
  • 网络visitor;professional visitor
  1. 参观券&主要发送给行业专业观众,具有广泛宣传的广告效果;

    Visiting tickets & Primarily sending to the professional visitors and having the advertisement effect of the extensive publicity .

  2. 三是加大邀请买家的力度,全方位、多角度、深层次向国内外专业观众发出参会邀请函。

    Thirdly , increasing efforts to invite buyers , comprehensive , multi-angle , deep send invitations to domestic and international visitors .

  3. 展映活动播放了纪录片《游戏之外》,众多专业观众观看了该片。

    Many professional experts watched the documentary " Outside the Game " at the show .

  4. 通过中国驻各国大使馆商务机构及境内外招商网络邀请专业观众。

    Chinese embassy in embassies of bend by business institutions and investment promotion network professional audiences and invited .

  5. 仅在2010年,雅式的展览会就吸引了57个官方展团,其中大多数来自主要工业国家,参展公司达9592家,专业观众多达398498人。

    In2010 alone , AES exhibitions drew a total of57 official pavilions with the majority from leading industrial countries , 9,592 exhibitors and398,498 trade visitors .

  6. 可见,专业观众参观展览会主要是想与充足的、高质量的参展商进行互动、沟通,了解行业信息,获取最新技术。

    So , professional visitors visit the exhibition mainly trying to interact and communicate with sufficient and high-quality exhibitors , learn industry information and latest technology .

  7. 整合博览会专业观众信息库资源,通过短信群发展会活动提示、寄发展会预告等方式,汇集更多专业观众到会。

    Integrate the information resources of the Expo 's professional attendees , and send the event notice to them so as to gather more professional attendees .

  8. 专业观众中有44.6%表示一定会参加下届展会;有52.2%表示一定会推荐本次展会。

    44.6 % of the professional visitors said they would definitely participate in the next show , and 52.2 % of the professional visitors said they would recommend the show .

  9. 第26届西班牙机床展将为高技术含量的参展商提供全方位展示的舞台以应对高质量商业需求的专业观众。

    The objectives initially set for the26th BIEMH are to stage an event with the highest possible technical quality and to respond to the commercial needs of exhibitors and visitors .

  10. 随着中国展览市场的竞争日益激烈,展览会的主办方为吸引更多的参展商参展,扩大展会规模和品牌知名度,保证专业观众的数量和质量非常关键。

    With the increasingly fierce competition in the exhibition market , the organizers should promise the quantity and quality of the trade visitors to attract more exhibitors to their trade shows .

  11. 为了进一步研究观展行为的特征,本研究探讨了专业观众的个体特征对观展行为的影响。

    To further study the characteristics of trade visitors ' behaviors at the trade show , this study explores the influences of individual characteristics of the trade visitors on their behaviors .

  12. 参展商和专业观众都对展会规模、国内外参展商(专业观众)和参展环境感到较满意,而对展会的服务水平不太满意。

    Both exhibitors and professional visitors feel more satisfied with the exhibition scale , domestic and foreign exhibitors ( professional visitors ) and the attendance environment , while not satisfied with the service .

  13. 因为从一方面来说,忠诚参展商往往实力雄厚,在行业内具有较大的影响力,能吸引更多的专业观众前来参展,对于展览会能否成功举办起着至关重要的作用。

    On one side , the powerful anchor exhibitors play an important role in a success exhibition , because they have a great influence in the industry and can attract more trade visitors .

  14. 目前,展览会的发展进入一个观众导向的时代,国内外学术界研究也逐渐从重视参展商过渡到重视专业观众。

    At present , the development of the exhibition gets into a " visitors-oriented " era . So , domestic and international academic research has gradually transition from a focus on exhibitors to attach importance to the professional exhibition audiences .

  15. 在展会的各项指标中,参展环境、国内外参展商(专业观众)、展会规模、展会整体质量和现场服务水平是影响专业客户感知的主要因素。

    Among the satisfaction indexes of travel fair , the attendance environment , the quality of exhibitors and professional visitors home and abroad , the scale , overall quality and on-site service are the main factors for the professional customer perception .

  16. 参展商之所以愿意付费租用展位,其主要目的是与专业观众进行沟通,期望了解专业观众的需求,得到专业观众的认可。

    The main purpose of the exhibitors who are willing to pay for the rent of the booths is to communicate with the trade visitor , expect to understand the needs of the trade visitors and finally receive the recognition of them .

  17. 本届电动汽车及充电装置与储能展还将向专业贸易观众展示智能电网与新能源方面新技术、新设备重要内容。

    This exhibition will also exhibit to professional trade audience the important contents of new technologies and equipment in smart grid and new energy .

  18. 专业影评和观众对该片的评分竟然是B,这反映了美国人如今的令人悲哀的价值观。

    The critics'and viewers'rating of B is a sad commentary on American values today . Don 't waste your money or time on this piece of junk called a movie .

  19. 组委会将联合各省市相关行业协会,直接邀请组织专业买家及观众前来参观、采购;

    The organization committee will unite the related industrial associations to invite and organize buyers and audiences directly for visit and purchase ;

  20. “应聘者”的认真准备,“面试官”的专业提问,让观众几乎以为这真的是一场面试!

    Interviews'professional question and students'well-preparation and witty answer makes the interview as a real one .