
zhuān yè jīnɡ shen
  • Professionalism;dedication to a job
  1. 全体演职人员以一种真正的专业精神,从容不迫地开始了影片的制作。

    The whole cast executed the production with truly professional aplomb .

  2. 我相信我以前的上司和同事都非常尊重我的专业精神,并且经常接触我的人大部分也都非常喜欢我。

    I believe my professionalism was universally respected by my former bosses and co-workers , and I think I was well-liked by the vast majority of people with whom I came in regular contact .

  3. RICS已成为全球最大、最受尊敬及知名的全球权威机构之一,这得益于她承诺不断提升专业精神的标准。

    RICS has grown to become one of the largest , most respected and well known global organizations of its kind thanks to its ongoing commitment to raising the standards of property professionalism .

  4. 专业精神和现行的知识观是阻碍小学语文教师专业发展的主要内在因素。

    Specialty spirit and actual knowledge conception are inherent baffle factors .

  5. 他怀着激情、奉献精神和专业精神应对每一项挑战。

    He tackled every challenge with passion , dedication and professionalism .

  6. 面向新的专业精神&建筑教育中的跨学科协作

    Facing a new professionalism : interdisciplinary collaboration in Architectural Education

  7. 专业精神:教师专业发展的关键词

    Professionalism , a Key Word of the Professional Development of a Teacher

  8. 你们的专业精神让比赛变的完美。

    Your professional spirit lets the game change of perfect .

  9. 对你们的专业精神和责任感我表示敬佩。

    I am highly respect your professional work and responsibility .

  10. 二是培养设计师的专业精神;

    Two is to train special spirit of the designer ;

  11. 全体演员都非常具有专业精神,在排练中尽心尽力。

    The whole cast was very professional and hard working in rehearsals .

  12. 中西方医学专业精神异同:概念的比较

    Comparison on the Concept of Medical Professionalism between the West and China

  13. 中国教师专业精神的缺失与对策

    Lack of Devotion of Teachers in China and Countermeasures

  14. 王家卫在评价梁朝伟的专业精神和工作激情时称其为罕见。

    Mr. Wong called Mr. Leung 's professionalism and passion ' rare . '

  15. 医生组织公民行为与医学专业精神关系刍议

    Discussion on the Relationship between Doctors ' Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Medical Professionalism

  16. 专业精神:职业图书馆员的应有素质

    Professional Spirit : Vocational Librarians ' Necessary Quality

  17. 徐永光在2011年的那篇文章中呼吁陈光标提升自己的专业精神。

    In that 2011 article , Xu called on Chen to improve his professionalism .

  18. 议会旨在提高教师的专业精神。

    It aims to enhance teachers ' professionalism .

  19. 谈到专业精神和创造,上海龙之梦丽晶大酒店有着过人之处。

    When it comes to professionalism and creating a unique experience the Regent Shanghai excels .

  20. 三是公正客观的专业精神;

    Just and objective professional spirit ;

  21. 我们凭借企业在国际舞台的影响力和专业精神,赢得了海内外人士的广泛赞誉。

    We have won international recognition for its power , its expertise together with its professionalism .

  22. 记者掉价的专业精神以及地下运行的营销活动,淹没掉了业余公众真实的声音。

    Cut-rate journalists and underground marketing campaigns now drown out the authentic voices of amateur wordsmiths .

  23. 我们特别感激他们的勇气,他们的专业精神以及他们的献身精神。

    and we are incredibly grateful for their courage , their professionalism , and their sacrifice .

  24. 同时我们的专业精神亦能带给客户一份有效率及高质素之人事顾问服务。

    Simultaneously , our professionalism can also offer the effective and high quality personnel consultant services to clients .

  25. 我们希望石油公司在工程建设中富有专业精神,视保证健康和安全为己任。

    We want oil companies to have a strong culture of Engineering professionalism and commitment to health and safety .

  26. 小学语文教师的专业精神,其实质就是对学生的热爱和对小学语文教育事业的热爱。

    Essential of specialty spirit of primary Chinese teachers is devotion to students and educational career of primary Chinese .

  27. 由于历史和社会文化的差异,中西方对医学专业精神有着不同的理解。

    Due to historical and social cultural differences , China and the western have different understandings of medical professionalism .

  28. 务实的合作联盟聚合了显示领域的精英资源,更体现了航天光电的专业精神。

    The practical collaboration union converges elite resource in display field , which embody the professional spirit of space display .

  29. 高师教育对师范生教师专业精神影响的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Effect of the Higher Normal Education on the Teachers ' Devotion of the Normal University Students

  30. 教师的专业精神以自律为核心,推动着教师的专业发展与成长。

    Self-discipline is the core of teachers ' professional spirit , and it can be the motive of teacher 's professional development .