
pī fù
  • Approval;give an official, written reply to a subordinate body
批复 [pī fù]
  • (1) [give an official,written reply to a subordinate body]

  • (2) 对下级的书面报告批注意见答复

  • (3) 上级答复下级请示的事项,是常用的军用文书之一

批复[pī fù]
  1. 基于Web的通信检修票申请批复管理信息系统

    Communication repair application and confirmation management information system based on Web mode

  2. 11992年国务院批复了国家科委等8个部委上报的《关于大力协同开展“计算机辅助设计(CAD)应用工程”的报告》,标志着我国CAD应用工程的发展进入了一个新的阶段。

    The report of 《 On Unfolding Energetically " Computer aided Applications "》, submitted by 8 Commissions and approved by the State Council in 1992 , marked that our computer-aided design ( CAD ) hag reached to a new stage .

  3. 将网元按相关业务规则进行分类,如MSC、BSC、HLR等。可以对指定号码类型、指定批复的单个或多个混合选项进行核查。

    The network element according to the relevant business rules for classification , such as MSC , BSC , HLR , etc * It can specify the number type , designated approval of single or multiple hybrid option for verification .

  4. 我们会在一周内通知我们的批复情况。

    We will inform you of our approval in a week .

  5. “环评”、“安评”批复。

    The approval document of environment assessment and safety assessment .

  6. 谈函与批复功能的区别

    On Functional Differences between Missive and Official and Written Reply

  7. 司法解释批复四题

    Four Problems on the Written Reply of Judicial Interpretation

  8. 总经理批复了我们的申请。

    The managing director has responded to our request .

  9. 《刑法修正案(七)》设置了组织、领导传销罪,但关于传铕定性的《批复》仍未失效;

    Criminal Law Amendment VII prescribes the crime of organizing , leading pyramid selling .

  10. 骨骼必要钙和维生素D以供成长及批复强度。

    Bones need calcium and vitamin D to grow and reach their full strength .

  11. 我国法院在具体案件上适用法律的请示与批复的理性思考

    Rational Thinking on Requesting Instructions and Reply on Concrete Cases of Our Country 's Court

  12. 他相信政府今年将会同意批复几家商业银行的成立。

    He thinks the government could approve the formation of several private banks this year .

  13. 一个昏君是不会用多少时间来批复奏疏的。

    A fatuous and self-indulgent ruler wouldn 't spend much time reading and replying to memorials .

  14. 进一步的保护方案现在正等待国家文物局的批复。

    A further protective plan is now waiting for approval from the State Administration of cultural heritage .

  15. 总裁以书面形式批复特价申请,并同时抄送财务部经理;

    President in writing to apply for special approval , and copied to the Ministry of Finance Manager ;

  16. 在审批过程中审批人员批复审批意见,提高了工作效率、减少了工作费用。

    Per-sonnel in the approval process for approval approved approving opinion , improve work efficiency , reduce working costs .

  17. 最终建设规模以宝安区发展和改革局立项批复为准。

    The final construction scale is subject to the ratified reply of Development and Reform Bureau of Baoan District .

  18. 高纯稀土分离工业性试验基地建设项目是国家计委批复的国家重点工业性试验项目。

    The project of industrial scale test base was sanctioned by the state Planning Com - mission of China .

  19. 结果(1)定量研究结果:批复的2667个医疗救治体系建设项目中,竣工率为98.31%;

    Results ( 1 ) 98.31 percent of the 2 667 intending items of the medical rescue system wes finished ;

  20. “环评”、“安评”批复减少审批环节,加快审批速度,提高审批效率。

    Deduct the examination and approval links , accelerate the examination and approval and increase the efficiency of customs clearance .

  21. 双方签署了合同,并上报中国国家商务部,已于4月29日得到批复。

    Both parties initialed the contract and reported to the Ministry of Commerce , which provided approval on April 29 .

  22. 研发部:你部关于为新进员工购置两台联想台式电脑的申请已经批复同意。

    Research and Development Section : Your application for two Lenovo desktop computers for new staff members has been approved .

  23. 构建政府预算会计的关键是根据政府预算执行的关键步骤设置预算会计账户,对预算的批复及执行的过程进行记录和反映。

    And , the key of constructing budgetary accounting is setting the account according to the procedure of budgetary execution .

  24. 同时,该模块实现了对用款计划的自动汇总打印以及批复接收操作。

    At the same time , this module implements to cash plan automatic summary print and rights to receive operation .

  25. 在现行体制下,亟待采取有效措施提高司法解释批复的质量。

    Therefore , it is quite necessary to take steps to improve the quality of written reply of judicial interpretation .

  26. 事实上,去年你批复给我的一万元礼品费,我后来已全部退回给了财务。

    In fact , the10,000 yuan gift allowance I was granted last year had been returned to the Finance Department .

  27. 把握好设计预算的编制、审查、修改、批复与执行五个环节是预算管理工作的核心。

    Budget PC The five points including plan , audit , modification , approval and implement are key for budget management .

  28. 我们会尽快处理,你们可以在5个工作日内收到我们的批复。

    We will deal with it as soon as possible and you can expect our approval in about five week days .

  29. 从去年3月到10月,仅山西就批复了23个新项目。

    In the northern province of Shanxi alone , 23 coal-fired power plants won approval from March to October last year .

  30. 短短几年间,已先后批复设立了十三个保税港区,布局脉络也已逐步清晰。

    Within a few years , it has already established 13 Free Trade Port Areas and the layout has also been gradually clear .