
bǐ shì
  • written examination;have or give a written examination
笔试 [bǐ shì]
  • [written examination] 用书面回答问题的方式进行考试

笔试[bǐ shì]
  1. 你笔试得了47分,口试得了18分,总分65分。

    You got 47 points on the written examination and 18 on the oral , making a total of 65 .

  2. 会有笔试作为实践考试的补充。

    There will be a written examination to complement the practical test

  3. 将有一次法语口试和笔试。

    There will be a test of both oral and written French .

  4. 学员在通过驾照考试前可能得参加笔试。

    Learners may have to take a written exam before they pass their driving test

  5. 只有大约50名学生能够获得邀请,遴选依据是笔试成绩和在美国数学奥林匹克比赛中的表现。

    Only about 50 students are invited based on their performance on written tests and at the USA Math Olympiad .

  6. 这是一个笔试,问司机从一个地方到另一个地方最短的路线是什么。

    It is a written test , and in it drivers are asked the shortest way from one place to another .

  7. 全国计算机等级考试(二级C语言)笔试试题分析(二)根据政府的提案,审核、通过财政预算;

    An analysis about national computer rank paper examination ( C Language Band 2 ); To examine and approve budgets introduced by the Government ;

  8. 在MBA学生录取中,笔试成绩、面试成绩、资历(工作经历)各占多大比重?

    How many percent of the written exam , interview and working experience is respectively in the selection of MBA candidates ?

  9. 即使妇女的HIV是被丈夫传染的,一旦病情泄露,仍会受到他的冷待或抛弃.(见上海新东方的《中级口译笔试备考精要》和《高级口译笔试备考精要》二书)

    A woman infected with HIV may be ostracized or abandoned by her husband if her conditions is revealed , even when he is the source of the disease .

  10. TOEFL笔试的价格是150美元,测试内容包括阅读,听力和写作。

    The TOEFL paper test costs one hundred fifty dollars . It tests reading , listening and writing .

  11. IELTS以笔试的形式进行,TOEFL只有在不能进行机试的地方才进行笔试。

    The IELTS is a paper test , while the TOEFL is given on paper only in places where a computer test is unavailable .

  12. 第四个学习阶段我将继续学习争取参加托福笔试,雅思口试和GRE最高级别测试。

    For the4th semester , I will prepare myself for the written test of TOEFL , the oral test of IELTS and GRE .

  13. 在计算机等级考试中,有的考生笔试很快通过了,可上机这一环节要反复几次,原因之一就是经验不足,就C语言的上机调试技巧谈一谈看法,供参考。

    In computer grade examination , some students passed written test quickly , but can not pass the tache of working on computer for several times . One of the reasons is lacking experience and the paper will talking about working on computer debugging technique for C language .

  14. 利用VBA技术,将试卷记录自动转换为Word文档格式的笔试卷。系统的核心功能均以基于COM技术的ActivexDLL组件进行发布。

    Besides , we applied VBA technology in realizing shifting test paper records automatically into written test paper of a Word document format . All kernel functions of the system are launched by means of ActiveX DLL components of COM technology .

  15. 在研究过程中,所收集的口试和笔试数据均通过SPSS软件进行统计和分析,而且除了笔试和口试数据外,个人访谈也被采纳用以调查研究中的细节信息收集。

    Data were collected through written and oral tests and analyzed through SPSS . Personal interview were used to obtain more detailed information in this study . On the outset , several questions have been put forward to make the research concise and clear .

  16. 此外,尽管GMAC当时拥有的资源有限,但他依然全力推动这个组织取消笔试,转而采用一种能够根据每位考生的答案自动调整的计算机考试。

    Despite the group 's limited resources at the time , he also pushed forward to eliminate the rather limiting paper-and-pencil test and move to a computer exam that would adapt to each test taker 's answers .

  17. 本文还结合OMR光电自动阅卷仪,编写了读卡代码,实现了笔试成绩读卡处理,从而提高了考试的公正性和准确性,减轻了教师的阅卷工作量。

    Combining OMR photo electricity automatic grade manage machine , reading card code is complied and written examination grade is managed by reading cord , consequently , equity and veracity of examination is improved , teacher 's reading grade workload is eased .

  18. 论计算机等级考试笔试备考策略

    On Strategy of Preparation for Written Part in Computer Grade Examination

  19. 我的驾驶执照考试的笔试部分未能及格。

    I failed on the wrtten part of my driving test .

  20. 然而他们当中的大部分在英语笔试中却能取得好成绩。

    However , they can get high marks in written exam .

  21. 大学英语四、六级统考笔试新题型补充

    Suggested New Test Itmes in CET - Band 4 and 6

  22. 在网上申请,包括笔试。

    Just applications on the Internet , including the written test .

  23. 商务剑桥英语考试一部分是笔试,一部分是口试。

    The CamBridge Business Exams are part written , part oral .

  24. 国考分为笔试和面试两部分。

    The civil service exam consists of writing tests and interviews .

  25. 是笔试把我的成绩给拖了下去。

    It was the written paper that pulled me down .

  26. 以课程学习和论文写作为评估的基础,无笔试

    Assessment based on coursework and dissertation . No written examination

  27. 评分客观且不知道考试者是谁的笔试。

    Written examinations marked impersonally and with no knowledge of the candidate .

  28. 新学员会在第一周进行笔试。

    New entrants do written tests in their first week .

  29. 此次活动区别于传统的笔试考试。

    The event is different from the traditional written examination .

  30. 我想在笔试的时候我答得很好。

    I think I did well in the paper exams .