
  • 网络University of Dublin;university college dublin;UCD;Dublin University;university college of dublin
  1. 他在卡尔加里大学取得学士学位以后,前往都柏林大学圣三一学院求学,先后获得了硕士和博士学位。

    He studied for his bachelor degree at the University of Calgary and went on to study for a master degree and a PHD in Trinity College , University of Dublin .

  2. 他在都柏林大学三一学院(TrinityCollege,Dublin)念过商科,之后在毕马威(KPMG)接受过会计师训练。

    He read business studies at Trinity College Dublin and then trained as an accountant with KPMG .

  3. 都柏林大学学院(UCD)迈克尔?斯墨菲特商业研究生院(MichaelSmurfitGraduateSchoolofBusiness)的总体进步最大,排名攀升21位至第48名。

    Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School at University College Dublin showed the best overall progress , moving up 21 places to 48 .

  4. 都柏林大学圣三一学院的教授,EAGLELS的联合副主席DavidMcConnell对杨焕明的呼吁表示欢迎。

    David McConnell , a professor of biotechnology at Trinity College , Dublin and co-vice chairman of EAGLES , welcomes Yang 's appeals .

  5. DCU是继都柏林大学学院(UCD)迈克尔?斯墨菲特商业研究生院(MichaelSmurfitGraduateSchoolofBusiness)之后上榜的第二个爱尔兰商学院,此前它在2016年进入管理学硕士榜单。

    DCU Business School was the second Irish school , after UCD Smurfit , to feature in this ranking after it entered the Masters in Management ranking in 2016 .

  6. 1885年,叶芝在《都柏林大学综述》一书中首次发表了他的诗作。

    As a writer Yeats made his debut in 1885 , when he published his first poems in The Dublin University Review .

  7. 宫殿的主人轻蔑地笑了:“你认为这里是天堂吗?这里本来就是地狱啊!”(中文作者:选自<<小故事网>>译者:爱尔兰都柏林大学赖小琪)

    The owner of the palace smiled contemptuously , " Do you think it is Heaven here ? It is actually the hell ! "

  8. 这些天的所有慌乱与担忧,随着昨天下午在院办举行的都柏林大学面试的结束而结束。

    All the panic and concern had dissipated along with the ending of the interview held by Dublin University in our Business School yesterday afternoon .

  9. 以前在深大就听老师说都柏林大学的会计专业很难学的,他们也一般不招中国学生,之前只招过一个师姐。

    In the past I had heard a teacher in Shenzhen University say that accounting in UCD was very difficult to learn and that the school normally did not recruit Chinese students in that major .

  10. 在霞浦负责传教的差会包括英国圣公会下属的英国布道会和都柏林大学福建布道会,后者相对于前者所发挥的作用更大。

    Church Missionary Society and Dublin University Fukien Mission which are the subordinate societies of the Anglican Church of England were responsible for the missionary in Xiapu , the latter play a more important role than the former .

  11. EllenHazelkorn是爱尔兰都柏林工业大学的研究生院院长、研究和企业负责人。

    Ellen Hazelkorn is Director of Research and Enterprise , and Dean of the Graduate Research School at the Dublin Institute of Technology , Ireland .

  12. 扎克·奥莱利是一名来自爱尔兰的26岁小伙,目前正在都柏林城市大学攻读生物学。过去三年里,他一直都担任和绿色和平组织活动者,也一直梦想着能够亲眼在野外栖息地里看到猩猩。

    Zack O'Reilly , a young 26-year-old from Ireland , who is presently studying biology at Dublin city University and has been a Greenpeace activist for the past three years , had always dreamed of seeing orangutans in their natural habitat .