
  • 网络specific grant
  1. 各地政府都会为从事农业相关项目的创业者提供专项补助。

    They often provide special subsidies to those who run agriculture-related businesses .

  2. 中央财政拟安排保障性住房专项补助资金632亿元,比上年增加81亿元。

    The central government will allocate 63.2 billion yuan for low-income housing , an increase of 8.1 billion yuan over last year .

  3. 三要完善转移支付结构,加强专项补助管理;

    Secondly , the government must increase fiscal transfer payment Thirdly , the government must establish perfect transfer structure and strengthen the management of especial subsidy ;

  4. 并进一步分析了上级政府和地方政府之间的博弈情形,讨论了地方政府隐瞒及不隐瞒其偏好参数η的专项补助。

    We also analyzed the game theory situation between the superior government and local government , discussed the local government conceals and not conceals its preference parameter η on the special transfer payment .

  5. 不论哪种性质和类型的农民,在土地流转参与社会保障的建设中,政府应拿出土地收益的一部分资金建立新农保土地收益专项补助金。

    Regardless of what type of farmers , government should come up as part of land revenue funds to establish special allowance from land revenue to promote the development of New Rural Pension Insurance construction .

  6. 政府补助切实改善了上市公司的财务状况,提高了上市公司的经营业绩,扮靓了报告期内的会计盈余,而专项补助更可在长期改善企业的营运水平和盈利能力。

    Government subsidies have bettered the financial situation of listed enterprises , improved their business performance and increased the accounting earnings during the reporting period , while special subsidies can improve operation and profitability in the long term .

  7. 针对制度实施以来所暴露的问题,提出了调整支出结构、建立因素法为主的新转移支付制度、调整专项补助方式等五方面的改进措施。

    Secondly , in the light of relevant problems , five measures are put forward , including adjusting expenditure structure , establishing a new transfer system by factor analysis method , regulating special purpose grants and so on .

  8. 然而,由于新农合补助金是一种带有配套要求的专项补助,而上级政府大多采用一刀切式的固定金额补助法,这样财力较弱、农业人口比重高的地方政府不得不承担相对较大比重的筹资责任。

    Since the NCMS subsidies are appropriated as a categorical grant with matching requirement and fixed rate , local governments with high proportion of agricultural population and weak financial strength have to bear heavier financing responsibility for the schemes .

  9. 占中央财政支出很大比重的中央专项补助,从项目的设置、申请的审批到资金的拨付管理以及有关方面的监督检查,均存在诸多缺陷和问题。

    The special subsidy from the central government has many defects and problems ranging from the establishment of projects , the examination and approval of its application , the allocation and management of the fund , to the supervision and auditing thereof .

  10. 两年来,争取吉林省新农村建设专项补助资金4000万元,主要用于省级试点村镇的规划编制、产业开发、基础设施和社会事业项目建设。

    Over the past two years , Jilin Province for the construction of new rural funding 40 million yuan of special subsidies , mainly used for pilot villages and towns of the provincial planning , industrial development , infrastructure and social undertakings in construction projects .