
  • 网络Dundee
  1. 邓迪联队的戴夫·鲍曼首次亮相国际比赛。

    Dundee United 's Dave Bowman makes his international debut .

  2. 他在邓迪的一个剧目轮演剧团。

    He was in repertory in Dundee .

  3. 邓迪证券(DundeeSecurities)分析师卡洛琳丹尼斯解释道:由于稀土需求从金融危机中恢复过来,加上中国削减出口限额导致供应减少,2011年稀土市场出现了泡沫。

    There was a bubble in 2011 , after demand for rare earths had rebounded from the financial crisis and the Chinese cut export quotas , reducing supply , explains Carolyn Dennis , analyst at Dundee Securities .

  4. 威士忌酒已送到邓迪港的保税仓库。

    The whisky was taken to bonded warehouses at Port Dundee .

  5. 从英国邓迪市看步行街景观设计特征

    On the Landscape Design Features of Walking Street from Dundee City of UK

  6. 然而,你可不是邓迪先生。

    You are not Crocodile Dundee .

  7. 在苏格兰邓迪举行的一次会议上,与会代表们得知数学家可以测定婚姻的结局。

    At a conference in Dundee have heard how mathematics can determine the fate of a marriage .

  8. 邓迪大学的保罗·怀亚特指导了热带疾病病药品研发项目的研究。

    Paul Wyatt at the Drug Discovery for Tropical Diseases program at the University of Dundee led the study .

  9. 霍华德总理还为领导人们准备了一款类似影片《鳄鱼邓迪》中澳大利亚原始丛林人戴的牛仔帽。

    A cowboy hat , such as that worn by the archetypal Aussie bushman in the'Crocodile Dundee'movies , was also given to leaders .

  10. 这个颜色是经过为期6个月的全球调查后选出来的,以英国邓迪市的一位联合国教科文组织职员安妮?马尔斯的名字命名,称为“马尔斯绿”。

    The shade was chosen after a six-month global survey and named Marrs green , after Annie Marrs , a UNESCO worker from Dundee .

  11. 信不信由你,爱丁堡和邓迪大学的科学家很快就能将此实现。

    That , believe it or not , could soon become a reality thanks to the ingenious scientists at the Universities of Edinburgh and Dundee .

  12. 迈贡纳高是一个纺织工人,他47岁时一位缪斯造访了他在邓迪的公寓,随后他就开始写诗。

    McGonagall was a textile industry worker who began writing poetry at the age of 47 after a " muse " visited him in his Dundee apartment .

  13. 电影《鳄鱼邓迪》中,邓迪有一个令人不可思议的能力——他可以通过发出奇特的声音,以及做出指定的手势,使得鳄鱼们立刻安静下来进入休息状态。

    Crocodile Dundee had a preternatural ability to lull crocs to sleep by making a strange inverted " surf 's up ! " hand gesture and weird noises .

  14. 在英国还有其他子女众多的家庭,包括东基尔布莱德市的德雷克辛普森和黛比辛普森一家有13个孩子,邓迪市的汉斯一家也有12个孩子。

    Other large British broods include Derek and Debbie Simpson , from East Kilbride , who have 13 children , and the Hanns from Dundee , who have 12 .

  15. 阿伯泰邓迪大学与江西南昌大学联合开办了一个学位项目,学生可以获得信息技术与互联网计算硕士学位。

    The University of Abertay Dundee runs a joint degree programme with Nanchang University in Jiangxi province , whereby students progress to Abertay masters degrees in information technology and Internet computing .

  16. “发现城市运动”主席及邓迪的迈贡纳高欣赏会成员默文-罗尔福说:“没有人比他更适合最蹩脚诗人这一称号。

    " No one can surpass him for being the worst poet ," said Mervyn Rolfe , chairman of City of Discovery Campaign and a member of the Dundee-based McGonagall Appreciation Society .

  17. 邓迪宠物急救医院的高级兽医安迪·凯奇说,饲养肥胖宠物不仅很令人讨厌、甚至是十分残酷的问题。

    Senior Veterinary Surgeon , Andy Cage , from Dundee PetAid hospital , said that having over weight animals is not just a nuisance , it is also an issue of cruelty .

  18. 这家小餐馆老板的反应不由得让人想起了1986年澳大利亚著名电影《鳄鱼邓迪》中的著名场景--当一名暴徒挥舞着一把小刀时,保罗·霍根饰演的米克·邓迪拿出了一把大砍刀。

    The small business owner chef 's reaction is reminiscent of the famous scene in the 1986 Australian blockbuster Crocodile Dundee , where Paul Hogan 's Mick Dundee pulls out a long blade when a thug brandishes a small knife .

  19. 现年57岁的吉姆说,他的迟到被苏格兰港口城市邓迪的Ninewells医院(欧洲最大的教学医院)诊断为一种病症——尽管他努力准时到达医院,却还是晚了20分钟。

    The 57-year-old said that his poor timekeeping is down to a medical condition that he was diagnosed with at an appointment at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee - which he was 20 minutes late for . Mr Dunbar still struggles to arrive on time despite his diagnosis of chronic lateness .