装未经测试、据说存在安全隐患的软件,还可能面临额外的服务和责任成本。

    The order to put green dam on to every PC puts manufacturers in the position of having to load untested , allegedly insecure software on to their machines and could expose them to extra service and liability costs .

  26. 6月30日,就在所有新的电脑都要预装绿坝软件的截止日期前一天,工信部表示,将无限期推迟安装绿坝软件,以给电脑制造商更多准备时间。

    On June 30 , a day before the deadline by which it had said it would require all new PCs to come with Green Dam installed , the MIIT said it would delay introduction of the software indefinitely to give PC makers more time to prepare .