
  • 网络Wendy Deng;Wendi Murdoch;Wendi Deng Murdoch
  1. 她是一部大片的制作人邓文迪是BigFeetProductions制作公司的联合总裁。

    She produced a blockbuster Wendi is co-CEO a production company , Big Feet Productions .

  2. 默多克和邓文迪育有2个小女儿,2011年出生的Grace和2003年出生的Chloe。

    Murdoch and Deng have two young daughters , Grace and Chloe , who were born in 2001 and 2003 , respectively .

  3. 80岁的默多克在伦敦参与电话窃听案听证遭遇盛剃须膏的纸盘袭击时,他的妻子邓文迪奋起还击,她的矫健身姿被电视直播捕捉下来,她也成了YouTube热门人物。

    Wendi Deng became a YouTube sensation was caught on live TV , leaping to the defence of her 80-year-old husband Rupert , as he was attacked by a foam-pie thrower during phone hacking testimony in London .

  4. 他说,默多克表示,此项安排仍可能修改,在他第三任妻子邓文迪(wendy)的孩子格雷斯(grace)和克罗伊(chloe)“年满25岁或30岁时”,给予她们投票权。

    He quotes Mr Murdoch saying that the arrangement could yet change , giving votes to grace and Chloe , his young children by Wendi , his third wife , " when they are 25 or 30 or something " .

  5. 布莱尔是邓文迪长女格雷斯的教父。

    He is godfather to Grace , her oldest child .

  6. 其实在邓文迪那一下反击之前,你很就能容易的注意到邓文迪。

    Even before the slap , it was hard not to notice Deng .

  7. 或许邓文迪应该把这个信息传递给自己的丈夫。

    Mrs Murdoch might want to pass this message on to her husband .

  8. 一直以来,邓文迪和布莱尔是亲密朋友这件事已不是秘密。

    It is no secret that Miss Deng and Mr Blair are close friends .

  9. 邓文迪出现在了前排和中央为默多克提供了支持和关心。

    Deng , shown front and center , providing support and a sympathetic face .

  10. 他们的第一次相遇是在1997年的中国,当时邓文迪为默多克集团下的星空传媒工作。

    They met in 1997 when she worked for Murdoch 's Star Television in China .

  11. 邓文迪和默多克有两个女儿——9岁的格蕾丝和8岁的克洛伊。

    Wendi has two daughters with Rupert Murdoch - Grace , nine and Chloe , eight .

  12. 首先,邓文迪嫁给她父辈级的交换生杰克切里,在他离婚以后。

    First , she marries her exchange student " father " after he divorces his wife .

  13. 据称,2013年4月27日,布莱尔与邓文迪在该农场共度周末。

    He allegedly spent the weekend of April 27 , 2013 with Miss Deng at the property .

  14. 2013年,默多克结束了与第三任妻子邓文迪的婚姻。

    Mr. Murdoch split with his third wife , Wendi Deng Murdoch , in 2013 after 14 years .

  15. 现在新闻集团的董事长已经申请离婚,将结束他与邓文迪女士14年的婚姻生涯。

    Now the News Corp chairman has filed for divorce , ending his 14-year marriage to Ms Deng .

  16. 传媒大亨默多克已经申请与其第三任妻子邓文迪离婚。

    News Corp boss , Rupert Murdoch , has filed for divorce from his third wife , Wendi Deng .

  17. 邓文迪身高五英尺十英寸(约175公分),是位多才多艺的运动员,在读高中的时候接受过排球的专业指导。

    At 5ft 10in , Wendi is an accomplished sportswoman and was coached in volleyball at high school in China .

  18. 默多克生于澳大利亚,现拥美国国籍。他2013年与第三任妻子邓文迪离婚。

    Australian-born Mr Murdoch , who now has US nationality , split up with his third wife Wendi Deng in 2013 .

  19. 但是有一天,布莱尔到来后,邓文迪有些轻浮,她对布莱尔调情。

    But one day Mr Blair arrived and Mrs Murdoch was sort of being very flirtatious . She was charming him .

  20. 邓文迪告诉自己82岁的丈夫,她将在卡梅尔度过女性周末派对。

    Miss Deng , 45 , had allegedly told her 82-year-old husband she was spending a girls weekend at the ranch in Carmel .

  21. 你可能是从邓文迪挺身护夫事件中了解了她的荣耀时刻,但这里是你对她所不知道的事。

    You will know about Wendi 's pie-based moment of glory , but here are some facts you may not know about her .

  22. 后来,我发现这就是邓文迪的风格,直接、爽朗、说话办事干干脆脆。

    Later , I found that this is the style of Deng Di , direct , Shuanglang , acting Dry Cui Cui said .

  23. 其发言人表示在默多克正式提出和邓文迪离婚前,他们的婚姻就已经“不可挽回地”破裂。

    A spokesman for the media mogul says he made the decision after their 14 year marriage had " irretrievably broken down . "

  24. 默多克的第三任妻子是中国女商人邓文迪。两人的婚姻维持了14年,于2013年结束。默邓育有两个女儿——格蕾丝和克洛伊。

    Murdoch 's third marriage to Chinese-born businesswoman Wendy Deng ended in 2013 after 14 years and two children , Grace and Chloe .

  25. 根据该杂志消息,默多克了解到布莱尔不止一次在卡梅尔农场拜访邓文迪。

    According to the magazine , he learned that Mr Blair had visited Miss Deng at the Carmel ranch on more than one occasion .

  26. 而默多克出售星空传媒的时机也颇为尴尬,媒体纷纷猜测此举和他与其华裔妻子邓文迪的离婚有关。

    The media has focused on the timing of his move , awkwardly connecting it to his recent divorce from his Chinese-born wife Wendi Deng .

  27. 但还是得承认那些评论透露出了一些种族主义和性别主义:比如说有些微博就评价邓文迪为忍者女或者悍女。

    The commentary hints of racism and sexism : for example , the tweets and headlines that refer to Deng as a ninja or tiger mom .

  28. 而邓文迪的此番发言是新闻集团经手的,所以公司一定知道她在说什么,也知道她想要干什么。

    And Wendi 's emails go through News Corp , so the company surely knows who she is talking to and what she is up to .

  29. 邓文迪经常被拍到和这位奥斯卡获奖女演员一起出游,妮可和休-杰克曼还是她和默多克孩子的教父母。

    Wendi is often pictured with the Oscar-winning actress around town and Nicole is godparent to her and Rupert 's children - along with Hugh Jackman .

  30. 坐在默多克身后的妻子邓文迪迅速跃起,第一时间抬手阻止了袭击者。

    Murdoch 's wife , Wendi Deng , who was seated behind him , leapt to her feet and smashed the attacker 's hand with her own .