
  1. 智能广告监播系统应用实验表明该方法不仅简单,而且能满足匹配速率和匹配率上的需求。

    The experiment of intelligent advertisement detecting system shows that the algorithm is simple and meets the requirements on matching velocity and rate .

  2. 数码市场咨询师史蒂文赫斯补充说,如此创意的技术预示着一点,那就是过去愚蠢的广告时代向智能广告时代转变的开始,它更意味着未来个人化广告的前景无可限量。

    Digital marketing consultant Steven Hess added that such technology marked the ' beginning of a shift from essentially dumb advertising to intelligent advertising ' and that it meant that in the future there would be ' no boundaries ' .

  3. 基于TI公司MSP430系列16位低功耗单片机设计了智能语音广告窗控制系统,主要介绍了系统硬件设计原理和软件流程。

    This paper introduces an implementation method of Intelligent Sound Advertisement Show Window Controlling System , dealing mainly with hardware design and software process based on MSP430 . The system works steadily and it can be developed easily .

  4. 更智能的广告屏蔽功能。

    Better AD blocking , user triggered tab will not be blocked .

  5. 这些限制使智能手机广告的需求不高,价格也较低。

    These limitations depress demand for smartphone ads and lead to low prices .

  6. 投放了移动广告的公司发现了一个不同寻常的全新促销秘诀:通过智能手机广告,让消费者直接点击广告拨打电话给卖家。

    Companies diving into mobile advertising have found success getting consumers to do something unusual with their smartphones : make calls .

  7. 广告客户不看好智能手机广告的另一原因是用户在使用手机时接受信息的思维模式不足。

    Another reason advertisers dont value smartphone ads highly is that users tend to lack a receptive mindset when using their phones .

  8. 百度通过在数据中心利用深度学习算法预测硬盘故障已经可以每天节省1700万元人民币(合270万美元),而且还利用人工智能优化广告和相片的使用来提升点击率。

    Baidu already saves Rmb17m ( $ 2.7m ) per day at its data centres by using deep-learning algorithms to predict hard drive malfunctions , and it is also using AI to optimise the use of advertisements and photos to improve clickthrough rates .

  9. 基于Web智能的网络广告监测器研究与设计

    Research and design of Web ads monitor based on Web intelligence

  10. 谷歌的首席财务长鲁思·波拉特表示,智能手机的广告和YouTube是收入增长的主要动力。首席执行官桑达?皮采表示,去年有几天时间手机广告收入甚至超越了台式电脑广告的收入。

    Ruth Porat , Google 's chief financial officer , said growth had been driven by advertising on smartphones and YouTube , and its chief executive Sundar Pichai said mobile advertising revenues had surpassed those from desktop computers on several days last year .

  11. 他们说,一个问题是,阿里巴巴通过智能手机上广告获得的利润,少于电脑上广告的利润,然而该公司旗下服务的访问流量更多来自手机。

    One issue , they say , is that Alibaba makes less money from advertising on smartphones than it does on computers , yet more of its traffic comes via phones .

  12. 定位技术除了为移动用户提供地理位置信息外,它还可以发挥其它作用,比如信息查询、智能交通、广告发布等等。移动定位技术引起人们越来越多的关注。

    In addition to location technology provide location information for mobile users , it also can play other roles , such as information search , intelligent transportation , advertising , etc. Mobile location technology is concerned by more and more people .

  13. RFID智能巡检系统在广告媒体中的应用

    RFID Intelligent Patrol System & Application in Advertisement

  14. 在智能手机上投放广告的空间很小;

    There is little space for ads on a smartphone ;

  15. 在智能手机上投放广告的空间很小;而且广告不能光做到不侵扰用户,还要让他们点击才行。

    There is little space for ads on a smartphone ; and ads must not just avoid irritating users , but make them click .

  16. 整个商业智能框架的搭建主要结合微软提供的数据库管理系统和商业智能工具,实现商业智能技术方案在广告行业内的应用。

    The whole business intelligence frame construction of the main combination Microsoft provides database management system and business intelligence tools , achieve business intelligence technique in the advertising industry within the application .