
  • 网络indian culture;Culture of India
  1. 动物在印度文化中很重要,有些动物会受到特殊对待。

    Animals are important in Indian culture and some are treated in a special way .

  2. 味(rasa)是印度文化中一个极为重要的概念,代表饮食物中的精微物质,是决定一切营养功能与治疗作用的基础。

    Rasa is a concept of extreme importance in Indian culture . Representing the fine matter in diet , it is the basis for deciding all nutritive functions and therapeutic effects .

  3. 该节庆日的目的在于增强人们对印度文化和传统的认识。

    The aim of the festival is to increase awareness of Hindu culture and traditions .

  4. 每年来此游览的各国游客络绎不绝。BaliHindutempleinthewoodenstatue-巴厘岛印度教神庙中的木刻雕像巴厘岛因历史上受印度文化宗教的影响,居民大都信奉印度教,是印尼唯一信仰印度教的地方。

    Bali because of the history of India , cultural and religious implications , the residents mostly Hindu , Indonesia is the only local Hindu beliefs .

  5. 印度文化部规定,在泰姬陵(tajmahal)和其他文化遗址必须用一种特定的硬通货卢比购票。

    The culture ministry ordered the Taj Mahal and other heritage sites to insist on payment in a proper hard currency the rupee .

  6. 而且他还注重将印度文化与英国文化进行有效的结合。

    Meanwhile , he emphasizes the combination of Indian and English cultures .

  7. 她的新面貌是从传统的印度文化借鉴来的。

    The singer 's new look even borrows from traditional Indian culture .

  8. 中印比较视野中的印度文化

    The Indian culture from the China and India Cross-cultural Perspective

  9. 印度文化的传递者都是朝廷的官员而不是传教士。

    The Indian transmitters were court functionaries , not missionaries .

  10. 于此同时,威利也与印度文化达成了和解。

    At the same time , he gets reconciliation with Indian culture .

  11. 略论印度文化对缅甸文化的影响。

    A brief discussion of impact of Indian culture on the Burmese one .

  12. 这位古典中国美女已经明显地与印度文化坠入情网。

    The classic Chinese beauty has obviously fallen in love with India culture .

  13. 试论中国戏剧形态对印度文化因素的兼容与吸收

    My View about How Chinese Operas Have Absorbed and Assimilated the Indian Culture

  14. 把这三条路向分别对应西方文化、中国文化和印度文化。

    These three directions corresponding to westculture , Chinese culture and India culture respectively .

  15. 当然,不仅仅是印度文化中对黄金的青睐促使了这种需求持续上升。

    It is not just the cultural affinity with gold that continues to fuel demand .

  16. 你正学中国文化呢,那你肯定也愿意知道下印度文化吧。

    While you are learning about China culture , you might want to look into India 's.

  17. 从南亚神话到史诗&印度文化源头论

    From South Asia ′ s myth to epic poetry & On the source of lndian culture

  18. 沈逸鸣说:我们的书只是我们印度文化朝圣之旅的成果之一。

    Our book is just one of the achievements of our Indian culture pilgrimage , said Shen .

  19. 印度文化的哲学关照&以文化哲学研究范式为基点

    Philosophical consideration on Indian traditional culture & Taking the Paradigm of Cultural Philosophy Research as the Basic Point

  20. 在泰民族两性文化的发展变迁中,印度文化的传播与影响起到了重要的作用。

    The spread of Indus civilization plays a crucial role in the development of Thai culture of sex .

  21. 通过在全世界的游走和演讲,他把印度文化带向西方和世界各地。

    Through international travel and lecturing , he introduced aspects of Indian culture to the West and vice versa .

  22. 这是印度文化与中国文化最大的差别。

    He focuses much on supramundane , which is the biggest difference between the Indian culture and Chinese culture .

  23. 印度文化是独特的宗教文化,具有强烈的宗教性、深刻的内省性、极大的包容性,印度的宗教和哲学密不可分,宗教哲学是印度文化的灵魂。

    The Indian culture is quite special religious culture , has intensive religion , profound introspection and stable continuance .

  24. 它们可以追溯到印度文化之初,是记载整个雅利安民族的最早文献。

    They date back to the beginning of Indian civilization and are the earliest literary records of the whole Aryan race .

  25. 它结合经典印度文化的永恒魅力的一个5星级酒店的所有现代化的设施,新建的火车。

    It 's newly-built train with all the modern amenities of a5-star hotel combined with the ageless charms of classic Indian culture .

  26. 第三,绝不容许你在我面前挑剔我的印度教或印度文化。

    Raj ( to Sheldon ): And third , you are never allowed to lecture me on Hinduism or my Indian culture .

  27. 如果我们读过《午夜的孩子》这本小说的话,我可能永远也不能了解一个全面的印度文化传统。

    If I had not read Midnight 's Children , I might never have realized the full extent of my Indian cultural heritage .

  28. 譬如,公教中学就时常邀请马来和印度文化团体在适当的节日里到校内演出或举行讲座。

    For example , Catholic High School regularly invites Malay and Indian cultural groups to perform or to give talks during appropriate festivals .

  29. “正如印度文化已开始更新自己的歌,回来,许多基本完好,”约翰逊说。

    " As Indian culture has begun to renew itself , those songs have come back , many largely intact ," Johnson said .

  30. 这些“东方文化研究者们”是想理解印度文化的英国人,而他们不知不觉中成了各宗教间接触的媒介。

    These " Orientalists " were the British who tried to understand India culture , and they unconsciously became agents of inter-religious contact .