
  1. 本文基于UG三维CAD平台,针对我所产品专用包装容器结构复杂、设计要求高、设计工作量大、已形成系列化设计等特点,开发出专用包装容器三维设计建模系统。

    Ability of Innovation and Product Development of Undergraduates in 3-dimension Design Ideology Designing of special packing case is characterized by complicated structure , high quality requirement , much workload and serial designing .

  2. 全新配件专用包装把透镜打造成车身标准要求的一部分。

    Brand-new packaging for accessories makes the lens become a standard part of automobiles .

  3. 气囊单元必须使用经官方批准的专用运输包装进行运送!

    Airbag units must only be dispatched in transport packaging officially approved for that purpose !

  4. 产品研发中心为您提供专业的包装机械技术咨询,专业的设计,为客户量身定制专用的包装机械,以满足不同客户的需求。

    R & D Center to provide you with professional packaging machinery technology consulting , professional design , customized special packaging machinery , to meet different customer needs .

  5. 专用的干燥剂包装纸袋只会减小分子筛的吸附速率,而对饱和吸附量无影响;

    The special packing pouch of desiccating agent only reduce absorption rate of the molecular sieve , but can not effect the saturated moisture content .

  6. 汇光公司采用国际先进的专用称重计量与包装控制系统,从根本上保证了使用的绝对可靠和稳定性。

    Huiguang Company adopts international advanced weighing , measuring and packaging control systems and thereby it basically guarantees absolute reliability and stability .

  7. 建立和开发了专用CAD软件-专用包装容器CAD系统。

    Lastly , special packing case CAD system is accomplished .