
zhī fù shǒu duàn
  • means of payment;instrument of payment
  1. 三是进一步完善行政先行处理程序。四是进一步提高行政赔偿标准,完善行政赔偿费用支付手段。

    Forth , raising the standard for administrative compensation and perfecting the instrument of payment of the cost for the administrative compensation .

  2. 与传统支付手段相比较,用手机和PDA等移动终端来进行交易和支付将更灵活方便。

    Compare with the traditional means of payment , it would be more convenient for payment by mobile phone and PDA terminal .

  3. 它支持各种类型的支付手段、汇款、现金交易(COD)以及信用卡。

    It supports several payment methods , remittances , Cash on Delivery ( COD ), credit cards .

  4. 随着3G在中国投入运营及其市场规模的不断扩大,支付手段的移动化将是大势所趋。

    With the 3G put into operation and the size of the market continues to expand in China , the mobile payment will be the general trend .

  5. 今年8月,达拉斯小牛队成为第二支接受比特币作为门票和商品支付手段的NBA球队。

    In August , the Dallas Mavericks became the second NBA team to accept Bitcoin ( BTC ) as a means of payment for match tickets and merchandise .

  6. S3不是免费的,因此在创建帐户时您必须向Amazon提供一种支付手段(比如信用卡号码)。

    S3 isn 't free , so when you create your account you must provide Amazon with a means of payment ( such as a credit card number ) .

  7. 随着支付手段、信用评价、物流系统等配套设施的逐步完善,以及数量不断增加的网民对网络购物的逐渐接受和认可,C2C电子商务市场的规模正在不断扩大。

    With the means of payment , credit evaluation , logistics systems , the gradual improvement of facilities , as well as a growing number of Internet users in the gradual acceptance of online shopping and recognition , the size of C2C e-commerce market is expanding .

  8. 通过添加第三种支付手段来编辑支付用例。

    Modify payment use cases by adding a third payment method .

  9. 国际保理是国际贸易中一种新的支付手段。

    Intemational factoring is a new method of payment in intemational trade .

  10. 他接受一个可怜的拓荒者以地契做为支付手段。

    He accepts a land deed as payment from one poor sourdough .

  11. 对于一种通用支付手段来说,事实证明这种处理方式太过笨拙。

    This proves far too unwieldy for a universal means of payment .

  12. 因为货币被广泛接受为任何买卖的支付手段

    Because money is generally accepted as payment for any purchase

  13. 电子现金是电子商务中的一种重要的安全支付手段。

    Electronic cash is an important secure payment mechanism in electronic business .

  14. 几代美国人都曾把现金作为主要支付手段。

    Generation after generation of Americans used cash as their primary payment .

  15. 你还要考虑到支付手段,客户支持等等。

    You need to take care about payment processing , customer support etc.

  16. 电子现金是一种非常重要的电子支付手段。

    E-cash is a very important means of e-payment .

  17. 所有这些点都会结合在一起,变成很方便的支付手段。

    All these points are combined into a very convenient means of payment .

  18. 交换媒介是作为支付手段易于被接受的任何东西。

    A medium of exchange is anything that is readily acceptable as payment .

  19. 客户结算半径的扩大,要求银行提供更加高效、便捷、安全、可靠的结算和支付手段。

    It demands more efficient , convenient , safe and credible payment methods .

  20. 货币替代是开放经济中所特有的一种货币性扰动,表现为货币自由兑换前提下外币在价值尺度、支付手段、交易媒介和价值储藏等方面全面或部分地取代了本币。

    Typical of monetary fluctuation of an open economy is the Currency Substitution .

  21. 电子现金作为物理货币的电子等价物,已经成为一种安全方便的电子支付手段。

    E-cash , as the electronic equivalent , is one of secure electronic payments .

  22. 电子结算是在因特网上购物的一种电子支付手段。

    Electronic settlement is a method of electronically paying for purchases on the Internet .

  23. 货币自由兑换即货币可兑换性,是指一种货币兑换成别种货币或支付手段的能力。

    The convertibility of currency is a main topic of the international monetary system .

  24. 北京市规范工资支付手段

    Means of Salary Payment Been Regulated in Beijing

  25. 一种网络支付手段&电子现金

    A Network Payment Mechanism & Electronic Cash

  26. 在国际原材料贸易中,以人民币作为支付手段的情况逐渐增多。

    Use of the renminbi in payment for internationally-traded raw materials is being stepped up .

  27. 网络货币是伴随网上交易而产生的一种全新的支付手段。

    Internet currency is a new means of payment which has emerged together with internet transaction .

  28. 黄金储备也不再作为支付手段来平衡进口贸易和国际收支逆差。

    Gold reserve was not as a medium of payment to balance the international payment deficit .

  29. 以外汇为支付手段的贸易

    Trading in foreign currencies

  30. 斯特尔吉乌还说,游客应该尽量将信用卡作为主要支付手段。

    Mr. Stergiou also said that visitors should try to use their credit cards as their main payment method .