
  • 网络dali bai autonomous prefecture;Dali Prefecture
  1. 云南省大理白族自治州麻风调查报告

    Survey of leprosy in Dali Bai Autonomous prefecture , Yunnan

  2. 大理白族自治州乙型肝炎病毒基因型分布研究

    Distribution of hepatitis B virus genotypes in Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture

  3. 大理白族自治州无偿献血者HBsAg携带情况

    HBsAg Carrying Status among Voluntary Blood Donors in Bai Autonomous Prefecture of Dali

  4. 大理白族自治州档案馆馆藏档案资料介绍

    Introduction to the Files of the Archives of Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture

  5. 论旅游业发展在西部新农村建设中的作用&基于大理白族自治州的实证分析

    On the Role Played by Tourism development in Construction of New Villages in West China

  6. 第三部分概述了大理白族自治州基本情况和经济发展状况。

    The third part describes the background information and the economic develoment of the Bai Autonomous Prefecture of Dali in Yunnan province .

  7. 洱海位于云南省大理白族自治州大理市境内,是云南省第二大高原淡水湖泊。

    Lake Erhai located in Dali City of Dali Bai Autonomous Region , is the second largest plateau freshwater lake in Yunnan Province .

  8. 集中力量办好农村义务教育&对大理白族自治州农村义务教育现状的思考

    Developing Compulsory Education in Rural Areas with Concentrated Efforts & Thoughts on Present Situation of Compulsory Education in Rural Areas of Dali Prefecture

  9. 下午1点41分大理白族自治州洱源县发生地震,震源深度9公里,当地居民震感强烈。

    Residents felt the quake strongly after it hit Eryuan County , Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture at 1:41 p.m. with its epicenter 9 km deep .

  10. 白族是我国具有悠久历史文化的少数民族,现主要集居于云南省大理白族自治州。

    Bai is a minority nationality of long history and culture in China , residing in Bai Autonomous Prefecture of Dali in Yunnan province at present .

  11. 论西部民族特色经济形成及对经济增长的作用&以大理白族自治州为例

    On the Formation of the Special Ethnic Economy in West China and its Stimulation to the Economic Growth : A Case Study of Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture

  12. 喜洲村位于云南省西北部的大理白族自治州,苍山与洱海之间狭长的平坝地带北端。

    In the north of the long and narrow flatland between Canshan Mountains and Erhai , Xizhou Village lies in Daili Autonomous Prefecture of Bai Nationality , northwest of Yunan Province .

  13. 贫困地区义务教育工程是中国教育事业的一项重大工程,该项目在大理白族自治州共涉及十个贫困县的98个乡镇。

    Compulsory Education in Underdeveloped Regions ( CEUR ) is a principal project in China 's education endeavor . It involves 98 townships in 10 underdeveloped counties of Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture .

  14. 白族,主要居住于云南西北部的大理白族自治州,现约有150.56万人。火把节是云南、四川的彝族、白族等少数民族的节日。

    The Bai Nationality have a population of about 1,505,600 , most of whom live in northwest Yunnan . Torch Festival is a traditional festival among Yi and Bai minority groups in Sichuan and Yunnan provinces .

  15. 云南省大理白族自治州剑川县金华镇是一个典型的白族传统小城镇,享有文献名邦的美称。

    Jinhua Town , which is located in Jianchuan County of Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province , is a typical Bai town and enjoys the reputation of " a historic town with rich culture "?

  16. 作者在深入实地调查的基础上,针对大理白族自治州旅游业的发展现状,对新世纪初旅游资源的可持续开发和利用提出了若干建议和措施,提供有关部门参考。

    Basing himself on field studies , the author discusses the status of tourism in Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture and offers some suggestions for achieving a sustainable development in this century , which should be of much reference value .

  17. 洱海地处云南省大理白族自治州境内,地跨大理市和洱源县,是云南省第二大高原淡水湖泊,孕育了大理地区近四千年的文明历史。

    Erhai is located in the Yunnan province of Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture , located in Dali city and Eryuan County , Yunnan province is the second largest plateau lake , gave birth to the Dali area in recent four thousand years history of civilization .

  18. 第八届中国少数民族科技史国际会议暨首届中国传统手工艺论坛于2006年9月21-25日在云南大理白族自治州召开。

    The 8th international conference on the history of science and technology of Chinese national minorities and the 1st forum on traditional Chinese handicrafts was hold in Dali , Yunnan province on Sep 21st to 25th , 2006.More than 100 local and international scholars participated in the conference .

  19. 以白族为中心的大理文明已有3000多年的历史,今白族聚居的大理白族自治州,是白族文化的发祥地,也是云南最早的文化发祥地之一。

    Had more than 3000 years history take the Bai nationality as the central Dali civilization , now the Bai nationality lives together the Dali Bai national minority autonomous prefecture , is the Bai nationality culture birthplace , is also one of Yunnan the earliest culture birthplaces .