
  1. 其他校友还包括金牌选手杨威和郑李辉。

    Other alumni include gold medallists Yang Wei and Zheng Lihui .

  2. 杨威,得了一个16.3的高分,但仍不及“吊环王”明星陈一冰。

    Yang scored a16.3 , but it was Chen who was the star .

  3. 杨威强大的生活能力让他照顾儿子游刃有余。

    Yang 's good life skills make it quite easy for him to look after his son on his own .

  4. 但是这一次绝对是志在必得的,在最后的得分打出之前,杨威就开始庆祝他的胜利了。

    But this one was never in doubt , and Yang began his victory celebration before his final score was even posted .

  5. 但是杨威还是感到“饥饿”。他无法忘却在2004年雅典奥运会上从单杠上跌落后失去那枚金牌。

    But Yang is still hungry , unable to forget the2004 Olympics in Athens when he fell from the horizontal bar and missed the gold .

  6. 周一,国家体育馆,中国选手陈一冰战胜同胞杨威,获得男子吊环比赛的冠军。

    Chen Yibing of China beat compatriot Yang Wei to take gold in the men 's rings gymnastics event Monday at the National indoor stadium .

  7. 她也提到了杨威,目前无可争议的最优秀的体操选手,他将继续其统治力的表现率领中国队夺金。

    She also tipped Yang Wei , arguably the leading gymnast of the moment , to dominate his exercises and lead the team to gold .

  8. 杨威不仅让他的情绪借由作品直通言语无法到达之处,并且把它们凝固在即将喷发的临界点上。

    Yang Wei not only takes his emotions directly to the place that words cannot reach , but also put them in the coming eruption of the critical freezing point .

  9. 千里之外,杨云目睹现场,泪如雨下,第一时间在电话中哽咽安慰,这令杨威十分感动。

    Outside the great distance , Yang Yun witnesses the scene , weeps copiously , the first time sobs the comfort in the telephone , this makes Yang Wei to be moved .