
  1. 薪酬预算是一家公司为加薪或生活费调整所准备的预算。

    The salary budget is the total amount of money a company has for merit increases or cost of living adjustments .

  2. 但小公司的薪酬预算颇为紧张,因此要想避免精英人才被更大规模的竞争对手挖走,如果仅仅采取加薪策略,往往只能以失败告终。

    But for small businesses with tight salary budgets , using pay to keep top talent from going to larger rivals is often a losing battle .

  3. 第二步措施应该是制定高管薪酬预算,从而在一名高管应得到超额奖励时,其他高管将不得不少拿报酬。

    Step two would be to produce a budget for top pay , so that if one executive merited exceptional rewards , others would have to take less .

  4. 二是通过选择关键指标、拟定指标权数并综合计算,对二级单位奖金系数定量评定,完善二级单位的薪酬预算方法。

    The second is to establish the quantitative assessment method of the belonging enterprises ' compensation budget through selecting key index , studying out index authority and synthetic calculating .

  5. 随着冻结薪酬预算的公司减少,今年美国加薪幅度已小幅升至3%,高于2009年的2.2%,后者曾将创下39年来的低点。

    Raises have inched up from a 39-year low of 2.2 % in 2009 to a 3 % gain this year as fewer companies have frozen their compensation budgets .

  6. 时至今日,薪酬预算还没有从经济衰退时期的宿醉中清醒过来,美国的年均工资涨幅依然徘徊在3%左右,难怪薪酬战略已经成为一个热门话题。

    With compensation budgets still suffering a post-recession hangover , and the average U.S. salary hike hovering around 3 % a year , compensation strategy has become a hot topic .

  7. 不过,这并不是因为雇主增加了暑期实习生的薪酬预算,而是当企业无法或不愿支付薪水时,学校补贴了实习生。

    Not because businesses are paying more for summer helpers , but because colleges are stepping in to pay when companies can 't , or won 't , compensate student hires .

  8. 这并不意味着要公开一个具体的数字,因为这会让你要么高出要么低于这个职位的薪酬预算。相反,提供一个你期望的薪资范围。

    This doesn 't mean sharing an exact number , because it can place you above or below the budgeted salary for the position . Instead , provide a range you 'd like to make .

  9. 一是对企业薪酬总额预算方法进行改进。

    The first is to improve the enterprises ' whole compensation budget method .

  10. 但企业如何设计薪酬制度,如何进行薪酬成本预测和制定薪酬成本预算?这些问题是长期困扰企业管理的现实难题。

    However , how the pay system design , how to pay the cost projections and cost estimates to develop the pay ? These issues are long-standing reality of corporate governance problems .

  11. 通过提供以下的回答,尽量避免泄露信息,“我的研究显示类似职位的薪酬范围是在x美元和y美元之间。我肯定您已经根据行业内的情况拟定好了具有竞争力的薪酬预算。您的预算范围是什么?”或者,

    Try to avoid giving out information by providing answers such as , " My research shows similar positions pay in the range of $ x to $ y. I 'm sure you 've budgeted a salary range based on competitive data for this industry . What is your budgeted range ? " Or ,