
  • 网络Remuneration Committee;Compensation Committee
  1. 其中一位联席董事是雅芳化妆品公司(AVON)的CEO钟彬娴,她同时也是薪酬委员会主席。

    One co-lead director is Avon ( AVP ) CEO Andrea Jung , who also chairs the compensation committee .

  2. 当需要对CEO或者高级管理人员进行补偿时,将考虑薪酬委员会的审查报告中意见。

    The Compensation Committee is expected to use this review in the course of its deliberations when considering the compensation of the CEO and senior management .

  3. 到目前为止,企业薪酬委员会给CEO和其他高管们制定的薪酬计划仍然保持甚至是高于行业标准。

    So far , corporate compensation committees continue to pay their CEOs and other top executives at or above industry norms .

  4. 如今,投资者正在对BP薪酬委员会主席安•道林夫人(DameAnnDowling)加大施压力度。

    Investors are now heaping pressure on Dame Ann Dowling , who heads the committee at BP .

  5. IDS称,2002年,在互联网泡沫破裂之后,薪酬委员会重新设计了激励政策,以保障高管的收入。

    In 2002 , following the bursting of the dotcom bubble , remuneration committees redesigned incentive schemes to protect executive incomes , it says .

  6. 薪酬委员会应该协同董事会一起进行管理和审查工作,每年对执行官的表现状况进行评价,包括CEO。

    The Compensation Committee should conduct , and review with the Board , an annual evaluation of the performance of all executive officers , including the CEO .

  7. 作为巴克莱(Barclays)薪酬委员会的主席艾莉森•卡恩沃思夫人(DameAlisonCarnwath)反对2011年的CEO鲍勃•戴蒙德(BobDiamond)奖金方案。

    As chair of the Barclays committee , Dame Alison Carnwath opposed a 2011 bonus for chief executive Bob Diamond .

  8. 如果一家银行曾参与Libor操纵,董事会薪酬委员会将发现,他们向CEO支付的薪酬依据的是靠欺诈获得的业绩。

    Board compensation committees will find they paid their CEOs for results obtained through fraud in the case of banks involved in the LIBOR monkey business .

  9. IDS还质疑薪酬委员会是否会胆量坐视高管薪酬大幅下降,未来几周内,薪酬委员会将决定今年的奖金支付政策。

    It also questions whether remuneration committees , which are due to determine this year 's bonus payments over the next few weeks , will have the nerve to oversee big falls in executive pay .

  10. WPP拥有一个有着独立思想的董事会及薪酬委员会,他们会作出他们认为符合公司及股东长期利益的决定,这其中也包括作为公司股东的我。

    WPP has a very independently minded board and compensation committee , which makes decisions that they believe are in the long-term interests of the company and its shareholders , of which I am one .

  11. 薪酬委员会:他们将决定应聘者的恰当薪酬。

    Pay Commission : They will determine the appropriate pay .

  12. 薪酬委员会需要在首席执行官和董事长面前坚持立场。

    Compensation committees need to stand firm against chief executives and chairs .

  13. 企业薪酬委员会通常制定高管层的薪资计划,包括股权赠予。

    Corporate compensation committees typically decide executive pay levels , including stock grants .

  14. 第一步,薪酬委员会和风险管理委员会应合并在一起。

    As a first step , compensation committees and risk-management committees should be merged .

  15. 其中只有34%的此类企业有独立的薪酬委员会,而一般上市公司有67%都成立了薪酬委员会。

    Only 34 % had independent compensation committees , compared to an average of 67 % .

  16. 凯布尔正在咨询薪酬委员会一些负责人和专家的意见,为在初秋最终摊牌做准备。

    Mr Cable is consulting remuneration committee heads and experts before revealing his hand in early autumn .

  17. 个别公司和薪酬委员会向高管支付数百万美元薪酬的做法,或许是合理的。

    It may be logical for individual companies and remuneration committees to cough up multimillion rewards to executives .

  18. 如果薪酬委员会和其他所有董事每年都要进行选举的话,让该委员会负起责任也会有所帮助。

    It would help hold remuneration committees to account if they and all other directors stood for election every year .

  19. 她表示:无论是在我任主席的薪酬委员会还是在董事会,我的观点都无人响应。

    I was alone in my view both on the committee which I chaired and on the board , she said .

  20. 华尔街公司的薪酬委员会给那些几乎摧毁了全球金融体系的人发放了数百万美元的奖金。

    Compensation committees on Wall Street awarded multimillion-dollar bonuses to the very people who ended up nearly eviscerating the global financial system .

  21. 议案还要求,董事会的薪酬委员会必须由独立成员构成,借以将现在的标准做法正规化。

    The bill also requires members of compensation committees of boards of directors to be independent , formalising what is now standard practice .

  22. 交易巨亏后有些经理的高额奖金将被追回,但薪酬委员会选择对其他人高抬贵手。

    While some managers will have substantial clawbacks in the wake of the trading debacle , the compensation committee is punting on others .

  23. 今年,薪酬委员会在评估员工绩效,决定是否加薪时,甚至完全没有考虑员工的工作时间。

    When the compensation committee met this year to evaluate performance and decide on pay raises , employee hours were not even mentioned .

  24. 加强国有上市公司产权改革,建立企业新三会和薪酬委员会,完善市场竞争机制。

    To strengthen the property rights reform of state-owned listed companies , enterprises " XinSanHui " and compensation committee , make market competition mechanism perfect .

  25. 莱斯银行昨晚拒绝就此置评,只是表示:“我们的独立薪酬委员会尚未就奖金问题作出任何决定。”

    Lloyds would not comment last night other than to say : " no decision on bonuses has been taken by our independent remuneration committee . "

  26. 塔尔伯特表示,真正的问题在于,薪酬委员会不够坚决,没有完成股东们托付的事情。

    The real problem , he says , is that remuneration committees are showing insufficient steel and not doing the job that shareholders want them to do .

  27. 惠特沃思将在薪酬委员会任职,该委员会需要处理股东们在投票否决公司薪酬安排时提出的种种问题。

    Whitworth will serve on the compensation committee , which will need to address shareholder concerns raised in this year 's vote against the company 's pay practices .

  28. 温顺的董事会成员们被拖入薪酬委员会——薪酬委员会很少打破现状,更别提在业绩不佳时收回过高的奖金了。

    Pliable board members are corralled into remuneration committees that rarely shake the status quo , let alone claw back pay awards when underperformance exposes them as excessive .

  29. 薪酬委员会制度作为公司治理结构中的重要组成部分,其产生的初衷是寻求在董事会中建立一支独立的监督力量。

    As an important part in corporate governance structure , the Compensation Committee System ( CCS ) generated and developed , starting from seeking an independent strength of supervision .

  30. 了解另一点会很有帮助,那就是薪酬委员会在多大程度上把他们的职责委托给了咨询公司。咨询公司有推高薪酬的天然倾向。

    It would also be helpful to know how far remuneration committees have delegated their responsibilities to consulting firms , which have a natural tendency to push awards higher .