
  • 网络salary system;compensation;compensation system;pay system
  1. 我们公司现在采用的是论功行赏的薪酬制度。

    We are current using an “ eat what you kill ” compensation system in our firm .

  2. C公司薪酬制度分析与设计

    The Analysis and Design of Compensation System in C Company

  3. ACTION公司薪酬制度再设计

    Redesign of Compensation System for ACTION Company

  4. 在西方发达国家,以ESO为主体的薪酬制度已经取代了传统薪酬制度。

    In the western developed countries , the ESO salary system has taken the place of the traditional salary system .

  5. 最后,指出了供电企业要实现业务流程再造的目的所必须进行的企业文化、薪酬制度和组织机构方面的变革,从而保障BPR顺利实施。

    In the end , it points out that the power supply enterprises should reform further on enterprise culture , salary policy and organization design to implement the BPR project successfully .

  6. 在介绍了DCMC公司薪酬制度的形成及运行状况后,分析了当前DCMC公司薪酬制度存在的主要问题及产生原因。

    After introducing the formation and running condition of the salary system in DCMC , the thesis analyzes the main problems of the current salary system and reasons .

  7. 若薪酬制度存在鼓励承担不恰当或过度的风险的诱因,可能影响个别机构的安全及稳健,最终亦影响整个银行体系的稳定。在香港承担中央银行职能的香港金融管理局(HKMA)表示。

    Remuneration systems which create incentives for inappropriate or excessive risk-taking have the potential to threaten the safety and soundness of individual institutions and thereby ultimately the stability of the banking system as a whole , said the Hong Kong Monetary Authority , the territory 's central bank .

  8. 临钢技术人员薪酬制度研究

    Research of Linfen Iron & Steel Corporation 's Technician Salary System

  9. 我国研究型高校薪酬制度的研究

    An Empirical Study on the Compensation System of ROUs in China

  10. 高校教师薪酬制度改革

    Study on the Compensation System of Teachers of Colleges and Universities

  11. 构建适应市场机制的高校教师薪酬制度

    Constructing Salary System of University Faculty to Apply to Market Mechanism

  12. 监事薪酬制度的公平性与激励效果的分析

    Analysis on the equity and stimulative effect of supervisor payment system

  13. 知识密集型企业薪酬制度设计的原理与策略

    The Principles and Tactics for Designing Salary Systems in Knowledge-intensive Enterprises

  14. 高校教师薪酬制度的经济学分析

    Economics Analysis of Teacher Rewards System in Institution of Higher Education

  15. 教师薪酬制度设计中人力资本因素的思考

    Reflections on Capital Factor of Manpower in Teacher 's Salary System

  16. 公平视角下公务员薪酬制度特点分析

    Analysis of Characteristics of China 's Civil Service Under Fair Perspective

  17. 高校知识型员工的薪酬制度的构建

    Establishment of paying-system for knowledge-based faculty in institutions of higher learning

  18. 宁夏煤业集团薪酬制度改革与实践

    Reform and practice on salary system of Ningxia coal industry group

  19. 这些建议包括,公务员薪酬制度目标的制定;

    These suggestions include , formulate official salary system goal ;

  20. 新会计准则对企业薪酬制度设计的影响

    Impact of New Accountant Guidance On Compensation Institution In Enterprise

  21. 费尔南德斯认为,美国正在向其他国家输出其薪酬制度。

    Fernandes says that the U.S. is exporting its pay practices abroad .

  22. 经济欠发达地区高校薪酬制度改革的思考和探索

    Reflection & Exploration of Salary-System Reform of Universities in the Underdeveloped Area

  23. 新型薪酬制度的探讨战略规划的制度探索

    Probe into the New Salary System The Institutional Approach to Strategic Planning

  24. 公职人员薪酬制度改革初探

    An Exploration of Reforming the Public Servant 's Salary System

  25. 关于完善国有企业经理薪酬制度的政策建议

    The Policy Advice of Perfecting State-owned Enterprise Manager Compensation System

  26. 国有企业薪酬制度设计

    The disgn of compensation system on the state-owned enterprise

  27. 岗位评价有效地解决了制定薪酬制度时所面临的内部一致性难题。

    Job evaluation can solve the problem of drawing up the wage system .

  28. 例如,一些公司的薪酬制度导致了过度的风险承担。

    For example , compensation policies at some companies contributed to excessive risk-taking .

  29. 激励性薪酬制度对医院核心竞争力的影响

    Influence of Incentive Salary System on Hospital Core Competitiveness

  30. 本文主要探讨我国公立医院的薪酬制度优化问题。

    The thesis mainly discuss how to optimize the public hospital compensation system .