
  • 网络Campus Recruitment;campus recruiting;college recruiting;Campus Hire
  1. 校园招聘是企业选拔人才的主要方式之一。

    Campus recruitment is one of the major ways for enterprises to select talents .

  2. 全球性金融机构只会在著名院校举办校园招聘会。

    Global financial institutions typically only go to select universities or business schools for campus recruitment .

  3. 他在校园招聘会上找到了第一份工作。

    He obtained his first job through the milk round .

  4. 查尔斯是于去年早些时候在我公司组织的在著名的B校的一次校园招聘会上选拔进入本公司的。

    Charles was selected through a campus talent search at the leading B schools that my organization undertook early last year .

  5. WSJ:校园招聘的数量有怎样的变化?

    WSJ : How has the volume of on-campus recruiting changed ?

  6. 全美高校与雇主协会(NationalAssociationofCollegesandEmployers)对招聘企业展开的一项调查显示,参与校园招聘的企业今年的应届毕业生计划招聘人数比去年增加了10.2%。

    A survey of employers by the National Association of Colleges and Employers showed those that recruit on campuses plan to boost hiring of new grads by 10.2 % from last year .

  7. mba职业服务委员会(mbacareerservicescouncil)最近一项调查显示,制药、生物技术与医疗公司校园招聘人数增加了近40%。

    A recent survey by the MBA Career Services Council says schools saw an increase of nearly 40 per cent in hiring by pharmaceutical , biotech and healthcare companies .

  8. 经济形势的改善传统上总会导致MBA申请人数增加,一定程度上是因为潜在雇主加大了校园招聘的力度,并向MBA应届毕业生提供更加丰厚的薪资。

    Improved economic conditions traditionally lead to more MBA applications , partly because potential employers step up their campus recruiting and offer new MBAs more money .

  9. 在过去两年里,她通过使用linkedin以及mbafocus的简历搜索工具,与一些出色的候选人进行交流,扩展了校园招聘。

    In the past two years , she has augmented the on-campus recruiting process by using LinkedIn and a resume search tool from MBA focus to correspond with standout candidates individually .

  10. 坦率地说,即将结束的校园招聘季活动,对我来说一直是件很难的事情,对于许多参加MBA学习的校友来说,也是如此。

    Frankly , the season for on-campus recruitment activities , which is drawing to an end , has been a very difficult one for me , and many of my fellow MBA participants .

  11. 非mba学生应聘助理级职务面临的挑战是,他们必须知道我们的mba或本科生校园招聘活动,还要知道申请周期。

    The challenge for students looking for associate level jobs from non-mba programs is that they need to be aware of our MBA or undergraduate recruiting events on campus and of the application cycles .

  12. 对所有来自目标学校的助理级职务候选人申请,我们都会进行评估,即便他们攻读的不是商业专业,但是在多数不授予MBA学位的学校,我们的校园招聘活动不是很活跃。

    We review the applications of all associate level candidates from our target schools even if they are not in the business programs , but we don 't have a strong campus presence at most non-MBA granting graduate schools .

  13. 今年,金融服务行业这通常是新毕业MBA的最大主顾在多数商学院的校园招聘状况十分低迷,因为华尔街投资银行遭受了抵押贷款和信贷损失的打击,许多银行进行了裁员。

    This year , the on-campus recruiting scene in the financial services industry , typically the biggest consumer of newly-minted MBAs , is in a slump at most business schools as investment banks on Wall Street have been battered by mortgage and credit losses , with many resorting to layoffs .

  14. 我们的招聘工具能够告诉我们,某一位候选人是否适合我们,校园招聘负责人理查德欧文(RichardIrwin)表示,但是,若没有这种实践经验,候选人可能不清楚我们是否适合他们。

    Our recruitment tools can tell us whether a candidate is right for us , says Richard Irwin , head of student recruitment . But without this kind of hands-on experience , what the candidate might not know is whether we are right for them .

  15. 结果,到校园招聘的企业数目一路上升。

    As a result , on-campus recruiter figures are on the up .

  16. 很多杰出的公司从不到校园招聘。

    Many great companies never come to campus .

  17. 企业人力资本的获取与校园招聘

    Enterprise Human Resources Acquiring and Campus Graduate Recruiting

  18. 六月,校园招聘会上总是人满为患,挤满了对找工作布满希望的大学生。

    In June , on-campus job fairs are crowded affairs filled with hopeful job-seekers .

  19. 毕业班学生通常非常忙,所以,他们会放弃参加校园招聘会。

    Often seniors are so busy that they skip it , which is a mistake .

  20. 不过,一些公司(比如卫生保健和电子媒体行业的公司)已经增加了他们的校园招聘。

    However some companies such as healthcare and digital media have increased their on-campus recruiting .

  21. 巴黎银行招聘和市场营销人员将该竞赛当作校园招聘的一种工具。

    BNP Paribas recruitment and marketing staff use the game as a tool in campus campaigns .

  22. 他表示:在美国,进行校园招聘的时间是9月。

    The time to be on campus in the US is in September , he says .

  23. 校园招聘是一项系统工程,在实施招聘前,必须有一个详细、完善的招聘方案作为支撑。

    Campus recruitment is a systematic project , supporting by a detailed and perfect recruitment plan .

  24. 这里就一种新的校园招聘模式-培训生制度作出一定的探讨。

    The authors in this paper focus on this new mode of campus job-wanting-the trainee system .

  25. 境遇好些的可能是那些通过校园招聘得偿所愿的毕业班学生。

    In a better position might be those seniors who took advantage of on-campus recruitment programs .

  26. 经过两年暂停之后,许多大公司重新开始进行校园招聘。

    After a two-year hiatus , major corporations are starting to hit College career-fair tables once again .

  27. 这类承诺甚至应该在这些公司来校园招聘的几个月之前,就应该通过和招聘人员的交谈传达出去。

    This commitment is demonstrated by talking to recruiters months before the company even arrives on campus .

  28. 同时,网站还列出了我们的校园招聘计划以及即将举行的校园活动。

    Also on the site is a list of our school recruiters and upcoming on campus events .

  29. 教育部在2017年颁布了禁止校园招聘会工作歧视的规定。

    The Ministry of Education in 2017 issued regulations to ban work discrimination in on-campus job fairs .

  30. 如果我们拥有充足的优秀人才,我们将取消年末的校园招聘。

    If we have enough high-performance interns to offer , we will not conduct campus recruitment at year-end .