
zhāo zhǎn
  • flutter;wave;flaunt
招展 [zhāo zhǎn]
  • [flutter] 飘动;摇曳

  • 花枝招展

招展[zhāo zhǎn]
  1. 大街上旗帜招展。

    The streets were decked with flags .

  2. 工地上红旗招展。

    Red flags fluttered over the construction site .

  3. 金秋十月,国旗招展,举国同庆。

    Autumn in October , the national flag fluttering , national jubilation .

  4. 参展企业向组委会招商招展部申请。

    Participating enterprises apply to the Investment Promotion Department of the Organizing Committee .

  5. 起来,旌旗为你招展,号角为你激昂

    Rise up for you the flag is flung for you the bugle trills

  6. 云南省园艺博览局国际招展管理信息系统

    The Management Information System of the International Invited Exhibition in Yunnan Horticultural Exposition Bureau

  7. 巴黎圣母院巨大的塔楼顶上黑色的旗帜日夜招展。

    The black flag waved night and day from the great towers of Notre Dame ;

  8. 升起你全部木叶如同旌旗招展。

    Hang all your leafy banners out !

  9. 起来吧,——旌旗在为你招展——号角在为你长鸣。

    Rise up - for you the flag is flung - for you the bugle trills ,

  10. 起来,旌旗为你招展,号角为你激昂,

    Rise up -- for you the flag is flung -- for you the bugle trills ,

  11. 西班牙馆的墙壁上覆满了柳条,以不同的角度招展。

    The walls of the Spanish pavilion , jutting out at all angles , are covered with wicker .

  12. 在古时候,简化曲滚球的球场上风笛高鸣,旗帜招展,与战场很有些相似。

    In old times a field of shinty must have resembled a battleground ; its usual accompaniment being skirling pipes and waving banners .

  13. 在她的内心深处,以自己的爱为荣,她的胸前佩带的红字不是可耻的罪的标记,而是真爱的招展。

    She wears the scarlet " A ", not as a shameful badge of sin , but as a proud banner of love .

  14. 上周甚至还出现了一点节日气氛,旌旗招展、鼓声震天,人们举着火把高喊口号,甚至穿着盛装招摇过市。

    Last week there was a slightly festive air – with flags , drums , torches , chants and even fancy dress on display .

  15. 组织招商展必须以企业自愿为原则,不得通过行政干预招展;

    Organization for inviting businesses and exhibitors must follow the principle of voluntary participation by enterprises and no administrative interference shall be permitted to attract exhibitors ;

  16. 主办单位主要负责制定并实施展览方案和计划,组织招商招展。

    Host units shall mainly be responsible for the formulation and implementation of the exhibition schemes and plans and the organization for inviting businesses and exhibitors .

  17. 美国的骄傲:军队成员招展前费城费城人的家在揭幕战对费城华盛顿国民棒球比赛在周一美国国旗。

    AMERICAN PRIDE : Members of the military unfurled a US flag before the Philadelphia Phillies'home opener baseball game against the Washington Nationals in Philadelphia on Monday .

  18. 主办单位将充分利用自身渠道优势和影响力,通过我驻外使馆经商机构,各国贸易促进机构、外医药行业组织及专业展览公司进行海外的招商招展推广。

    The two organizers are joining forces to promote the Healthplex through a strong global network of Chinese diplomatic missions , overseas associations and trade promotional counterparts abroad .

  19. 在校园入口的干道上,欢迎2018届新同学的横幅在微风中招展,似乎在邀请新生们探索这个新环境。

    The banner by the campus entranceway welcoming the Class of 2018 waved in the breeze , as if beckoning the newcomers to discover all that awaited them .

  20. 观众来源目标的计划实施,将与展览会的招展工作同步进行。

    The plan of the aim of sources of the visitors will be executed , together with the work of the invitation and exhibition at the same time .

  21. 参展企业一旦向组委会递交参展申请表,则视为参展企业对招展书内容及参展条款完全清楚并全部接受。

    The exhibitor shall be regarded as fully aware of the content of the brochure and wholly accepting the terms therein upon sending the application form to the organizing committee .

  22. 上海留伊展览服务有限公司成立于2007年,是一家专业从事展览会主办招展,展台设计与搭建的公司。

    Shanghai Liuyi Exhibition Service Co. , Ltd was was founded in the year of2007 , is one of the biggest and professional company for show organizer ﹑ booth design and construction .

  23. 成千上万块手帕在挤得紧紧的群众头上招展,不停地向林肯号敬礼,直到船抵达赫德森河口,纽约城所在的长形半岛的尖端,人群才渐渐散去。

    Thousands of handkerchiefs were waving above these tightly packed masses , hailing the Abraham Lincoln until it reached the waters of the Hudson River , at the tip of the long peninsula that forms New York City .

  24. 起来,旌旗为你招展,号角为你激昂,花团锦簇,彩带飘飞,为你,岸边人群熙熙嚷攘;人们把你呼唤,万头攒动,他们晃动急切的面庞;

    Rise up -- for you the flag is flung -- for you the bugle trills , For you bouquets and ribboned wreaths -- for you the shores accrowding , For you they call , the swaying mass , their eager faces turning ;

  25. 外交部及驻外使领馆同上海市及有关方面进行了密切配合,推进招展促展工作。

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and China 's diplomatic missions overseas have been working closely with the Shanghai Municipality and related departments in promoting the participation in the Shanghai World Expo . We have established a strong team to help with the Expo .

  26. 在箭鱼中间,有鳃鱼,像随凤招展的台布,翻来转去,鳃鱼中我看到了使我很喜欢的那种中国鲤鱼,它上半身黑黄色,肚下淡淡的玫瑰色,眼睛后面带有三根刺;

    Around them , rays were undulating like sheets flapping in the wind , and among these I spotted , much to my glee , a Chinese ray , yellowish on its topside , a dainty pink on its belly , and armed with three stings behind its eyes ;