
  • 网络swire;Swire Group;Swire Pacific;John Swire & Sons
  1. 他从牛津大学(oxforduniversity)法律专业毕业后直接加盟太古集团,抓住了在远离英国的亚太地区工作的机会。

    Joining Swire straight from Oxford University , where he studied law , he grasped the opportunity to work in the Asia-Pacific region , where it had built up its empire , far from the UK .

  2. 太古集团聘请香港室内设计师傅厚民(AndreFu)与艺术顾问艾利森皮克特(AlisonPickett),挑选了350件当代亚洲艺术和雕塑作品,摆放在酒店房间和公共区域。

    Swire hired the Hong Kong interior designer Andre Fu and curator Alison Pickett to select 350 works of contemporary Asian art and sculpture for the rooms and public areas .

  3. 一位在太古集团(SwirePacific)不同部门效力30年的人,接替了另一位效力了33年的人。

    One Swire Pacific man , 30 years with various bits of the company , replaces another ( 33 ) .

  4. 除了第一年在太古集团工作外当时他被派往澳大利亚为其冷冻运输业务工作汤彦麟一直效力于国泰航空。

    Apart from his first year with Swire , when he was sent to Australia to work for its refrigerated transport business , Mr Tyler has always worked at Cathay .

  5. 作为一名军队士官之子和牛津大学毕业生,汤彦麟甚至在加入太古集团之前就已经习惯了置身于英国机构。太古集团是一个家族企业,它的历史与大英帝国在亚洲的历史密不可分。

    As an Oxford University-educated son of an army officer , Tony Tyler was comfortably installed in the British establishment even before joining Swire , a family business whose history is intimately linked to that of the British empire in Asia .