
  • 网络Urban Agriculture;city agriculture;agriculture in city countryside
  1. 加入WTO后,北京市都市农业面临的机遇与挑战并存。

    After joining WTO , Beijing urban agriculture is faced with both chances and challenges .

  2. 现代都市农业发展及其SWOT分析。

    Second , the SWOT analysis of the development of modern urban agriculture and of its influencing factors .

  3. 在俄亥俄州的克利夫兰市(Cleveland),有家购物中心里的一块地建起了室内花园,其他的都市农业项目也许可以借鉴此案例。

    In Cleveland , Ohio , part of a mall has been given over to indoor gardens , with the idea that it might be a model for other urban agriculture programmes .

  4. 采用意愿调查法(CVM)对杨凌的游客进行随机抽样调查,获取了游客对都市农业景观娱乐游憩功能的支付意愿及其相关影响因素,并对都市农业的发展进行了量化分析。

    Based on the investigated data of the randomly selected tourists to Yang Ling by Contingent Valuation Method , this paper collects the information of willingness degree to pay for their touring and the relevant influencing factors , and it also analyses quantifiably the development of urban agriculture .

  5. 上海市现代都市农业发展中若干问题探讨

    Discussion on Some Problems of the Modern Urban Agriculture in Shanghai

  6. 武汉远城区都市农业产业化初探

    The Property about Far Away City Agriculture of Metropolis in WUHAN

  7. 都市农业的内涵、特征及发展对策

    The Intension , Charactor and Development Countermeasures of Agriculture in Countryside

  8. 海外都市农业对京郊都市农业的启示

    The Enlightenment of Overseas Urban Agriculture on Beijing Suburb Urban Agriculture

  9. 都市农业与农民技术素质教育

    Modern Agriculture and Farmer 's Technique Education Peasants Migrated to Cities

  10. 第五,郑州市都市农业发展对策分析。

    Fifth , analyze of Zhengzhou city urban agriculture development countermeasures .

  11. 提出了郑州市都市农业发展的战略构想和方略对策。

    The countermeasures for the urban agriculture development was put forward .

  12. 这是最早的都市农业理论的萌芽。

    It is the rudiment for the theory of urban agriculture .

  13. 论中国都市农业的发展&以北京市为例

    On china 's urban agricultural development taking Beijing as an example

  14. 基于环境优先下的都市农业发展研究

    Study on the Development of Urban Agriculture Based on Environmental Protection

  15. 发展上海都市农业之我见

    My private views on the development of Shanghai city agriculture

  16. 国外都市农业发展经验对我国的启示

    International Experience of Urban Agriculture and its Enlightenments to China

  17. 郑州市都市农业发展方略对策研究

    Study on Strategies of Urban Agriculture Development in Zhengzhou City

  18. 杭州发展都市农业的土地政策支持

    On Land Use Policies of City Agriculture Development in Hangzhou

  19. 论都市农业的基本特征、产生背景与功能

    On the Function , Background and Characteristics of City Agriculture

  20. 上海都市农业保护与可持续发展

    The Reservation of Urban Agriculture in Shanghai and Sustainable Development

  21. 济南市都市农业的现状与发展对策

    The Current Situation and Development Countermeasure of Jinan Urban Agriculture

  22. 可持续发展与上海都市农业产业化

    Study on sustainable development and industrialization of Shanghai Urban Agriculture

  23. 都市农业的技术特征及其技术创新研究

    Research on Technical Feature and Technological Innovation about Urban Agriculture

  24. 城市化与都市农业之间是一种紧密联系、相生相伴、互为条件的供需关系。

    The relationship of urbanization and urban development is compact and interdependent .

  25. 关于加快武汉都市农业发展的探讨

    Discussion about speeding up the city agriculture development of Wuhan

  26. 武汉市都市农业发展的问题与对策

    The Problems and Countermeasures of Development of Wuhan Urban Agriculture Are Studied

  27. 都市农业的形成背景及发展对策

    Study on formation background and Development Countermeasures of urban agriculture

  28. 现代都市农业的理论和实践研究

    Study on the Theory and Practice of Modern City Agriculture

  29. 都市农业发展现状及其探讨

    Current Status and Inquire into on Development of Urban Agriculture

  30. 发展重庆都市农业旅游产业的探讨

    A study of the development of urban agricultural tourism industry in Chongqing