
  1. 最后,在充分考虑不同类型知识型员工特点的基础上,对XCG研究院三类知识员工分别进行了薪酬结构设计,并对新的薪酬方案实施进行了说明。

    Finally , considered different kinds of knowledge worker peculiarities , we have given detailed compensation structure planning according to XCG Research Institute three classes ' knowledge worker , and make explanations to new compensation scheme execution .

  2. 本文重点探讨了岗位价值评价、员工能力评价和薪酬结构设计的具体操作方法。

    The keystone of the dissertation is position evaluation , ability evaluation and designing the structure of compensation system .

  3. 但万变不离其宗,本文仍介绍了社会主义工资理论、西方古典经济学有代表性的工资理论及现代经济学有代表性的工资理论,因为他们诸多思想是现代薪酬结构设计的基础。

    So the dissertation still introduced socialistic wage theories , representative theories of western classical economics and modern economics , for many ideas of them are the base of designing compensation structure .

  4. 这种新型的薪酬结构设计比传统的薪酬体系有其独特的优势:有利于扁平化组织的构建、员工技能的增长、形成有市场竞争力的薪酬、推动组织绩效的提高等。

    The new salary structure have some unique advantages than the traditional pay system , such as flat organizations structure , the growth of employees skills , the formation of the market competitiveness of remuneration , promoting the improvement of organizational performance .

  5. 然后从工资总额,资历工资及政策性补贴,职级、绩效工资,薪资水平等各方面对工资结构体系进行具体的薪酬结构设计,并进一步完善了绩效考核体系和福利制度。

    Finally , we made a new payment system for Chenzhou tobacco company from the total amount of wages , salary history , policy-related subsidies , ranks the performance of wages , salary level , the face of all the wage structure system salary structure design and the welfare system .

  6. 为了有效的推动企业整体业绩向企业的战略目标方向发展,薪酬结构的设计内容还包括绩效目标设置,绩效管理循环和绩效管理应用三个环节。

    In order to push the company developing towards its business strategic target and promote its whole performance , the design of salary structure may also contains three link chain : the design of performance target , performance management review and the utilization of performance management .

  7. 通过调整薪酬结构,科学设计管理人员和司机的薪酬分配项目以及具体的分配比例,改善了现有的薪酬管理流程和体系缺失的状况。

    By adjusting the payment structure , design a management , drivers payment distribution projects and the specific allocation ratio , improving the existing system of compensation management process and the process of missing .

  8. 高管团队内薪酬差距作为薪酬结构设计的重要组成部分,是对高管人员管理、技术、资本、劳动等各方面所做贡献的货币化描述与肯定。

    Making the compensation dispersion of top management a very important part of payment structure is the monetization description and affirmation of contribution of executives in management , technology , capital and work .

  9. 一汽集团富江公司薪酬管理模式及薪酬结构设计

    The Design of FJC Compensation and Benefit Management Mode and Structure

  10. 通过职位分析,职位评价,薪酬调查,薪酬定位和薪酬结构设计,制定出一套科学、合理、公开的薪酬制度框架;

    Through position analyzing and estimating , salary investigating , salary orientation and salary structure designing , working out a scientific , rational and open salary system .

  11. 第五章对薪点薪酬组成、宽带薪点薪酬结构进行设计,进而构建薪点薪酬差异化模式;

    Make up to firewood some compensation , broadband firewood some compensation structure design , and then structure the firewood and check the difference mode of the compensation ;

  12. 本文写作的重点就是要分析不同影响因素的影响下,薪酬结构的合理性,进而对薪酬结构的设计提出使用方案和操作方法。

    The main point of this paper is to analyze the rationality of compensation structure , then to bring up the implementation plan and operation plan for the designed structure .

  13. 本文把战略性薪酬管理体系的构建分为薪酬战略的制定、薪酬策略的选择、薪酬模式的确定、薪酬结构的设计、薪酬计划的安排以及薪酬系统的管理六大步骤。

    This text divides the construction of the strategic compensation management system into six major steps .

  14. 宽带薪酬是与现代企业组织结构扁平化和以能力、绩效导向管理模式相适应的一种新型薪酬结构设计方式。

    Broadbanding salary is a new kind of salary design which is fit for the modern firms ' flat organization structure and the management mode based on performance .

  15. 然后着重研究了基于胜任力的薪酬体系的构建流程和方法,其中主要包括了胜任力模型的构建、员工胜任力测评以及薪酬结构的设计。

    Then focus of competency-based compensation system in the build process and methods , which mainly include the construction of a competency model , staff competency evaluation and compensation structure design .