
  1. 桂西北扶贫产业&蔬菜冬季设施栽培的探讨

    On Models of Vegetables Planting with Facilities in Winter Taking Northwest Guangxi as An Example

  2. 旅游扶贫是旅游经济产业发展的必然。

    Tourism for supporting the poor is an essential result of the development of tourism economy industry .

  3. 第四部分结合当地百姓对扶贫的认识就产业扶贫在具体实施中的问题作了一些思考。

    The fourth part makes some thinking on industrial poverty alleviation in the implementation , combining with the understanding of local people to poverty alleviation .

  4. 本文认为贫困社区参与旅游、旅游扶贫与当地主导产业的有机结合是现阶段旅游扶贫研究中有待深入分析的两个重点。

    The paper holds that community-involved tourism in poverty-stricken areas and the organic combination of PET with local pillar industries are two key points to be analyzed at the present stage .