
  • 网络specialty store;Special Store;speciality store
  1. 专业店之所以售后服务基本能保证,就在于它要自己维护自己的信誉和口碑,当然也不乏被水货替代的。

    The reason why the basic service specialty store can guarantee is that it should maintain their own credibility and reputation , of course , be no lack of alternative parallel .

  2. 本文研究的对象是专业店中运动用品专业店的经营模式。

    The core question of this study is to study the business model for specialized sports stores .

  3. 在大一点的城市,你经常可以发现卖宠物食品和点心的专业店。

    In larger cities , you can often find pet stores which specialize in selling your pets food , and treats .

  4. 专业店是零售领域中一种重要的零售业态,目前专业店在零售企业中占有举足轻重的地位。

    Specialized shop is an important form in retail sales , and it plays an important role in retail sale businesses .

  5. 现需引进与该商业街区特色相关的专业店、专卖店,望有识之士前来投资兴业。

    We , here , want to introduce professional stores and monopolized shops related to characteristic commercial streets , and welcome thinking people to invest .

  6. 近年来,我国大型零售企业的发展迅速,呈现出市场集中度进一步提高、专业店发展势头突出、外资企业发展活跃和并购重组显著增多等特点。

    In recent years , large-scale retail enterprises developed rapidly , showing the characteristics of a furthering market concentration , the prominent development of specialty stores , active process of the foreign-funded enterprises , a marked increase of mergers and acquisitions , and so on .

  7. 能推荐一家在这方面比较专业的店吗?

    Could you suggest a store specializing in it ?

  8. 小贴士:把包包拿到专业清洗店去清洁大的污迹或擦痕。

    Tip : take your purse to a professional for large stains and scuffs .

  9. 清洁皮衣一般应送专业洗衣店保养为宜;

    Clean the leather garments in special laundry .

  10. 从而使专业咖啡店提升自身的服务水准,增加咖啡店顾客的忠诚度。

    Thereby enhance their own professional standards of service coffee shop , coffee shop to increase customer loyalty .

  11. 我国家电传统零售渠道主要分为百货商场、专业连锁店、品牌专卖店等业态。

    There are three main channels of home appliances in China : malls , chain stores and brand stores .

  12. 所以如果涉水后发现上述情况,应该送专业维修店除水。

    So if the above situation , found after wade should send professional maintenance shop in addition to water .

  13. 但还有一些照片则经过了修饰,看起来像是在专业摄影店拍摄的。

    But some of them are more contrived and look as they though have been taken in a professional studio .

  14. 他刚刚画过的窗帘要送去专业清洁店才行,不过窗帘早就该送去洗了。

    Well , the curtains he drew on are gonna need to be professionally cleaned , but they were overdue .

  15. 为专业咖啡店、中西餐厅、酒吧茶楼、宾馆酒店、会所、办公室及家庭提供最适宜的咖啡解决方案。

    Provide the most suitable plan of coffee to professional cafe , restaurant , hotel , tea garden , bar and home .

  16. 系目前位列全球500强的大型跨国零售企业及汽车用品专业连锁店在中国地区的主要供应商之一。

    Currently , JSL is a major auto accessories supplier to the world 's Top500 supermarkets , auto accessories chain stores and regional giant importers .

  17. 在上述各种流通形态中,专业连锁店从2000年开始,凭借着家电销售领域的三大优势:价格较低、商业品牌的扩展性强、知名度高而迅速崛起,并迅速向全国扩张。

    Since 2000 , chain stores have rapidly developed for their three major advantages : lower prices , stronger expansion of commercial brands and their popularity .

  18. 本店为专业皮鞋店,种类齐全,款式新颖,品质精良,价格合理,热烈欢迎广大客户光顾。

    Our shop specializes in a great assortment of leather shoes in new styles , of prime quality at reasonaBle prices . We warmly welcome your patronage .

  19. 给你的包包安上“脚”,以防弄脏或刮坏。小贴士:把包包拿到专业清洗店去清洁大的污迹或擦痕。

    Have a professional repair person put protective " feet " on the bottom of the purse to protect it from dirt and scratches . Tip : Take your purse to a professional for large stains and scuffs .

  20. 如果顽固的污渍非常难以清除或者非常脏,将衣物带到专业的洗衣店。

    Take your item to a professional cleaner if difficult stains are persistent , or if it is heavily soiled .

  21. 我们是一家高档的专业美发连锁店,本连锁店不但致力于发型设计,还专业于整体造型。

    Our Hairdressing chain-store is upscale and professional , we are not only dedicated to hair design , but also to whole styling .

  22. 表单上的工作,投资于一些新的鞋,如果仍然没有帮助,请参阅运行专业的专家店谁可以评估你的专业。

    Work on your form , invest in some new shoes , and if that still doesn 't help , go see an expert at a running specialty shop who can evaluate you professionally .

  23. 该公司的市场营销计划是:通过阿迪达斯专卖店以及不同的专业跑步用具连锁店,将EnergyBoost(零售价为150美元)提供给经常从事跑步运动或锻炼的消费者。

    The marketing plan : roll out the Energy Boost , which will retail for $ 150 , to serious runners at Adidas Stores and various running specialty chains .

  24. 我们的花店是一家专业的集实体店与网上店为一体的鲜花店。

    Our florist is a professional entities set shop and online flower shop into a shop .

  25. 根据多年的周口店地质实习教学体会,提出了适于岩土工程专业方向的周口店地质教学实习内容、要求和相应的实习时间,以供探讨。

    Based on teaching in the course of ZhouKouDian geological field practice for several years , geology teaching contents and teaching time in the ZhouKouDian area appropriate to geotechnical engineering specialty of civil engineering are presented .