
  1. 笔墨当随时代。

    When the ink with the times .

  2. 中国花鸟画是中国绘画艺术的重要组成部分,在艺术史上创造一个又一个高峰,并表现出了不同的时代风格,正如清代石涛所言“笔墨当随时代”。

    Chinese flower-and-bird painting is an important part in Chinese painting ; it creates several peaks in art history , and shows different styles in periods .

  3. 郭沫若在诗中高度赞扬了他“师法造化”、“笔墨当随时代”的现实主义创作态度与矢志创新的精神。

    Guo highly praised in the poem he was " learning from nature "," Chinese painting methods with the Era " realistic attitude and committed to innovation and creative spirit .

  4. 敦煌壁画中的树在不同的时期体现出了各自的造型特征,正所谓笔墨当随时代。

    The Dunhuang frescoes in the " tree " in different periods reflects the other respective characteristic , is the so-called " pen and ink with the times when " .

  5. 对水墨动画艺术特征的研究应该遵循‘笔墨当随时代’的理念,水墨动画视听艺术特征是影片讲故事的主要方式。

    The research on Ink animation art features should follow the idea ' the ink with the times ' . The features of Ink animated audio-visual arts is the main way in storytelling .

  6. 从绘画思想的角度来分析,搜尽奇峰打草稿,我用我法,法无定法,笔墨当随时代等等都体现了他的写意精神。

    Thoughts from the perspective of painting , do search Qifeng scratch , I use my law , law is not fixed , ink , etc. , with the times when he and the Spirit embodied .

  7. 清代画家石涛曾说过笔墨当随时代,不同的审美观念和思想文化决定不同的艺术表现形式,当代工笔重彩人物画在当下语境中呈现多元化发展的趋向。

    Qing Dynasty painter Shi Tao said " the ink is along with the times ", different aesthetic and ideological culture determine different forms of artistic expression . Contemporary meticulous figure painting has diversified developing trend in the present .

  8. 在我们讲笔墨当随时代的同时,作为具象绘画首要基础的造型不应该是一成不变的,也应该跟随时代而变化。

    As we speak of a " calligraphy as with the age " at the same time , as the primary basis for a shape like a painting should not be static , it should also change with the times .