
  • 网络salary survey;pay survey;compensation survey
  1. 根据《企业法律顾问》(CorporateCounsel)最新发布的一项薪酬调查结果,很多首席法律顾问去年的收入仍然远超百万美元。

    Dozens of chief legal officers named in the newly released corporate counsel pay survey still made well over $ 1 million last year .

  2. 为了解决这些问题,本文从工作分析、岗位价值评估、员工能力素质评价、薪酬调查、薪酬体系设计、薪酬体系实施六个步骤设计了一套完善的薪酬体系。

    In order to solve these problems , job analysis , job value assessment of the quality of the staff capacity evaluation , compensation survey , compensation program design and the implementation of the program are used to design a comprehensive pay system .

  3. 论薪酬调查结果的合理使用

    Discussion on the Rational Use of the Results of the Salary Investigation

  4. 北京外商投资企业最新薪酬调查

    Recent Survey on Salaries in Foreign-funded Enterprises in Beijing

  5. 薪酬调查电子病历的设计

    The design and research of CPR

  6. 薪酬调查是统计学社会调查中很重要的一部分。

    The inquisition of salary is one of the most important components in the research of the social statistics .

  7. 同时依靠咨询公司等途径进行了市场薪酬调查,目的是为体系再建提供可参照的市场数据。

    Simultaneously the market salary investigation carried by consultant firms , provided the system reconstruction with some market data for reference .

  8. 为确定企业在劳动市场的竞争能力,我们采用了市场薪酬调查的方法。

    We use the method of market salary research to fix out the capacity of competition of our company in the labor market .

  9. 第三部分是对大连地区医疗专业人才的现行激励调查分析和部分地区医疗专业人才的薪酬调查统计分析;

    The third part is pointed the current motivation investigation of medical professional in Dalian area and salary analysis of medial professional in other area ;

  10. 据薪酬调查网站Glassdoor.com的数据显示,在纽约大都会地区工作、拥有1到3年工作经验的投资银行家年均收入86440美元。

    Investment bankers in the New York Metro area with one to three years experience make an average of $ 86,440 , according to Glassdoor .

  11. 并且也要通过政府公布的数据、贸易协会的报告及薪酬调查等途径调查清楚和你有同等学历、经验的同行目前身价如何。

    Also know what the going rate is for someone with your skills and experience by reviewing government data , trade association reports and compensation surveys .

  12. 通过职位分析,职位评价,薪酬调查,薪酬定位和薪酬结构设计,制定出一套科学、合理、公开的薪酬制度框架;

    Through position analyzing and estimating , salary investigating , salary orientation and salary structure designing , working out a scientific , rational and open salary system .

  13. 结合外部薪酬调查和内部薪酬数据分析,提出将该公司计时工资制的薪酬体系改变成计件工资制的薪酬体系。

    By combination of the exterior salary investigation and the internal salary data analysis , the thesis proposes to adapt piece-rate salary system instead of time-rate salary system .

  14. 根据这份由互联网薪酬调查及报告提供商中国薪酬网发布的调查显示,清华大学2017届毕业生平均月薪达9065元。

    The 2017 grads of Tsinghua University earn an average salary of 9065 yuan per month , according to the survey released by xinchou.cn , an internet salary survey and report provider .

  15. 目前多数国内建筑施工企业工资水平没有真正与市场挂钩,工资水平调整没有进行薪酬调查,缺乏客观的专业数据。

    At present , most of the domestic construction enterprises are not linked to the market in wage levels , wage levels do not adjust conducted by the salary survey , lack of objective and professional data .

  16. 同时,采用薪酬调查方法了解市场上竞争性企业同类岗位的薪酬支付情况,来确定本企业薪酬水平,解决薪酬体系的对外竞争力问题。

    At the same time , the writer uses the salary investigation method to find out the competitive similar enterprises ' post salary in HR market , determine the compensation level , to solve the question of lacking competitive ability .

  17. 高个子的人每高出平均身高1英寸(2.54厘米)每年就多赚789美元。过去50年中这个数字在对英国和美国所做的四项大型薪酬调查研究中都反复出现。

    Tall people make an average of $ 789 per inch per year ( for every inch above a person of average height ) and this has been shown repeatedly in a set of four large-scale salary survey studies over 50 years in both the U.K. and the U.S.

  18. 阐述了薪酬调查的基本概念,分析了企业薪酬调查结果使用的偏差并提出了偏差调整的建议,分析了薪酬调查结果使用中的关键点和难点。

    This paper expounds the basic concepts of the salary investigation , analyzes on the deviation of the results of enterprise salary investigation , advances the suggestions on adjusting the deviation , and analyzes on the key points and difficulties of the use of the results of the salary investigation .

  19. 薪酬调查网站Salary.com最近的一份调查显示,不论身处何种职位,都有36%的男性表示,只要他们认为自己应该得到加薪,他们“经常”会提出要求——而女性则仅有26%,但这根本算不上大多数。

    Regardless of their position , 36 % of men say they " always " ask for more money when they feel they 've earned it , says a recent poll by Salary.com -- which is more than the 26 % of women who say they do , but still hardly a majority .

  20. 再次,通过薪酬满意度调查对PT公司薪酬体系现状进行了描述与分析,找出存在问题,指出采用能力薪酬的必要性。

    Again , pay satisfaction survey by the company on the PT pay system description and analysis of current situation , identify problems , that ability to pay with the need .

  21. 其次,通过薪酬满意度调查,以及对LC公司薪酬体系现行状况的描述与分析,发现其在对外竞争力,对内公平性和薪酬激励方面存在的问题。

    Second , it analyzes the problem of current compensation system , such as external competitiveness , internal equity and salary incentives , points out the limitations of it , which based on the investigation of the satisfaction of the current compensation system .

  22. 薪酬水平调查发现封闭的热成型体育我需要国王。

    Pls find enclosed the king of thermoforming PE I need .

  23. 对航天职工薪酬满意度调查的分析

    The Investigative Analysis of the Aerospace Employee Salary Satisfactory

  24. 薪酬水平调查的享受这项汇编三功的歌曲,与一些泰迪熊的图片。

    Pls enjoy this compilation of3 Goong songs with some teddy bear pictures .

  25. 薪酬水平调查咨询委员会

    Pay Level Survey Advisory Committee

  26. 薪酬水平调查督导小组

    Pay Level Survey Steering Group

  27. 薪酬趋势调查委员会

    Pay Trend Survey Committee

  28. 薪酬趋势调查的目的,是量度私营机构薪酬变幅的状况。

    The objective of the pay trend survey is to measure the movement of pay in the private sector .

  29. 本文通过对D公司全面的分析和对员工薪酬满意度调查结果发现该公司在薪酬体系方面的几个突出问题。

    Based on the comprehensive analysis of D Company and staff compensation satisfaction survey , it finds several outstanding issues .

  30. 其次,针对衡阳有线网络公司中高层管理人员,设计了薪酬绩效调查问卷,并进行了抽样访谈。

    Secondly , according to the Hengyang cable network in the senior management of the company , design the salary performance questionnaire , and the sampling interview .