
  • 网络Abraham Maslow;Abraham H. Maslow
  1. 亚伯拉罕·马斯洛形容心理学是“存在的科学”。

    Abraham Maslow described psychology as ' the science of being . '

  2. 亚伯拉罕·马斯洛(AbrahamMaslow)曾说过人也五个层次的需要:生存、安全、归属、荣誉、自我价值。

    Abraham Maslow has said that extraordinary also five levels of need : physiological , security , ownership , honor , and self-worth .

  3. 我想起心理学家亚伯拉罕·马斯洛(AbrahamMaslow)的“需求层次”理论——那是一张金字塔图,指出人们必须首先满足食物与住处等身体的基本需求,才能去考虑其他较次要的欲望。

    I 'm reminded of the psychologist Abraham Maslow 's " hierarchy of needs " - the pyramid that illustrates how rudimentary physiological requirements like food and shelter must be met before we can concern ourselves with less crucial desires .

  4. 亚伯拉罕·马斯洛提出了分层次满足需要的观念。

    Abraham Maslow proposed the concept of a hierarchy of needs to be satisfied .