
  1. 邓丽君因其传唱的民歌和浪漫情歌而广为人知。

    Teng was known for her folk songs and romantic ballads .

  2. 邓丽君告诉周梦君,要用一切的力量去把握生命中的真爱。

    Teresa tells Zhou to use everything he has to seize love .

  3. 5月8日是邓丽君的忌辰,永远怀念她。

    May 8th is the deathday of Teresa Ten , miss her forever .

  4. 邓丽君,相信在很多人心里还是一个传奇。

    At many people 's heart , Teresa Teng was still a legend .

  5. 我相信,《爱上邓丽君》一定会让你在音乐剧的世界里流连忘返!

    May you enjoy the trip in musical world of Love u , Teresa !

  6. 参加这次邓丽君主题展的主要是一批年轻艺术家。

    The artists who took part in this exhibition are mainly the young artists .

  7. 这也可以解释,为什么当年同大鬓角、喇叭裤、邓丽君们流行一时。

    This might explain why sideburns , bellbottoms and Teresa Teng became such a fad .

  8. 邓丽君从未结婚却和一些明星有着暧昧关系,例如成龙。

    Teresa Teng never married but had been linked with several famous stars such as Jackie Chan .

  9. 而在艺术界策划邓丽君纪念主体展的应该是第一次。

    However it will be the first exhibition for the memory of Teresa Teng in the art field .

  10. 《爱上邓丽君》凝结了所有创作者的智慧和心血。

    Love u , Teresa is a show filled with wisdom and efforts of the whole creative team .

  11. 最近,一出名为“爱上邓丽君”的音乐剧正在全国范围内选拔演员。

    Recently , a musical entitled " Fall in Love with Teresa Teng " is currently looking for performers .

  12. 人们常说,哪有中国人,哪就能听到邓丽君的歌声。

    It is often said , Wherever there are Chinese people , the songs of Teresa Teng can be heard .

  13. 我们仍要以邓丽君为榜样,笔者认为对音乐专业人士主要应学习她的技艺;

    We still have to Teresa as an example , I believe that the major music professionals should learn from her skill ;

  14. 来自中国的亘丽萍和童瑶歌声与邓丽君极像,来自新加坡和马来西亚的艺人同样。

    It featured Teng 's ' sound-alikes ', Gen Liping and Tong Yao from China and also artistes from Singapore and Malaysia .

  15. 1995年5月8日,邓丽君因气喘病发猝逝泰国清迈,享年仅仅四十二岁。

    May8,1995 , Teresa Teng , sudden death due to asthma attack Chiang Mai , Thailand , at the age of only forty-two .

  16. 最近翻出了邓丽君的老唱片,听后仍然还有新鲜感,听起来别有一翻滋味。

    Teresa recently dug out the old records , there is still a novelty hear sounds over the pages do not have taste .

  17. 邓丽君在扎实的演唱技术基础上,通过对装饰音、音色、力度的变化与处理以达到对不同风格作品的诠释。

    On the basic of solid singing skills , she dealt with works of different styles by handing the decorative tone , timbre and intensity .

  18. 邓丽君的歌声也致使我深深知道爱是不会忘却的、爱是在心底的、爱是一生一世的事

    Her voice has also led to my soul I know love is not lost , love is in the heart , love is a lifetime

  19. 会唱杰克孙歌的中国人肯定比会唱邓丽君歌的西方人多。

    The number of Chinese people who can sing Michael Jackson songs surely outweighs the number of Westerners who can sing anything by Teresa Teng .

  20. 何女士还把自己变成过已故台湾歌手邓丽君,她说邓丽君是她母亲最喜欢的歌手。

    Ms He also transformed herself into the late Taiwanese singer Teresa Teng , saying that Teng is her mother 's favourite singer of all time .

  21. 我又想起悬崖上大喇叭里的那些充满哀伤语气的劝词:到我们这边来,你会梦想成真,不知邓丽君再世,会如何理解这一切?

    I thought back to those plaintive cliff top exhortations , Just come here and realise your dreams , and wondered what Teresa Teng would make of it all .

  22. 去年,《蝶》于香港演出轰动全城,民建联很高兴今年协办《爱上邓丽君》,向市民推介优秀文化艺术。

    With last year 's sensation of the musical Butterflies still fresh in mind , the DAB is delighted to co-host this event and to present excellent works of art .

  23. 注意,就是从《甜蜜蜜》这首歌以后,邓丽君的大幅海报开始在中国家庭出现,流行音乐也开始在中国发展起来。

    Pay attention , it was right after this song , Denglijun 's large poster began to appear in every household and pop music began it 's way in China .

  24. 我又想起悬崖上大喇叭里的那些充满哀伤语气的劝词:“到我们这边来,你会梦想成真,”不知邓丽君再世,会如何理解这一切?

    I thought back to those plaintive cliff top exhortations , " Just come here and realise your dreams , " and wondered what Teresa Teng would make of it all .

  25. 欢迎各位出席音乐剧《爱上邓丽君》首演筹款专场,我代表民建联多谢您们的支持。

    On behalf of the DAB , I would like to extend my warmest welcome and most sincere gratitude for your participation in the special fundraising premiere of musical Love U , Teresa .

  26. 以邓丽君金曲为音乐元素,制作一部跨越年代,融合时尚与经典的音乐剧,是我一直以来的梦想。

    It has always been my dream to produce a musical combines classics with new ideas ; and can transcend time , meanwhile using Teresa 's classical songs as the most crucial music elements .

  27. 很希望我们有朝一日,可以将持展览在亚洲区域作巡回展,让更多的歌迷看到纪念邓丽君的作品,让人们重新确认她的伟大功绩。

    Hope there will be one day that we can make more fans see the art works of Teresa Teng , remind more people of her greatness by holding the travelling exhibition in Asia area .

  28. 与生俱来的音乐天赋和她可爱靓丽的美貌都是她成为一代巨星的必然,而聪慧的邓丽君一生所唱的歌里,有不少是日本歌和中文歌的翻版。

    Teresa Teng was born with the musical talent and her attractive appearance . Often , as a singer , there were lots of Japanese copies of Chinese songs , which naturally transferred cultural meaning .

  29. 邓丽君是迄今为止华语乐坛最为成功、知名度最高的歌手之一,她用歌声造就了一个邓丽君时代,对华语乐坛特别是中国流行音乐的发展有着举足轻重的作用。

    Teresa Teng was one of the most successful and famous singers in the circle of Chinese music . She has created " the age of Teresa Teng " by her singing . She played a pivotal role in the development of Chinese popular music .