
  • 网络first-level message
  1. 导航很好,可以显示你正在看哪一级信息。

    Navigation is good and there 's a display to show how far you 've drilled down .

  2. 本研究结果提示:脊髓后角内含NT和含SP的神经元可能参与一级感觉信息的调制过程。

    Our results suggested that NT-and SP-containing neurons and terminals in dorsal horn might participate in regulating process of primary sensory transmission .

  3. 上述结果提示,前角运动神经元可发出纤维经前根到DRG,及可能参与调节一级感觉信息的传入。

    The present findings strongly suggest that some spinal motoneurons send their axon collaterals to the DRG via ventral roots , which might participate in regulating the introduction of the 1st grade sensory message .

  4. 介绍组建县一级地震信息服务节点可能用到的一些IP网络新技术,并以阳江地震信息网的建设为例,详细描述如何利用ADSL虚拟拨号线路建设地震信息服务节点。

    We had introduced some new technologies about seismic information network construction using a dynamic IP . We also given an example , the construction of Yangjiang Seismic Information Network , and illustrated how to construct a seismic service node through the ADSL line .

  5. 基于一级结构信息预测蛋白质与蛋白质相互作用

    Prediction of protein-protein interaction based only on primary structure information

  6. 与其他蛋白质二级结构预测的方法进行了比较,结果表明,该方法能充分利用蛋白质的一级结构信息,获得了很好的预测效果。

    Compared with other encoding methods , the method has better results using protein primary structure information .

  7. 与注意机制相结合,一级where信息可以用来驱动自顶向下的注意,处理大范围环境空间信息,为目标感知提供指导。

    Integrated with attention mechanism , the first level where information can motivate top-down attention and provide guidance for object perception .

  8. 审核管理模块实现了对上载请求的审核,还包括对一级编目信息及深层编目的审核。

    Audit management module implements to upload request review , also include the level of cataloging information and deep cataloging audit .

  9. 由于只返回行这一级的信息,所以不管指定表的哪一列,结果总是相同的。

    Since row-level information is returned , the results are the same , regardless of which column is specified for the table .

  10. 即主要对二级生物信息数据库采取知识产权保护,而对一级生物信息数据库则采取以数据共享方式投放到公共领域的策略。

    The suggestions are proposed that the secondary database should be protected by the IPR and the primary database should be opened to the public .

  11. WHAT-WHERE模型采用以环境为中心的一级where信息进行自顶向下的注意控制,指导what信息和二级where驱动的自底向上的注意。

    Context-centered first level where information is used to control top-down attention , and guide bottom-up attention which is driven by what information and second level where information .

  12. 本文主要研究基于蛋白质的一级序列信息,利用分类算法,对蛋白质之间的相互作用进行预测。

    The research of this thesis focuses mainly on applying the classification algorithms of machine learning to predict protein-protein interaction , based on the information of primary sequence of protein .

  13. 将最终的统计特征系数定义为一级where信息,结合注意机制,一级where信息可以用来驱动自顶向下的注意,处理大范围环境空间信息。

    The final coefficient of statistical feature is defined as the first level where information . Integrated with attention mechanism , the first level where information can motivate top-down attention and process contextual information over a large area .

  14. 用目标所处空间的大范围信息&环境信息作为where通路中传输的一级where信息,用目标在视觉空间中的具体位置作为二级where信息。

    We use the contextual information as the first level " where " information transmitted in " where " pathway and use the specific position of object in visual space as the second level " where " information .

  15. 而后将新的编码方法和其他编码方法在相同的实验条件下进行训练建模预测,实验结果表明新的编码方法更加充分利用了蛋白质一级结构信息,比较适合非同源或低同源蛋白质结构预测。

    Then we used different code schemes to do the prediction . The results shows that the new coding scheme make full use of the protein level structure information and is more suitable for non-homologous or lower homologous protein structure prediction .

  16. 自顶向下的注意包括预注意和集中注意两个阶段,预注意依据一级where信息为特定目标出现与否提供先验,做出是否继续搜索的判定。

    The procedure of top-down attention can be divided into two stages : pre-attention and focus attention . In the stage of pre-attention , first level where information can be used to provide prior knowledge of presence or absence of objects which decides whether search operation is followed .

  17. 5SRNA一级结构的信息量的研究原核生物部分

    A Study on Information Content in Primary Structure of 5S-RNA Molecules & Prokaryote Part

  18. 在手持移动设备等小屏幕界面的一级界面中,信息媒介属性的改变不会影响到界面的可用性。

    It means that in the1 st level of user interface of hand-holding mobile devices the change of media attributes doesn 't affect the usability of user interface as well .

  19. ERP是著名信息咨询公司Gartner上世纪90年代提出来的概念,经过若干年的发展逐渐成为一种成熟的企业管理思想和管理模式,被称为下一代企业级信息系统。

    ERP is the concept that is put forward by the leading information consulting firm Gartner last century . After several years of development , ERP has become a mature business management idea and management model , which is known as the next generation of enterprise information system .