
  • 网络Organization and coordination ability;Organizational Coordination Ability
  1. 良好的沟通与组织协调能力,主动性,责任心强。

    Good communication organization ability , initiative , sense of responsibility .

  2. 组织协调能力因子;论组织税收收入与依法治税的关系

    Relationship between Organizing Revenue and Administering Tax Revenue According to Law

  3. 较强的谈判和组织协调能力,能与客户建立良好的对话关系。

    Good negotiation and organization skill and found good cooperation relationship .

  4. 具有技术管理的沟通和技术分析能力,组织协调能力。

    Ability of communicating , technology analysis and organizing of technology management .

  5. 良好的团队精神,沟通技巧及组织协调能力。

    Good teamwork , communication skill and organization ability .

  6. 成立一个有组织协调能力的综合物流指挥中心;

    Establishing a well organized comprehensive logistic headquarter ;

  7. 具有较强的语言与文字表达,人际沟通,信息获取能力及组织协调能力

    A strong capacity in communication , coordination , information acquisition , verbal and written expression

  8. 基本能力要求包括分析研究能力要求和组织协调能力要求。

    The basic ability requirement includes analysis and research ability and organization and coordination ability .

  9. 加强施工组织协调能力,实现安全管理与文明施工管理;

    Enhancing the organization and coordination of construction to realize a safe and civilized management .

  10. 服从领导,有较强的组织协调能力、沟通能力和执行能力。

    Subject leadership , strong organization and coordination ability , communication skills and implementation capacities .

  11. 积极向上,认真负责;学习能力、表达能力和组织协调能力强。

    Actively , dedicated , be good at learning , expressing , organizing and coordination .

  12. 较强的组织协调能力、工作推动力和人际沟通能力。

    Good communication and interpersonal skills . - Proficiency in both spoken and written English .

  13. 具有坚强的意志品质,良好的道德风貌,具有较强人际沟通以及组织协调能力。

    Having strong-minded and high-blooded moral character , and having the better communication and organizing ability .

  14. 同时具备较好的适应能力和组织协调能力。

    Have to compare at the same time good of orientation ability and organization moderate the ability .

  15. 较高的方案创作水平和较强的项目设计组织协调能力;

    The high level of scheme creation and a strong ability for organization and coordination of projects ;

  16. 必须具备一定的组织协调能力,能同时合理有序地参与多项不同的任务。

    Able to organize or coordinate to be involved in several different projects orderly at same time .

  17. 优秀的组织协调能力,判断能力及项目控制能力及商务谈判经验。

    Outstanding ability in organization and coordination , judgment and experience in project control and commercial negotiations .

  18. 本文重点论述了如何加强科室主任自身的科学研究能力、合作交流能力与组织协调能力。

    This pa-per focused on the scientific research ability , cooperative & communication ability , and the coordinative ability of directors .

  19. 据介绍,面试着重考生的处理人际关系的能力、组织协调能力和应急能力。

    According to introduction , such interview mainly targets at the candidate 's abilities of communication , cooperation and emergency rescue .

  20. 注册主任助理:会说流利的英语和上海话,具有较强的管理沟通,组织协调能力和良好的职业道德。

    Assistant to Registrar : Fluent English and Shanghai dialect with strong administrative skills in languages , excellent organisational ability and strong work ethic .

  21. 做为盐业企业公关人员应具备相应的知识结构、人际交往能力、组织协调能力和心理素质。

    Public relation personnel in salt making enterprises should be equipped with relevant knowledge structure , interpersonal interaction ability , organization and coordination ability and psychological make-up .

  22. 学生的交流表达和组织协调能力都在模拟联合国的活动中有了明显的提高。

    The communicational and expressive skills of a student , as well as the ability of organizing and coordinating , can be improved in the conference too .

  23. 有较强的沟通、组织协调能力和实际操作能力,丰富的商务谈判经验,能够独立协调现场、总包、业主、及相关部门之间的关系;

    Good interpersonal skill , able to coordinate and cooperate independently in the site with various parties for results , including general contractor , owner and related divisions ;

  24. 从读书起就一直担任学生干部,具有较好的组织协调能力和交际能力,同时具有有良好的团队意识及亲和力。

    Since from reading has been a student cadres , and has a good organization , coordination and communication skills , and have good team consciousness and affinity .

  25. 此外,深圳在历届高交会和首届文博会的成功举办过程中,也积累了必要的经验,锻炼了高效的组织协调能力。

    In addition , we have gained necessary experiences and developed our coordinating capability from the successful conduct of previous sessions of China Hi-Tech Fair and the first ICIF .

  26. 结论开展死亡病例护理讨论可以培养护士应急能力及组织协调能力,有效提高了护士观察病情的能力、急救技术水平,促进了临终关怀护理的发展。

    Conclusion Performance of nursing discussion on dead cases helps train the nurse 's ability in treating emergency and coordination , which is effective in providing their ability to observe the diseased conditions , treat emergency and promote the advance of dying care .

  27. 指出企业核心竞争力包括技术创新能力、战略决策能力、生产制造能力、市场反应和营销能力、组织协调能力等。

    According to this paper , the core competitiveness of an enterprise include the ability in technical innovation , ability in strategic decision-making , ability in manufacturing , ability in reaction to market and marketing and the ability in organizational and coordinative matters , etc.

  28. 研究结果同时表明,培训组的被试在分析归纳能力、组织协调能力、应变力及压力承受力、行为表现与风度、以及总分的结果都显著优于对照组的得分。

    The results also reveal that subjects in training groups have better performance in Analyzing and Sorting Capabilities , Organizing and Coordinating Ability , Adaptability and Pressure Sustainability , Behavior and Manners . Furthermore , the total results conspicuously surpassed the scores of the control group .

  29. 本文运用灰色理论的关联度分析方法分析学生化学实验能力与其自身的专业知识水平,基本操作技能、组织协调能力、动手能力、探究能力等因子之间关联度。

    With the method of correlative analysis of Grey Theory , this article analyzes the correlation between students ' experimental ability and other factors such as their individual professional knowledge level , basic operation skills and the abilities of organization , coordination , practice and exploration etc.

  30. 作者研究其核心能力形成过程,采用模糊评价法,建立评价模型,运用核心能力指标体系,从R&D能力、创新能力、组织协调能力和企业影响力诸方面,对南华高速的核心能力进行了全面评价。

    The paper gives a general evaluation for NANHUA core competence by dealing with the form of core competence , the inking evaluation and the system of core competence from the point of view of R & D capacity , creativity , systematical capacity and enterprise effect .