
  • 网络green credit;green-credit;green-credit policy
  1. 第三部分就我国绿色信贷法律制度进行分析,主要阐述我国绿色信贷提出的背景以及在我国的实施现状。

    Chapter three analyses the current legal systems in green-credit policy , which focuses on the background that the green-credit policy is put forward and the current situation of operation in China .

  2. 与一些行政手段相比,像绿色信贷这样的将环境保护成本内在化的市场经济手段往往更有效果,并在某种程度上丰富了保护环境的手段。

    Green-credit policy , a kind measure of market economies , can make the environmental cost internal , its effect is better than that of the administrative measures and to some extend it enriches the environmental measures .

  3. 同时结合国内外绿色信贷的相关案例。

    Combined with the relevant domestic and international cases of green credit .

  4. 绿色信贷与社会责任&基于商业银行层面的分析

    Green Credit and Social Responsibility & An Analysis Based on Commercial Banks

  5. 商业银行践行绿色信贷政策运行机制研究

    A Study on Operating Mechanism of Commercial Banks Performing Green Credit Policy

  6. 上下合力,才能将绿色信贷顺利的发展起来。

    Up and down together , green credit will be carried out smoothly .

  7. 绿色信贷执行效率与地方政府行为

    The Efficiency of Green Credit 's Implement and the Behavior of Local Government

  8. 国外建立生态银行推行绿色信贷,取得了很大成效。

    Some foreign countries have set up green banks to promote green credits .

  9. 绿色信贷信用风险评价指标体系及模型构建。

    Part ⅲ constructs credit risk evaluation index system and model of Green Credit .

  10. 我国商业银行绿色信贷机制的运用研究

    A Study on the Use of Green Credit Mechanism in China 's Commercial Bank

  11. 绿色信贷导向的管理学解释&基于新公共服务理论视角

    The Management Explanation of Green Credit Guide Based on the New Public Service Theory Perspective

  12. 最后本文对未来的研究及绿色信贷的发展进行了展望与建议。

    Finally , we make a summary and prospect for the future study of green credit .

  13. 他说:一些省份和金融机构,并没有实行实质性的绿色信贷政策。

    Some provinces and financial institutions have not implemented the policy at all , he said .

  14. 最后从绿色信贷回归到人与自然的和谐发展中。

    Finally , from the green credit back to the harmonious development between man and nature .

  15. 同时,采用规范分析方法,研究探讨促进绿色信贷的主要措施。

    Meanwhile , it applied normative method to explore major measures to improve the usage of green financing .

  16. “绿色信贷”在我国是一个新兴理念,是顺应可持续发展浪潮而产生的。

    " Green Credit " which follows the wave of Sustainable Development is a new idea in China .

  17. 但是在绿色信贷推出的两年时间里,绿色信贷的推广进度并不能令人满意。

    But in the green credit introduced two years , promoting the progress of green credit , is not satisfactory .

  18. 绿色信贷源于国际上公认的赤道原则。绿色信贷是银行业贯彻落实科学发展观的一项重大举措。

    Green credit , derives from the internationally recognized Equator Principles is an important measure to implement the scientific development .

  19. 绿色信贷政策就是在这样的背景下产生的,控制信贷就可以影响企业的经营决策行为。

    In this background , green credit policy is generated , and the control of credit can affect business decision making .

  20. 我国商业银行在国家政策推动下进行了绿色信贷实践,但遇到诸多困境。

    In our country , commercial banks are carrying out the practice of green credits , encountering a lot of hardships .

  21. 基于这些原因,笔者认为我国现阶段应当构建绿色信贷法律制度。

    For these reasons , I think that our country should be to build a green credit legal system at this stage .

  22. 现今,随着信息技术的不断发展,人工智能方法和机器学习模型被应用于解决信用评级问题,本文尝试用支持向量机方法对商业银行绿色信贷信用评级做一些探讨和研究。

    With the development of information technology , artificial intelligence methods and machine learning models have been applied to solve credit rating now .

  23. 所以,有必要在我国构建起绿色信贷法律制度,以此来保障我国绿色信贷制度得以切实有效的落实。

    Therefore , it is necessary to legalize the green credit in China , as to guarantee the implementation of it practically and effectively .

  24. 绿色信贷是治理污染、保护环境的重要经济手段,是21世纪银行业发展的必然趋势。

    Green credit , an important way to control pollution and protect environment , is an inevitable trend of banking industry in the21st century .

  25. 排污权抵押贷款是一项主要面向中小企业的绿色信贷措施,旨在解决企业的融资难、发展难等问题。

    Emission Right as Mortgage is a green credit instrument designed to mitigate small and medium-sized enterprises ( SMEs ) 's plight in financing .

  26. 然而分析表明,绿色信贷实施以来,我国产业升级的实际效应并不显著。

    However , the analysis shows that since the implementation of green credit , the actual effect of China 's industrial upgrading is not significant .

  27. 在此基础上,提出一些有利于我国商业银行绿色信贷业务发展的策略,促进绿色信贷业务在我国的蓬勃发展。

    Be based on those analysis , I put forward some beneficial strategies in order to promote the development of green credit business in China .

  28. 自绿色信贷计划实施以来,环保总局总共已向银行业监管机构报告了约3万家环保违规程度较轻的企业。

    Altogether , since the programme 's launch , the names of about 30,000 companies with less serious breaches have been reported to the banking authorities .

  29. 三是在对自然方面的责任,要支持环保,实行绿色信贷机制,创新环保型金融产品。

    The three is in the nature of liability , to support environmental protection , green credit mechanism innovation of financial product , environmental protection type .

  30. 最后,就如何构建适合我国国情的商业银行绿色信贷风险预警机制和有效降低商业银行绿色信贷风险提出具体的对策建议。

    At last , gives the Specific suggestions on How to construct suitable pre-warning mechanism and how to prevent risk management of green credit in China .