
xīn chóu
  • pay;salary
  1. 那位律师薪酬很高。

    The lawyer was paid a huge salary

  2. 如果你要求的薪酬高于公司愿意支付的水平,即使你适合该职位,你也可能收不到回音。

    You may not get a call back if your salary asks are above what the company is willing to pay - even if you 're qualified5 for the role .

  3. 工会谈判代表拖延着,以期达成较优厚的薪酬协议。

    The union negotiators are holding out for a more generous pay settlement .

  4. 美国有很多薪酬很高的医生。

    The United States is brimful with highly paid doctors .

  5. 他是员工中薪酬最高的。

    He was the most highly paid member of staff .

  6. 一些机场和港口的职员开始抗议薪酬太低。

    Staff at some air and sea ports are beginning to protest over pay

  7. 我做了几份薪酬微薄的秘书工作,这让我非常郁闷。

    I took a series of badly paid secretarial jobs which made me really miserable

  8. 选民削减了市政会委员的薪酬,并且限定他们每人只配一个工作人员。

    Voters cut councillors ' pay and limited them to one staff member each .

  9. 教师拒绝课余安排体育比赛,因为他们不会获得薪酬。

    Teachers refused to run out of hours sports matches because they weren 't being paid .

  10. 在这个岗位干上5年后,最高薪酬可达每小时5美元。

    The top pay scale after five years on the job would reach $ 5.00 an hour

  11. 大公司的员工有相当一部分薪酬来自奖金和加班费。

    Workers in big firms receive a substantial part of their pay in the form of bonuses and overtime .

  12. 大学的财力有限,提供的薪酬仅能吸引水平一般的教师,在这种情况下,我们如何能培养出一流的工程师?

    How can we produce top-class engineers when universities are constrained to offer salaries that can only attract mediocre staff ?

  13. 为了争取更高的薪酬,工会几乎每年都要与资方进行谈判。

    Unions bargain with employers for better rates of pay almost every year .

  14. 教育非常重要,它应该像其他职业一样,有高薪酬和良好的工作条件,但是对于表现不佳的人来说没有就业保障。

    Teaching is so important that it should be like other professions , with high pay and good working conditions but few job protections for bottom performers .

  15. 工会谈判委员会成员、配音演员克里斯宾·弗里曼说:“只有极少数游戏会引发这种二次薪酬问题。

    " It 's a very small number of games that would trigger this secondary compensation issue , " said voice actor Crispin Freeman , who 's a member of the union 's negotiating committee .

  16. 但我讨厌小费最主要的原因是,我认为如果员工的薪酬同其他行业一样,完全由其雇主决定,我将会处在一个更舒适的位置。

    But mostly , I hate tipping because I believe I would be in a better place if pay decisions regarding employees were simply left up to their employers , as is the custom in virtually every other industry .

  17. YourSalaryExpectationsAreTooHigh你对薪酬的期待值过高如果你到了面试过程中适合讨论薪酬的环节,你要确保你期望的薪酬和从事该职位的其他人的薪酬相一致。

    If you 've made it to the point in the interview process when it 's appropriate to discuss salary , be sure your expectations are in line with other salaries for the given role .

  18. 至于薪酬这一块,虽然这里给出的条件远高于大多数毕业生的薪资,但是他曾经听说过BAT这些巨头那高得令人乍舌的起薪;

    And for the payment part , though what the institution offered is way higher than what most fresh graduates can get , but he had heard about the surprisingly high starting salary that BAT pay their employees .

  19. 薪酬管理在人力资源管理活动中占据重要的地位。

    Emolument management occupies a significant part in HR .

  20. 我们公司现在采用的是论功行赏的薪酬制度。

    We are current using an “ eat what you kill ” compensation system in our firm .

  21. 这项试点活动于2015年至2019年间开展,员工的工作时间减少了,但是薪酬却没有降低。

    The trials , in which workers were paid the same amount for shorter hours , took place between 2015 and 2019 .

  22. 如果你真的需要这份工作,一定要做出让步,并接受对方最初提出的薪酬。

    If you really need the job , make sure to compromise and be content with the initial offer that they can give you .

  23. 斯嘉丽声称,她与迪士尼旗下漫威公司达成协议,承诺她的个人电影只在院线上映,而她的薪酬在很大程度上基于票房表现。

    The Marvel in theaters . Johansson claims her agreement with Disney 's Marvel Entertainment guaranteed an exclusive theatrical release for her solo film , and her salary was based , in large part , on the box-office performance .

  24. ACTION公司薪酬制度再设计

    Redesign of Compensation System for ACTION Company

  25. W设计院薪酬体系设计

    Compensation System Design of W Design Institute

  26. B卷烟厂作为一个大型的国有企业,原有的薪酬分配制度已经不能适应企业竞争的发展需要。

    As a large-scale state-owned enterprise , the former salary assignment in B cigarette factory cannot cope with the competition of the enterprise .

  27. 基于EVA的薪酬激励制度及应用研究

    An incentive mechanism and empirical research based on EVA

  28. 在维亚康姆,似乎看不到CEO的薪酬和工作表现有明确关联。

    You could see the fuzzy connection between CEO pay and performance at Viacom as well .

  29. LD酒店经理绩效考核机制与薪酬设计

    The Design of Performance Appraisal System and Compensation for the Manager of LD Hotel

  30. HG化工工程公司的薪酬管理体系设计

    HG Chemistry Engineering Company Compensation Management System Design