
xiào wù wěi yuán huì
  • school board
  1. 根据校务委员会的成员之一AFPGregVerga说有关此协定的说法已经盛传开了。

    According to AFP Greg Verga , a member of the school 's board said that the idea of a pact has been blown out of proportion .

  2. 论高校校务委员会与学术委员会的功能定位

    On the Functional Orientation of the School Council and the Academic Committee

  3. 校务委员会决定课程的改动必须得到执行。

    The faculty committee ruled that changes in the curriculum should be implemented .

  4. 他是麻省理工学院校务委员会成员。

    He is a member of the Corporation of the Massachusetts Institue of Technology .

  5. 校务委员会成员注册记录册

    Register of members of college council

  6. 尽管知道学校有禁止养狗的制度,他还是在就职之后向校务委员会提出了在学校养狗的申请,

    After settling in he asked permission from the college council to have a dog , despite the rules .

  7. 校务委员会制、董事会制、教授委员会制是高等学校内部管理体制改革的取向。

    The internal management approach tends to establish the Council system , the Board system and the committee system in universities .

  8. 1951年7月,南京大学改校务委员会制为校长制,潘菽任校长。

    The present committee system replaced committee system of administrative affairs , Pan Shu was appointed president of Nanjing University in July , 1951 .

  9. 曾担任华东师范大学哲学系副主任、校务委员会副主任。

    He once served as Deputy Director of the Department of Philosophy of East China Normal University and Deputy Director of Board of School Administration .

  10. 摩西提出的申请得到了许可,但是校务委员会注明:“鉴于查德威克在任期间开了先例,校务委员会特此批准罗杰·摩西院长在院长宿舍收养一只体型较大的猫。”

    Permission was granted by the council , and duly noted in the minutes : " i. College Animal - Noting precedent under the mastership of Professor Chadwick , Council approved the Master 's request to adopt a Very Large Cat in the Master 's Lodge . "