
  1. 人类生命的智慧潜能是动物生命无法相比的。

    So the induction of human life far exceeds that of animal life .

  2. 如果澳大利亚打算实现其未来,那么它同样必须放开对其公民智慧潜能的限制。

    If Australia is to fulfil its promise , it too will have to unlock the full potential of its citizens ' brain power .

  3. 素质教育是以面向全体学生,全面提高学生基本素质,促进学生身心发展,开发智慧潜能,形成学生健康个性为根本目的的教育活动。

    Quality education is the teaching activity for all students to improve their basic qualities , promote health and psychology development , develop the potential and form the healthy personalities .

  4. 从上世纪90年代起心理学家们的研究表明,人类充分发挥自己大脑智慧潜能的不是智力水平的高低,而是情绪智力的高低。

    Since the 1990s psychologists study suggests that humans give full play to their potential , " the brain wisdom is low , the level of intelligence ," but emotional intelligence .

  5. 模式的实施要点是改进教学方式,传授学习方法,注重情感教育,重塑学生良好学习行为模式,激发学生的智慧潜能;

    The core of this mode is to improve teaching methods ; teach students the learning methods ; give emphasis on emotional education and rebuild students ' good learning habits so as to stimulate the intelligence potentiality of students .

  6. 使命:充分发挥团队成员的商业智慧和潜能,以项目运作为核心,努力创造经济机会,帮扶他人,回馈社会。

    Mission : To create business opportunities to make a difference in communities by developing projects while realizing the potential of all members .

  7. 所有的智慧和潜能迸发出来,在汗水里开花、结果;

    All the wisdom and potential burst out , the sweat in flowering , results , All the power and energy , stir up in harmony in thrive .

  8. 他还补充说,80后普遍有着良好的教育背景,对很多事情都具有深刻的洞察力;对于自己的未来,他们应当自信才对,因为他们拥有智慧和潜能。

    Members of the post-80s generation , who generally have a good educational background and also have profound insights into many issues , should be confident about their future because of their talent and potential , added Xiong .