
xiào yuán ɡē qǔ
  • popular songs originating on campuses;campus song
  1. 这是一首充满思念和爱意的校园歌曲。

    It is a school song full of miss and love .

  2. 当比赛进行到一半的时候,乐队会到场地上演奏校园歌曲。

    When the games is half over , the band comes onto the field and plays school songs .

  3. 校园歌曲产生以后,对祖国大陆的校园歌曲创作与流行音乐的发展起到了不可估量的作用,同时也对整个华人流行音乐圈产生了积极的影响。

    After its birth , songs of campus has exerted an incalculable influence to the creation and development of campus and pop songs in the mainland , as well as the whole Chinese pop music .