
  • Deng Chao;Chao Deng;blog
  1. 邓超的重心转向了大银幕,还参加了一些真人秀。

    Deng focused on acting for the big screen , while doing some reality TV shows on the side .

  2. 从他最近在电视节目与大银幕的亮相,就可以看出邓超的努力。

    From his recent exposure on TV and the big screen , you may have already figured out how hardworking Deng is .

  3. 邓超和孙俪决定赌一把,试探一下他们能否将现实中的化学反应转化为银幕魔法。

    Deng Chao and Sun Li decided to take a gamble and see if they could translate their real-life chemistry into onscreen magic .

  4. 孙俪和邓超延续了美国影星布拉德皮特和安吉丽娜ㄠ襧(合作电影)口碑差的诅咒。

    Sun and Deng share the curse of poor critical reviews with another actor-couple , Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie-Pitt from the US .

  5. 。《恶棍天使》是编剧俞白眉和人气演员邓超自2014年的《分手大师》后的再次合作。

    Devil and Angel marked the most recent cooperation between scriptwriter Yu Baimei and actor Deng Chao after their 2014 film The Breakup Guru .

  6. 现在,邓超微博掉粉十万或许正在暗示,观众很快就厌倦了矫揉作态的夫妻和他们粗制滥造的电影。

    In the meantime , the sudden drop in Deng 's Weibo fans may indicate that audiences quickly tire of cutesy couples and their lousy movies .

  7. 著名演员邓超将在本部影片当中担任男主角,在预告片当中,他所扮演的角色向警方报告了美人鱼这一发现。

    Actor Deng Chao , who plays the leading role in this film , appeared in the trailer by reporting his findings of a mermaid to the police .

  8. 但由邓超和小猪罗志祥主演的《美人鱼》却未能突破去年4月上映的好莱坞电影《速度与激情7》单日票房3.46亿元的最高记录。

    But Mermaid , which stars Deng Chao and Show Lo , failed to overtake the highest single-day total in China , recorded last April by Hollywood 's Furious 7 , with 346 million yuan .

  9. 关于这一点,邓超首次自导自演的《分手大师》就是明证,这部电影改编自四年前他担任制作人的同名话剧。

    And the latest evidence is his first directorial attempt in The Breakup Guru , a film adaptation of a stage play by the same title , which Deng was the producer of about four years ago .

  10. 对今天的诸多演员而言,成为导演或是制片人似乎是必然之路。有的人只用短短几年就完成转型,而邓超却用了整整12年。

    Becoming a producer or director seems to be an inevitable path for many actors nowadays , and the process can be as short as only a few years . But for Deng , it took 12 years .

  11. 在第三季的成员将会于新一季全部回归,他们分别是:AngelaBaby、邓超、李晨、郑恺、陈赫、王祖蓝以及流行歌手鹿晗。

    Cast members for season 3 will all return to this new season , which includes AngelaBaby , Deng Chao , Li Chen , Zheng Kai , Chen He , Wong Cho-lam , as well as pop singer Lu Han .